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Aurelija Wrote:
q-rent Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:2008 metų WFF-WBBF Pietų Amerikos čempionatas.

toks keistas pasakyciau :roll: kazkoks nenaturalus,gal fotosopas arba..... :wink:

neperdideliai sportininkai, kaip priklauso...

kiekviana salis vysto ta, kas populiaru, o rodo ta, ka turi. kas cia blogo?
q-rent Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:2008 metų WFF-WBBF Pietų Amerikos čempionatas.

toks keistas pasakyciau :roll: kazkoks nenaturalus,gal fotosopas arba..... :wink:

as vakar ziauriai norejau ta pati parasyti, bet siaip ne taip susilaikiau.
nu bet matau, ne as viena cia apie kazka pagalvojau ... :)
Sonata Wrote:
Aurelija Wrote:
q-rent Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:2008 metų WFF-WBBF Pietų Amerikos čempionatas.

toks keistas pasakyciau :roll: kazkoks nenaturalus,gal fotosopas arba..... :wink:

neperdideliai sportininkai, kaip priklauso...

kiekviana salis vysto ta, kas populiaru, o rodo ta, ka turi. kas cia blogo?

salis vysto uzpakalius???
Jolka Wrote:
Sonata Wrote:
Aurelija Wrote:
q-rent Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:2008 metų WFF-WBBF Pietų Amerikos čempionatas.

toks keistas pasakyciau :roll: kazkoks nenaturalus,gal fotosopas arba..... :wink:

neperdideliai sportininkai, kaip priklauso...

kiekviana salis vysto ta, kas populiaru, o rodo ta, ka turi. kas cia blogo?

salis vysto uzpakalius???

visai nieko..
Donatas Wrote:
Jolka Wrote:
Sonata Wrote:
Aurelija Wrote:
q-rent Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:2008 metų WFF-WBBF Pietų Amerikos čempionatas.

toks keistas pasakyciau :roll: kazkoks nenaturalus,gal fotosopas arba..... :wink:

neperdideliai sportininkai, kaip priklauso...

kiekviana salis vysto ta, kas populiaru, o rodo ta, ka turi. kas cia blogo?

salis vysto uzpakalius???

visai nieko..

2008 WFF-WBBF International Events Seria
(May 16-19, Klaipeda, Lithuania).
"For His Support of Competitive and General Fitness Amongst All Peoples of the World Regardless of Race, Religion, Culture and Politics",
WFF-WBBF Honor Silver Medal No.4 was given to the President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE.
2008 WFF-WBBF International Events Seria
(May 16-19, Klaipeda, Lithuania).
Over All Ämber Prix International"Champions VANESSA YAMILA TOLEDO (Argentina),
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE
Sendriene E.>WFF' Wrote:2008 WFF-WBBF International Events Seria
(May 16-19, Klaipeda, Lithuania).
Over All Ämber Prix International"Champions VANESSA YAMILA TOLEDO (Argentina),
President WFF-WBBF South America JORGE CEDALE

2008 WFF-WBBF International Events Seria
(May 16-19, Klaipeda, Lithuania).
WBBF World Champion ANTONIO OSTA (Uruguay)
2008 WFF-WBBF International Events Seria
(May 16-19, Klaipeda, Lithuania).
edita_wff Wrote:2008 WFF-WBBF International Events Seria
(May 16-19, Klaipeda, Lithuania).

Didelis vaikinukas :)
Kristina Wrote:
edita_wff Wrote:2008 WFF-WBBF International Events Seria
(May 16-19, Klaipeda, Lithuania).

Didelis vaikinukas :)

gerai pavalges.. :twisted:
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF prezidentas JORGE CEDALE rašo, kad mūsų federacijos pasirinkta pozicija JAV atžvilgiu buvo teisinga, ką patvirtina paskutiniai įvykiai.
WFF-WBBF federacija tapo realia jėja, ką dar ne visi sporto specialistai suprato, bet suprantančiųjų šią akivaizdžią realiją skaičius nuolatos auga.
Prezidentas patikino, kad Pietų Amerika išstatys garbingas komandas WFF-WBBF rudens pasaulio čempionatuose Čekijoje, Lietuvoje, Lenkijoje ir Indijoje:

Dear Ed
You have clearly transmitted my way of thinking regarding to this doomed event.
They didn´t trust us and that was the result.
Most people still don´t realize how powerful WFF and WBBF have become.
Others do and the number is growing every day.
I am at your side, sending the strongest South American team to compete in next World Championships and Universe in Mumbai.
Your friend
President WFF WBBF
South American Countries
Today we received the last issue of the Spanish "Fitness Alive".
This is the official WFF-WBBF Magazine for South America.
Šiandien gavome Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos žurnalo "Fitness Alive" paskutinį numerį.
Geriausios 2007 metų Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF sportininkės
Sendriene,WFF Wrote:Šiandien gavome Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos žurnalo "Fitness Alive" paskutinį numerį.
Geriausios 2007 metų Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF sportininkės

