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WFF-WBBF North America
Dear Edmundas,

Two weeks ago Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill for our friends and partners in the Asian community for Assemblymen Van Tran. We had Arnold ’s picture and signing auctioned off at a large fundraiser. (See pictures).

Also, in attendance were mayors of several cities. Two of which will be in attendance at our O.C. FIT EXPO and WFF-WBBF Universe weekend!

Group photo of Mike Glass, partner Catherine Bach, assemblymen for the State of California with Arnold ; Van Tran, TV’s Debra Tate and producer Andre.

Proclamation will soon arrive.

All the best from the USA .

Mike Glass – President WFF-WBBF North America®
Jorge Cedale is one of the proud sponsors with TOP GUN Nutrition of the WFF-WBBF UNIVERSE WEEKEND November 19, 20 2010 in California. The show is the O.C. FITNESS EXPO with over 50 different events.
From Mike Glass:

My dear friend MR. UNIVERSE AND MR. AMERICA Dennis Tinerino Dies.

1967 Mr. America and former pro bodybuilder passed away yesterday morning. Dennis was one of the more popular professional bodybuilders in the 1970's and early 80's. He took 2nd to Arnold Schwarzenegger at the 1967 Mr. Universe and competed in the Mr. Olympia from 1977-1982. He competed at the Mr. Olympia in Columbus, Ohio several times (1977, '78, '79 and '81) and he was a great bodybuilder. Great abs for a big man. He was a men of God - Rest in peace Dennis!
Dear Friends:

Homecoming celebration for my beloved husband and Man of God Dennis on

Wed May 12th at Church on the Way - East Campus 11:00 am

Immediately following service

Graveside service 2:30 pm @ Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills
6300 Forest Lawn Dr - Ascending Dawn section
Los Angeles, Ca 323-769-7307

In lieu of flowers, monetary gifts are accepted for memorial fund.

Dennis Tinerino MInistries
PO BOx 280326
Northridge, Ca 91328-0326

To Whom It May Concern:

Dear Sir/madam,

This is an invitation to you to come and compete in the BOKSBURG CLASSIC CHAMPIONSHIPS in Springs Gauteng South Africa.

Names of athletes attending the Championships:

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The BOKSBURG CLASSIC will take place on the 7 August 2010 in the Springs Civic Center, Gauteng South Africa.
Thank you, T Du Rand
Tommy Du Rand President WFF-WBBF South Africa

Over All 2010 WFF Europe Model Fitness Champion EVA MARTINKOVA pareticipates at the 2010 „Olympia“ and successfully represents WFF-WBBF federation in USA.

E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:2010 OLYMPIA

Over All 2010 WFF Europe Model Fitness Champion EVA MARTINKOVA pareticipates at the 2010 „Olympia“ and successfully represents WFF-WBBF federation in USA.

Dear Sir :D
I need all you PRO show 2011 dates in USA I want to send a team from South Africa to your shows, please mail the info to as soon as possible.
Thank you
Tommy Du Rand
South Africa and Africa President
WFF-WBBF-SA Wrote:Dear Sir :D
I need all you PRO show 2011 dates in USA I want to send a team from South Africa to your shows, please mail the info to as soon as possible.
Thank you
Tommy Du Rand
South Africa and Africa President


Dear friends,
In bodybuilding and fitness USA work differently as all of us do. Earning money and making business of everything using all possible devices – this is the top idea in this country. Receiving Governmental supp[ort, making sport official and recognized – USA dealers do not care for this.
Every Pro contest in USA has it’s own owner, the businessman. If anyone wants to take part at his private Pro Show, You should address him personally and get his approval. Even IFBB as a private structure of Spanish Rafael Santonja has no Pro Shows in USA though they call some of them “the IFBB Show”. Every Pro show in USA is owned and ruled by a certain businessman, not a federation.
Our representative in USA Michael Glass many times tried to make an amateur show, but lacking support and money he has still no success. In March, 2011 Mike makes an amateur show, but the WFF-WBBF International having so many International Events around the World is not going to participate in USA this time too.
The WFF-WBBF North America Championship (amateur) for last four years was organized by the President WFF-WBBF Mexico Manuel Solano. Next 2011 WFF-WBBF North America Championship will be held in October in Mexico again.
WFF-International Official Information Only
Today the 2010 WFF-WBBF „Universe“ Champion ALEKSANDR NEVSKY speaks on the radio „Voice of America“:

Александр Невский снимает фильм «Мистер Вселенная»
Надежный источник новостей и информации
Олег Сулькин | Нью-Йорк
Актер, продюсер и культурист Александр Невский объявил о начале съемок фильма «Мистер Вселенная». Это римейк документальной ленты 1977 года «Качай железо», давшей старт международной моде на бодибилдинг и карьере Арнольда Шварценеггера. Как сообщили ряд изданий, в конце октября Невский завоевал титул Universe на 60-м чемпионате мира по бодибилдингу среди любителей, проходившем по версии Всемирной федерации бодибилдинга и фитнеса (WBBF) в Брусно Купеле (Словакия). С Александром Невским, выбравшим своей московской резиденцией отель Ritz Carlton, побеседовал по телефону нью-йоркский корреспондент «Голоса Америки» Олег Сулькин.
Олег Сулькин: Почему ты решил снимать римейк «Качай железо»?
Александр Невский: Друзья отговаривали меня ехать на чемпионат в Словакию. И я себя почувствовал себя как Рокки Бальбоа в последнем фильме Сильвестра Сталлоне. Он хочет вернуться в бокс, а ему говорят: не ходи, а то побьют. Я решил - раз я еду на чемпионат, раз я решил исполнить мечту всей жизни, то надо снять об этом кино. В 1993 году документальный фильм «Цель – Вселенная» сделал меня известным в России. Заслуга «Качай железо» в том, что чемпионаты по бодибилдингу показаны не как цирк или зверинец, а как своего рода искусство, спорт высшей пробы. Мне тоже хочется сделать достойное кино.
О.С.: Где будут проходить съемки?
А.Н.: Мы снимали на чемпионате в Словакии, будем снимать и в России, и в Америке. Фильм выйдет на английском языке. Мне важно, чтобы молодые люди в разных странах почувствовали вкус к бодибилдингу, поняли, что это спорт не для перекачанных экстремалов, а для гармоничных людей.
О.С.: Если не ошибаюсь, ты не собирался выступать на чемпионате...
А.Н.: В июне на московскую премьеру моего нового фильма «Убийство в Лас-Вегасе», в январе выходящего в США под названием «Magic Man», пришло много моих друзей. Среди них - президент Всемирной федерации бодибилдинга и фитнеса (WBBF) Эдмундас Даубарас, легендарный человек, выводивший культуризм из подполья в Советском Союзе. На премьере он меня официально пригласил на чемпионат в Словакию.
О.С.: У тебя не возникло сомнений?
А.Н.: Ты имеешь в виду мой возраст? Да, 17 июля мне исполнилось 39 лет. В тот день я находился на волшебном гавайском острове Мауи. Мне как будто кто-то в ухо нашептал, что делать дальше. Я понял, что должен обязательно выступить. Я начал заниматься бодибилдингом в 1986 году. Благодаря этому, стал известен в 90-е годы в России, где активно пропагандировал и пропагандирую этот вид спорта.
О.С.: И в Голливуд ты прорвался...
А.Н.: Несколько позже и не благодаря бодибилдингу. В 80-90-е годы российские атлеты не участвовали в конкурсах «Мистер Вселенная», так что пройти маршрутом Шварценеггера мне не удалось. Он сначала получил титул «Мистер Вселенная», а потом покорил Голливуд. Но заноза у меня осталась, и я решил: либо сейчас, либо никогда. Меня поддержали моя мама и потрясающая девушка, Оксана Сидоренко, которая находится теперь со мной рядом. Я познакомился с Оксаной, чемпионкой мира по бальным танцам, на телеконкурсе «Танцы со звездами», где мы дошли с ней до финала. Так вот, за невероятно короткий срок в три с половиной месяца мне нужно было восстановить мышечную массу и ее «отсушить».
О.С.: Судя по результату, тебе все удалось...
А.Н.: Да, и во многом благодаря тому, что я всегда наращивал мышцы без анаболиков. В итоге мы с Оксаной привезли пять кубков, причем один из них мы получили вместе за победу в парах по бодибилдингу и фитнесу, а еще один получил я как обладатель титула Universe. Все по версии WBBF. Оксана молодец, она поставила нам показательную программу «Геракл и Афродита», оригинально совмещающую бодибилдинг и танцы. Свою победу я использую, чтобы привлечь внимание подростков и молодежи к натуральному бодибилдингу, спорту без стероидов.
О.С.: Где для тебя важнее карьера – в Голливуде или в России?
А.Н.: Пытаюсь совмещать обе. Когда я уехал из России в 2000 году, российский кинопрокат собирал 5-7 млн долларов в год, а сейчас превысил отметку в 1 млрд долларов. Это серьезный рынок, и мне, как продюсеру, очень важно наращивать здесь свое присутствие. Но не буду скрывать, мне нравится Америка. Я гражданин России, но у меня есть гринкарта. Я всегда хотел жить в Калифорнии, в Мекке бодибилдинга и кинобизнеса. Образно говоря, я такой «мускулистый мостик» между Россией и Америкой.
О.С.: Какие роли нравятся «мускулистому мостику»?
А.Н.: Я никогда не играю отмороженных русских бандитов, не хочу потакать таким стереотипам. Снимаю фильмы, в которых действуют русские герои, вызывающие симпатию. Когда я в России слышу негативные высказывания об Америке, всегда стараюсь их развенчивать. Я себя одинаково комфортно чувствую и в Москве, и в Лос-Анджелесе.
О.С.: Кто режиссер фильма «Мистер Вселенная» и когда он выйдет на экраны?
А.Н.: Снимает фильм Артур Аллан Сейделман, обладатель премии «Эмми» и создатель культового фильма «Геркулес в Нью-Йорке». Я продюсирую его вместе с кинокомпанией Hollywood Strom при участии концерна Magic Crystal. Мировая премьера запланирована на первую половину 2011 года.
Today we have good news from MEXICO:

Kit Michael Sanderson
Once upon a time the WBBF had a huge event in Mexico City at the WORLD TRADE CENTER, "The Coloso Classic," set up in conjunction with yours truly! That was kool, maybe we can do that again sometime.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we have good news from MEXICO:

Kit Michael Sanderson
Once upon a time the WBBF had a huge event in Mexico City at the WORLD TRADE CENTER, "The Coloso Classic," set up in conjunction with yours truly! That was kool, maybe we can do that again sometime.

Dear Michael,
It is a long talk about America, the USA especially. There is no order in our sport in USA. Crazy situation. Mexico -it has huge possibilities. We are thinking of arranging a big contest in Mexico next year. We look for friends and we plan to visit Mexico in the first half of the 2011. Middle of October is the best time to arrange 2011 WFF-WBBF North America Championship Open in Your country. That will be before the 2011 World and „Universe“ and WFF-WBBF Pro OLYMPIA. Time is enough, let us start working on it together. Michael Glass is out of the game as during the last 6 years he did nothing real for the federation, only speaking, but no work.
President WFF-WBBF International

Today we received some news from USA. Working now in Hollywood the 2010 WBBF „Universe“ Champion ALEKSANDR NEVSKY writes that the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Gold Honor Medal was presented by him to the former Mr.Universe RALF MOLLER.
Yesterday the special party was organized on this occassion in California.
Today RAPF MOLLER informed about this WFF-WBBF Award ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER too.