Šiandien gavome laišką iš Brazilijos.
Brazilijos kultūrizmo federacijos prezidentas KLAUDIJUS VIDALIS domisi WFF-WBBF 2008 matų rudens varžybų kalendoriumi:

Dear President
I hope everything is great for You.
Will You pass me the 2008 calendar for this final of year.
Claudio Vidal,
Brasil Bodybuilding Federation
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Brazilijos.
Brazilijos kultūrizmo federacijos prezidentas KLAUDIJUS VIDALIS domisi WFF-WBBF 2008 matų rudens varžybų kalendoriumi:

Dear President
I hope everything is great for You.
Will You pass me the 2008 calendar for this final of year.
Claudio Vidal,
Brasil Bodybuilding Federation

Atsakymas aiškus ir paprastas:

“WFF-WBBF Grand Prix International”, September 13, Panevezys, Lithuania
”WFF-WBBF Austria Open”, September 27, Graz, Austria
WFF Professional World Championship, October 26, Prague, Czech
WFF-WBBF North America Championship, November 1-3, Mexico, Mexico
WFF-WBBF Estonia Open, November 8, Rakvere, Estonia
WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship, November 14-16, Bydgoszcz, Poland
15-th WFF-WBBF “Lithuania Cup Open”, November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania
WFF-WBBF Amateur “Universe”, November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania
WBBF Pro World Championship, November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Brazilijos.
Brazilijos kultūrizmo federacijos prezidentas KLAUDIJUS VIDALIS domisi WFF-WBBF 2008 matų rudens varžybų kalendoriumi:

Dear President
I hope everything is great for You.
Will You pass me the 2008 calendar for this final of year.
Claudio Vidal,
Brasil Bodybuilding Federation

Atsakymas aiškus ir paprastas:

“WFF-WBBF Grand Prix International”, September 13, Panevezys, Lithuania
”WFF-WBBF Austria Open”, September 27, Graz, Austria
WFF Professional World Championship, October 26, Prague, Czech
WFF-WBBF North America Championship, November 1-3, Mexico, Mexico
WFF-WBBF Estonia Open, November 8, Rakvere, Estonia
WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship, November 14-16, Bydgoszcz, Poland
15-th WFF-WBBF “Lithuania Cup Open”, November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania
WFF-WBBF Amateur “Universe”, November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania
WBBF Pro World Championship, November 21-23, Vilnius, Lithuania

Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE ruošiasi publikuoti paskutinį straipsnį ispaniškame kultūrizmo žurnale, skirtame Pietų Amerikai.
Jis patvirtina Pietų Amerikos komandų dalyvavimą pasaulio mėgėjų (Lenkija) ir pasaulio profesionalų (Lietuva) čempionatuose lapkričio mėnesį:

Dear Edmundas,
This article is being translated (the whole of it) and will be printed in the next issue of my magazine.
So far I have confirmed six South American competitors for both amateur and pro world championships.
Your friend
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE ruošiasi publikuoti paskutinį straipsnį ispaniškame kultūrizmo žurnale, skirtame Pietų Amerikai.
Jis patvirtina Pietų Amerikos komandų dalyvavimą pasaulio mėgėjų (Lenkija) ir pasaulio profesionalų (Lietuva) čempionatuose lapkričio mėnesį:

Dear Edmundas,
This article is being translated (the whole of it) and will be printed in the next issue of my magazine.
So far I have confirmed six South American competitors for both amateur and pro world championships.
Your friend

grazu, nieko nepasakysi..
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE atsiuntė nuotrauką iš neseniai Kalifornijoje (JAV) vykusio jo susitikimo su Šiaurės Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentu MAIKLU GLASU.
28-tas WFF-WBBF federacijos žurnalas anglų kalba jau keliauja po abu Amerikos kontinentus:

Dear Ed
Attached is a picture taken on July the 30th in California during a meeting where President of WFF North America, Mike Glass and President of WFF South America, Jorge Cedale discussed several issues and projects regarding future shows of WFF in the American continent.
In the same opportunity multiple WFF World Champion, Fernanda Youglar from Argentina carried out a photo shoot there for several specialized magazines.
Jorge Cedale
WFF-WBBF President for the South
American Countries
Sendriene E.>WFF' Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE atsiuntė nuotrauką iš neseniai Kalifornijoje (JAV) vykusio jo susitikimo su Šiaurės Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentu MAIKLU GLASU.
28-tas WFF-WBBF federacijos žurnalas anglų kalba jau keliauja po abu Amerikos kontinentus:

Dear Ed
Attached is a picture taken on July the 30th in California during a meeting where President of WFF North America, Mike Glass and President of WFF South America, Jorge Cedale discussed several issues and projects regarding future shows of WFF in the American continent.
In the same opportunity multiple WFF World Champion, Fernanda Youglar from Argentina carried out a photo shoot there for several specialized magazines.
Jorge Cedale
WFF-WBBF President for the South
American Countries

rimta kompanija!
Martynas Wrote:
Sendriene E.>WFF' Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE atsiuntė nuotrauką iš neseniai Kalifornijoje (JAV) vykusio jo susitikimo su Šiaurės Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentu MAIKLU GLASU.
28-tas WFF-WBBF federacijos žurnalas anglų kalba jau keliauja po abu Amerikos kontinentus:

Dear Ed
Attached is a picture taken on July the 30th in California during a meeting where President of WFF North America, Mike Glass and President of WFF South America, Jorge Cedale discussed several issues and projects regarding future shows of WFF in the American continent.
In the same opportunity multiple WFF World Champion, Fernanda Youglar from Argentina carried out a photo shoot there for several specialized magazines.
Jorge Cedale
WFF-WBBF President for the South
American Countries

rimta kompanija!

abi amerikos drauge graziai dirba federacijos labui.
Šiandien gautame laiške amerikiečiai žavisi Fernandos Youglar nuotrauka, bet man tai nelabai ji patinka...
Sendriene E.>WFF' Wrote:Šiandien gautame laiške amerikiečiai žavisi Fernandos Youglar nuotrauka, bet man tai nelabai ji patinka...
Sitoje nuotraukoje ji atrodo geriau nei bet kada musu varzybose. Bet... Jei cia ji atrodo geriau, nei per varzybas, dar nereiskia, kad ji atrodo gerai.
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE tikslina Lenkijoje vyksiančio WFF-WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų čempionato detales:

Dear Ed
On Tuesday me have to pay the air tickets to Poland and I just wanted to confirm the date:
November 14-16 in Bydgoszcz.
On the other hand I received a brochure of the contest sent by the organizers and there´s no WBBF logo nor bodybuilding categories:
They mentioned:
Sport Fitness
Model Fitness
Classic fitness
Athletic Fitness
Disabled Wheel Chair
One of my competitors is a huge bodybuilder. Are there categories for them?
Please let me know
Thank you so much
p.s. in the forum in English the contest is set to be October 14-16.
This is very confusing.
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE tikslina Lenkijoje vyksiančio WFF-WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų čempionato detales:

Dear Ed
On Tuesday me have to pay the air tickets to Poland and I just wanted to confirm the date:
November 14-16 in Bydgoszcz.
On the other hand I received a brochure of the contest sent by the organizers and there´s no WBBF logo nor bodybuilding categories:
They mentioned:
Sport Fitness
Model Fitness
Classic fitness
Athletic Fitness
Disabled Wheel Chair
One of my competitors is a huge bodybuilder. Are there categories for them?
Please let me know
Thank you so much
p.s. in the forum in English the contest is set to be October 14-16.
This is very confusing.

Į amerikiečių klausimus atsakėme taip:

Dear Jorge,
We use to put in the FORUM the "fresh" information every day.
The old information remains in the forum too though the changes were made...
The situation often has some changes.
Correct date is November 14-16.
Last year Poland planed only WFF (fitness) World Championship.
In May 2008 they have changed their mind and asked us to host both WFF (fitness) and WBBF (bodybuilding) Worlds.
Address President WFF-WBBF Poland ANDRZEY MACIEJEWSKI direct.
E.Sendriene Wrote:
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE tikslina Lenkijoje vyksiančio WFF-WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų čempionato detales:

Dear Ed
On Tuesday me have to pay the air tickets to Poland and I just wanted to confirm the date:
November 14-16 in Bydgoszcz.
On the other hand I received a brochure of the contest sent by the organizers and there´s no WBBF logo nor bodybuilding categories:
They mentioned:
Sport Fitness
Model Fitness
Classic fitness
Athletic Fitness
Disabled Wheel Chair
One of my competitors is a huge bodybuilder. Are there categories for them?
Please let me know
Thank you so much
p.s. in the forum in English the contest is set to be October 14-16.
This is very confusing.

Į amerikiečių klausimus atsakėme taip:

Dear Jorge,
We use to put in the FORUM the "fresh" information every day.
The old information remains in the forum too though the changes were made...
The situation often has some changes.
Correct date is November 14-16.
Last year Poland planed only WFF (fitness) World Championship.
In May 2008 they have changed their mind and asked us to host both WFF (fitness) and WBBF (bodybuilding) Worlds.
Address President WFF-WBBF Poland ANDRZEY MACIEJEWSKI direct.

Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos šalių WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE atsiuntė artėjančio 2008 metų Argentinos WFF-WBBF nacionalinio čempionato plakatą:

Dear Ed
I send you the poster of the 2008 Argentina`s National Championship to be posted in the WFF-International forum.
Jorge Cedale
President WFF-WBBF South America

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