Здравствуйте, Эдмундас!
Как у Вас дела? Надеюсь, что все хорошо. Я продолжаю находиться в Калифорнии и совмещаю тренировки с работой над новыми кинопроектами.
От Вашего имени я передал Золотую Медаль WFF/WBBF моему другу Ральфу Мюллеру - обладателю титула "Мистер Вселенная" и чемпиону мира по бодибилдингу. Именно Ральф был первым, кто поддержал меня, когда я переехал из Москвы в Лос-Анджелес в 1999-м году. И именно Ральф поздравил меня первым с победой на "Мистер Вселенная 2010"!
Мюллер - не только легендарный культурист, но и известный актер. Мы давно искали проект, чтобы поработать вместе и сейчас рассматриваем возможность совместного участия в новом супербоевике "Пилот" (THE PILOT), режиссером которого планирует стать знакомый Вам Анджей Бартковяк.
Посылаю Вам фотографии, которые были сделаны вчера - во время дружеской вечеринки в Беверли Хиллз. Она была посвящена вручению Ральфу Золотой Медали WFF/WBBF. Присутствовал также наш общий с Ральфом друг - актер Роберт Дави (он снимался с Арнольдом Шварценеггером в картине "Без компромиссов", с Ральфом - в боевике "Плохая компания", а я работал с ним в картине "Убийство в Вегасе") и чемпионка мира Оксана Сидоренко. Экс-Губернатор Шварценеггер не мог к нам присоединиться, но Ральф встретился с ним сегодня и рассказал о высокой награде!
Ральф передавал Вам сымые теплые слова благодарности. Оксана также передает Вам привет!
С наилучшими пожеланиями из Лос-Анджелеса,
Александр Невский (WBBF Mr. Universe 2010)

In front of the coming 2011 World‘s most important International Bodybuilding Events - WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) World Am Championship (November 2-4, Vienna, Austria) and WFF-WBBF World Pro Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (20 000 euro, November 4-6, Brusno Kupele, Slovakia) more and more best USA bodybuilders are involved in the WFF-WBBF activities. This autumn we expect a strong USA bodybuilding team at the International Contests in Austria and Slovakia.

FOTO: President WFF-WBBF North America MANUEL SOLANO

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WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) started relations with the USA several decades ago. During a number of last years President WFF-WBBF North America MANUEL SOLANO organized WFF-WBBF North America Championships in Mexico.
Uniting USA, Mexico and Canada bodybuilders team is expected at the most important 2011 International Am and Pro Bodybuilding events: World Amateur Championship and „Universe“ and World Pro Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ in Vienna (Austria) and Brusno Kupele (Slovakia, 20 000 euro) on November 2-6.

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For bodybuilding specialists it is eveident, that USA quickly looses it‘s International leaders positions in bodybuilding. Due to the decades lasting mistaken politics of the former bodybuilding leaders, today we face the negatyve results. Bodybuilding is not accepted as sport in general. Majority of important bodybuilding contests in the USA are just commercial shows for public, more theater, but not sport. What will come next?
For our 50 years lasting work and efforts we have not so much connected with sport, but selling-buying-playing theater. After IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) split three years ago, the owner of the IFBB Logo and Name RAFAEL SANTONJA (Spain) took some permanently America contest names to Europe, but they still are commercial Shows, not sport competitions. Now our sport Heroe former Governor California ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER takes his ‚Arnold Classic“ from USA to Europe too. But again, nothing official as in front of this still the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) uniting today 103 Country-members representing all Continents remain the sole no profit International bodybuilding organization, that is registered according Law requirements and working based on Olympic system still running one of the World‘s oldest bodybuilding contest „Amber Prix International“ (1968-2011).
Always analysing the International situation the WFF-WBBF already developed and still works on the strategic quaetions of the International bodybuilding (we mean sport, only sport). This year on November 2-4 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship in Vienna (Austria) will be a terrific event for the Bodybuilding World. Superious, as no one before. This year the Professional World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (20 000 euro, November 4-6, Brusno Kupele resort, Slovakia) will be not less better as the „Olympia“ in the USA. The WFF-WBBF Organizers aim the 2012 Professional World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (20 000 euro, November, Brusno Kupele resort, Slovakia) to be better that the USA one.
From 2012 the WFF-WBBF will divide most important International Contests having through e year a huge World Class competition once in three months and many smaller (like World and Continent „Fit-kid“ Championships, World and Continent Model Fitness Championships, World and Continent Disabled Sport Championships, World Power Fitness Championships etc.). At the moment in 2012 the WFF-WBBF aims to Russia, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, India and Brazil but many still new positive changes on the way.
The WFF-WBBF has the International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“, that is issued from 1989. Some time before the WFF-WBBF Organizers wanted to buy most popular International our sport magazines. But now they decided to start a one more new monthly International Magazine „World Bodybuilding and Fitness“. From that time the bodybuilding World will get constant information every month. Many many new changes are on the way of our sport and we are proud that with the God‘s blessing after our constant fork through the last 50 years we have positive results like this finally.
INFO:, read forum

In the background of more than decade lasting chaos and disorder in the USA bodybuilding, when a number of times responsible officials are not keeping their words and they are not responsible of what they say and proclaime, when they are not fair in their actions towards sportsmen and sport organizations, the WFF-WBBF (World Fiotness Federation, World Body Building Federation) hosts the USA National Team at the 2011 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship in Vienna (Austria, November 2-4) again.

More info on, read forum

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For bodybuilding specialists it is eveident, that USA quickly looses it‘s International leaders positions in bodybuilding. Due to the decades lasting mistaken politics of the former bodybuilding leaders, today we face the negatyve results. Bodybuilding is not accepted as sport in general. Majority of important bodybuilding contests in the USA are just commercial shows for public, more theater, but not sport. What will come next?
For our 50 years lasting work and efforts we have not so much connected with sport, but selling-buying-playing theater. After IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) split three years ago, the owner of the IFBB Logo and Name RAFAEL SANTONJA (Spain) took some permanently America contest names to Europe, but they still are commercial Shows, not sport competitions. Now our sport Heroe former Governor California ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER takes his ‚Arnold Classic“ from USA to Europe too. But again, nothing official as in front of this still the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) uniting today 103 Country-members representing all Continents remain the sole no profit International bodybuilding organization, that is registered according Law requirements and working based on Olympic system still running one of the World‘s oldest bodybuilding contest „Amber Prix International“ (1968-2011).
Always analysing the International situation the WFF-WBBF already developed and still works on the strategic quaetions of the International bodybuilding (we mean sport, only sport). This year on November 2-4 WFF-WBBF Amateur World Championship in Vienna (Austria) will be a terrific event for the Bodybuilding World. Superious, as no one before. This year the Professional World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (20 000 euro, November 4-6, Brusno Kupele resort, Slovakia) will be not less better as the „Olympia“ in the USA. The WFF-WBBF Organizers aim the 2012 Professional World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (20 000 euro, November, Brusno Kupele resort, Slovakia) to be better that the USA one.
From 2012 the WFF-WBBF will divide most important International Contests having through e year a huge World Class competition once in three months and many smaller (like World and Continent „Fit-kid“ Championships, World and Continent Model Fitness Championships, World and Continent Disabled Sport Championships, World Power Fitness Championships etc.). At the moment in 2012 the WFF-WBBF aims to Russia, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, India and Brazil but many still new positive changes on the way.
The WFF-WBBF has the International Magazine „Sport of Fitness and Bodybuilding“, that is issued from 1989. Some time before the WFF-WBBF Organizers wanted to buy most popular International our sport magazines. But now they decided to start a one more new monthly International Magazine „World Bodybuilding and Fitness“. From that time the bodybuilding World will get constant information every month. Many many new changes are on the way of our sport and we are proud that with the God‘s blessing after our constant fork through the last 50 years we have positive results like this finally.
INFO:, read forum

USA is a great country but there is a big mess in USA bodybuilding. No Organizer works at all for USA bodybuilders. There is no official support and recognition for bodybuilding in the USA. Nobody even try to do something. Business is above... sport, it is above sportsmmen. Nobody cares for them. I have not heard for 20 years about a single World Champion from USA winning any World or Universe of any federation. We care for sport, not business. This is a basic difference of our aims.


The International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Headquarters received a letter from the USA.
WFF-WBBF Mr.Universe and a famous Hollywood Actor and Producer ALEKSANDR NEVSKY (called „Russia Schwarzenegger“) together with the Vice President WFF-WBBF International MIKHAIL DYAKONOV are on the Official Visit to the USA.
The WFF-WBBF Officials presented ROBERT MADRID (USA) the High International Appointment of the WFF-WBBF Executive Vice-President North America.
After in 1980 being involved in to Bodybuilding by his close friend ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, a famous Hollywood Actor ROBERT MADRID never gives up popularizing and supporting sport in the USA.
The work collecting the 2012 WFF-WBBF National Team USA to participate at the World‘s Greatest Am and Pro International Bodybuilding Events started. Showing the real power of the USA in 2012 the National Team USA will participate at the WFF-WBBF Pro World „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (30 000 US dollars), Am World Championship and the „Universe“.
More information is on the International Site, read forum.

FOTO: WFF-WBBF Executive Vice-President North America REBERT MADRID, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER and WFF-WBBF Mr.Universe and a famous Hollywood Actor and Producer ALEKSANDR NEVSKY (called „Russia Schwarfzenegger“)

Дорогой Эдмундас!
Я рад Вам сообщить, что по Вашему поручению господин Роберт Мадрид назначен исполнительным вице-президентом ВФФ-ВББФ по Северной Америке (Executive Vice-President WFF-WBBF North America). Он искренне благодарит Вас за оказанную ему высокую честь.
Господин Мадрид известен в США как актер и кинопродюсер (снимался в голливудских картинах "Primary Suspect", "Treasure Raiders", "Half Past Dead 2", "Moscow Heat" и других). Роберт пропагандирует бодибилдинг и фитнес в США уже несколько десятилетий и обладает большими связями. В самое ближайшее время он приступит к подготовке визита в Европу нескольких звезд американского культуризма, которые примут участие в чемпионатах WFF-WBBF этого года.
Роберт начал тренироваться в 1980-м году благодаря Арнольду Шварценеггеру, с которым познакомился и подружился во время совместных съемок в картине "The Jayne Mansfield Story". С тех пор они уже много лет поддерживают приятельские отношения, несмотря на то, что Шварценеггер - республиканец, а Мадрид - убежденный демократ.
Посылаю Вам наше фото с Робертом сделанное пару дней назад в Беверли Хиллз (обратите внимание, что Мадрид позирует в подаренном ему Вами галстуке с символикой WFF), а также его фото с Арнольдом (с одной из недавних дружеских вечеринок в честь Шварценеггера).
Буду держать Вас в курсе наших новостей!
С самыми наилучшими пожеланиями всей Вашей семье от меня и Оксаны,
Александр Невский
WBBF Mr. Universe 2010 - 2011

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Today the International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Headquarters received a number of calls from Canada. Well known Canada organizers are wishing to set the National Canada WFF-WBBF Federation and join the International WFF-WBBF. At the same time they want already in 2012 organize World Class Pro International Event in Canada. This Mega Event could happen right after the 2012 WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (30 000 US dollars, November 9-11, Slovakia Brusno Kupele resort).
Due to this reason the Official Visit of the International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS is planned to Canada in the nearest months. The wide International Press Conference will be organized in Canada too.
More information on the International Site, see forum topics.

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We present the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Membership Certificate for Canada National WFF-WBBF Federation (National President RANA AHLUWALIA).
More information on the International Site, read forum.

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WFF-International Official Information Only

Some days ago we have spoken about the planned Official Visit of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to Canada in the nearest weeks. The wide International Press Conference will be organized in Canada too.
In 2012 Canada Orgnaizers want to organize a World Class Pro International Event in Canada. This Mega Event could happen right after the 2012 WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (30 000 US dollars, November 9-11, Slovakia Brusno Kupele resort).
Speaking abou the future Project the President National Federation WFF-WBBF Canada RANA AHLUWALIA had a meeting with the State Minister Sport Canada BALJIT GOSAL.
More information on the International Site, see forum topics.

FOTOS: State Minister Sport Canada BALJIT GOSAL, President National WFF-WBBF Federation Canada RANA AHLUWALIA

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WFF-International Official Information Only

Some days ago we have spoken about the planned Official Visit of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to Canada in the nearest weeks. The wide International Press Conference will be organized in Canada too.
In 2012 Canada Orgnaizers want to organize a World Class Pro International Event in Canada. This Mega Event could happen right after the 2012 WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (30 000 US dollars, November 9-11, Slovakia Brusno Kupele resort).
Speaking about the future Project the President National Federation WFF-WBBF Canada RANA AHLUWALIA had a meeting with 150 years acting historical Canada Progressive Conservative Party Leader TIM HUDAK.
More information on the International Site, see forum topics.

FOTOS: 150 years acting historical Canada Progressive Conservative Party leader TIM HUDAK, President National WFF-WBBF Federation Canada RANA AHLUWALIA

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WFF-International Official Information Only

Some days ago we have spoken about the planned Official Visit of the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International President EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS to Canada in the nearest weeks. The wide International Press Conference will be organized in Canada too.
In 2012 Canada Orgnaizers want to organize a World Class Pro International Event in Canada. This Mega Event could happen right after the 2012 WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ (30 000 US dollars, November 9-11, Slovakia Brusno Kupele resort).
Speaking abou the future Project the President National Federation WFF-WBBF Canada RANA AHLUWALIA had a meeting with the State Immigration Minister Canada CHARLES SOUSA.
More information on the International Site, see forum topics.

FOTOS: State Immigration Minister Canada CHARLES SOUSA, President National WFF-WBBF Federation Canada RANA AHLUWALIA (Missisauga, Ontario)

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The International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Headquarters received information, that the Delegation National Federation WFF-WBBF Canada will participate at the 2012 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship Open on May 24 in Bobruisk (Belarus).
More information on the International Site, see forum topics.

FOTO: President National WFF-WBBF Federation Canada RANA AHLUWALIA

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The International WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) Headquarters received information, that the Delegation National Federation WFF-WBBF Canada will participate at the 2012 WFF-WBBF Europe Championship Open on May 24 in Bobruisk (Belarus).
The questions of developing OFFICIAL SPORT of bodybuilkding will be spoken there. America Continent has never worked with bodybuilding on OFFICIAL LEVEL and this is the reason that bodybuilding hav so many problems.
More information on the International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa.

FOTO: Prime Minister of Canada STEPHEN HARPER, President National WFF-WBBF Federation Canada RANA AHLUWALIA

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To communicate with the Governmental Official Institutions on Official Level You need to have Official Registered Organization. All known USA Bodybuilding „federations, associations, units“ including IFBB, NPC „Olympias“ and others are private commercial companies. Money is the only that matters to them. Not sport, not fitness, not sportsmen. Due to long lasting mistaken politics of the USA Bodybuilding Leaders the sport we all love is in great problems now. Nobody looks upon it seriously, nobody treats it on official level, nobody respects it as it should be respected.
That is why we want to underline that Bodybuilding Sport on Official Level does not egzist in the USA and has never been.
Working permanently step by step and today uniting 104 Countries from all Continents the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) works only on Official Level. It communiucates with various Governmental, Social Institutions of various Countries. In the nearest future on this question a number of Official Meetings will be held in Canada.
The WFF-WBBF International receives many letters fro the USA to support the activities. This is one of them:
„Hi Edmundas! I enjoy reading your facebook. I have been an NPC Judge and IFBB Judge for over 20 years here in the USA“.
„I think the IFBB needs to open its eyes on the rest of the world...but I don't mean to get into politics“.
„I would really like to be a part of your organization...there are many things I have never liked about the NPC/IFBB and they treat all the officials like the ones running it are tyrants...“.
„If you need someone in the USA to assist in your organization please keep me in mind. I havne't been that attached to the IFBB in quite a while as far as allegiance!“
„I would be very excited to judge the WBBF World Amateur Championships if that is ok with you..I will start looking at the airfares and all today...“
„I would love to judge hte WBBF World Amateur Championships! Also, if you need any representatives in the USA for WBBF please keep me in mind. I was an Official in teh NPC here and still am an IFBB Judge/Official....Thanks Edmundas! Keep moving forward with your Organization! I looks like it is really gaining momentum!“
More information on the International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa.

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During the last periodo f time the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation received letters from a number of High NPC (National Physique Committee) Officials, Judges and well known-sportsmen. They want to join the International activities of the WFF-WBBF. All of them were invited to come to the nearst International WFF-WBBF Events and start the „live“ dialogue direct.
More information on the International Site, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation.

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WFF-International Official Information Only

For bodybuilding specialists it is eveident, that USA quickly looses it‘s International leaders positions in bodybuilding. Due to the decades lasting mistaken politics of the former USA bodybuilding leaders, today we face the negatyve results all World through. On the Official Level bodybuilding is not accepted as sport in general. Majority of important bodybuilding contests in the USA are just commercial shows for public, more like a theater, but not real sport. Everything is slod, everything money can buy. Does anybody remember a strong USA National Team at a World Championship of any federation?
Bodybuilding in the US is based on many private Companies, which are the owners of the so called „federations“, all competitions belong to them as a private property. This is a business and the owners often are selling everytinig, including contest places. During the last years it is clear as daylight. Nobody wants to develop sport, nobody cares for the sportsmen as they have no profit of this. Even more – the private structures always fight for profit in between. This is the reason, why the USA bodybuilding lives in the chaotic dissorder and it never ends. It negetivelly influences all International Sport in general. There is no one to think of sane lives, total fitness and of the official sport of bodybuilding. But even if they want to, they can not as private Companies are not sport federations by Law.
For our 50 years lasting work and efforts finally today we have nothing connected with official sport, but selling-buying-playing theater only.
When the owner of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Commercial Company our respected BEN WEIDER (Canada) tried to get the IOC recognition, he got the IOC refusal to support and to recognize the IFBB. Then the WEIDER brothers sold all their magazines, the „Olympia“ contest and after BEN WEIDER died the IFBB Company was sold as well. During the last fiveteen years the International bodybuilding situation goes worse and worse.
After IFBB split three years ago, the new owner of the IFBB Commercial Company (IFBB does not egzist as official International Sport Federation by Law) RAFAEL SANTONJA (Spain) took some permanent America contest names to Europe, but the majority of them they still are commercial Shows, not official recognized sport competitions.
IFBB as sport federation never egzisted by Law in the US. Bodybuilding sport was governed by the NPC (National Physique Committee), but again, by the Law requirements it is not true (you can see the historic and juridic documents in the International Site forum topics „World‘s Bodybuilding History. How it was in real“, „IFBB/EFBB illegal financial deals“).
During the last period of time the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation received letters from a number of High NPC (National Physique Committee) Officials, Judges and well known-sportsmen. They want to join the International activities of the WFF-WBBF. All of them were invited to come to the nearst International WFF-WBBF Events and start the „live“ dialogue direct.
Let us be frank. The recent private family affair of our sport Heroe, the former Governor State California ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER makes the negatyve position of the World‘s Bodybuilding even worse. This scandal in the USA was one of the reasons that ARNOLD took his private contest „Arnold Classic“ from the USA to Europe too. The first steps of this Private Contest in Europe are not strong, but let us hope for the best.
Plain and clear presentation of the International Bodybuilding problems is the IFBB itself: juridical lies, cheating other International Organizations, lies to the sportsmen (see documents on the International Site, read forum topic „IFBB/EFBB illegal financial deals“). We mentioned above that IOC refused to support and to recognize the IFBB. Today we confront more negative news: the International Organmizations „World Games“ and the „Asia Games“ excluded IFBB from their membership and refused to work with the IFBB too.
It seems that the sole WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) uniting today 106 Country-members and representing all Continents do care for saving the image of bodybuilding and making it the official recognized Sport. The WFF-WBBF remains the sole no profit International bodybuilding organization, that is registered according Law requirements and working based on Olympic system. Along with the over 60 International Events World Wide the WFF-WBBF International organizes anual World and Continent Championships, it makes still running one of the World‘s oldest bodybuilding contest „Amber Prix International“ (1968-2011).
Many many new changes are on the way of our sport and we are proud that with the God‘s blessing after our constant work through the last 50 years we have positive results like this finally.

WFF-International Official Information Only

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