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IFBB/EFBB finansinės aferos
Šiandien gavome laišką iš IFBB/EFBB finansų prižiūrėtojo.
Tai tikra BOMBA Rafaeliui Santochai ir pačiai organizacijai.
Nėra laiko versti, bet tai gali būti ir organizacijos GALAS...

--- On Fri, 3/27/09, Fair Play <> wrote:

From: Fair Play <>
Subject: Fw: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 1:31 AM

--- On Thu, 26/3/09, lawfirm.bauer <> wrote:

From: lawfirm.bauer <>
Subject: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)
Date: Thursday, 26 March, 2009, 9:59 PM

Dr. Rafael Santonja
IFBB President
Calle Jaén, N0. 8
28020 Madrid

20th March 2009/Mag.B/KR


Reference: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de
Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)

Dear Rafael,
Dear Jose,

I am responding to your various emails of 17th March, 14th March (17:42 hours; 17:49 hours), 10th March and 20th Februar. The information you are providing in these emails is far from being satisfactory. On the contrary it is becoming more and more obvious, that there is a huge problem with legal status, financial management, tax declarations and reliability of the officers in charge of the financial management of IFBB and EBFF.

Although I have asked you again in my email of 18th February 2009 (sent on 3rd March 2009) the following documents

- all bank statements of EBFF - accounts 2007/2008
- all bank statements of IFBB – accounts 2007/2008
- spread sheet of income/expenditures of EBFF 2007/2008
- spread sheet of income/expenditures IFBB 2007/2008
- all signed sponsorship contracts of EBFF and IFBB with sponsors
- all contracts pertaining to “professional services” mentioned in the IFBB financial report to the Congress of the IFBB in Manama 2008
- all signed Contracts between EBFF and IFBB pertaining to intellectual property rights (TV – broadcast agreements, etc.)
- all documents pertaining to the protection of the intellectual property rights for IFBB and EBFF name and logo
- documents that prove, that EBFF and IFBB have a tax exempt status
- documents that prove, that the IFBB website is owned by the IFBB
- list of countries that have already applied for membership in Asociacion - Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness by signing the
- “Certificate of Membership to the IFBB” allegedly prepared by Javier Sanchez

still have not been sent to me in order to control the financial management of the Federations EBFF and IFBB. This leads me to believe, that you want to conceal everything and that the claim, that “the accounts with bank conciliations and all the details are fully available for you; and Jose is at your disposal for any detailed double check on every issue” (your email of 10th march 2009, 20:04 hours, 2nd page 5th paragraph from the bottom) is an untruthful statement.

1. International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. (IFBB Inc...):
In your email of 10th march 2009 you refer to Mr. Luc Audet, who - allegedly – claims, that all monies (of IFBB Inc.) “were sent to Dr. Santonja, to my knowledge”.
So that means that the money from IFBB Inc. went to your private account? If that is true, that is very problematic. If transacted in a lawful way any money donated from IFBB Inc. to its successors should be transferred to a fiduciary account/trust account held for a new legal body to be created for the purpose of becoming the legal successor of International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. Please send me the banking details (name and address of the bank, account number, owner of the account), the money from International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. was transferred to (allegedly this was your account?).

International Federation of Bodybuilder Inc. being a non-for-profit organisation makes it appear very strange, that before its alleged dissolution properties were taken out and transferred into the property of another organisation – like it allegedly happened in 2005 with the segregation of assets of amateur and professional activities within the IFBB. According to the Joint Declaration it was definitely not the intention to donate the funds of International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. to Dr. Rafael Santonja, let alone the fact, that these “agreements” were negotiated and concluded without involving most of the members of the IFBB Executive Council.

Was the Canadian tax revenue system informed about these agreements (especially the documents you sent me with your fax of 26th January 2007 and the Joint Declaration of July 2007)?

2. Asociacion - Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (AFIFF):
In your email of 14th March 2009 (17:42 hours) you write:
“There is as well a bank account on behalf of the Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (IFBB).”

If that information is correct, that means, that this account was opened behind my back? There was never an Executive Council or Congress Meeting of Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF).

Who made the decision to have a bank account and why I was not informed?

Send me please the opening documents of this account and all bank statements so far.
Whose money is on this account?

If it is an account of AFIFF, this corporation owns the money that is on this account and not the IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – Edition with the Executive Council elected on 29th October 2006!!!

3. Asociacion - Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (AFEFF):
The same situation applies for EBFF. The Spanish corporation founded behind the back of most EBFF Executive Council members and the EBFF Congress in 2008 (Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness - AFEFF) has no right to collect money for the EBFF that was founded 2002 in Minsk!

When you mentioned, that EBFF accounts shall be audited by two members of the Congress, how can that apply to an account of a different organisation nobody knew about – except you, William Tierney, Jose Ramos and Philippe Lefelle – AFEFF. It will be interesting to see, what documents Ivano Bianchi and Walter van den Branden have checked and if the claim of Jose, that they found, that the accounts are correct and in full compliance with the international regulations for accounting, is true.

4. Secret foundation of AFEFF:
Why it was concealed at the Executive Council and Congress meetings in Playa D’Aro in May 2008, that the corporation AFEFF was founded? If the foundation of this corporation was made with the best intentions, why then the EBFF Executive Council and Congress were not informed? Nothing about the foundation of that corporation was mentioned in the President’s report.

In your email of 14th March 2009 you write “EBFF has an opened account in its name since January 2003; attached you have a copy of the first bank statement from that time...”

This email did not contain any attachment!! I have not received this bank statement!!

If it is true, that in Spain a bank account can be opened on an association as soon as the statutes (bylaws) are presented, did you inform the bank later on, that a registration with the initial bylaws could not be achieved?

Why was this information withheld to EBFF Executive Council and EBFF Congress members?

I am legal adviser of EBFF since the foundation of this federation and have never heard about any problems with registration and/or bank accounts.

5. Further measures:
I consider it necessary to extent the investigation pertaining to financial management to the period from the foundation of the EBFF at the Congress in Minsk up to this day and propose to immediately strike a committee for the purpose of analysing the legal, fiscal and financial situation of the EBFF since its foundation and report its findings and recommendations as soon as possible to the EBFF Executive Council and Congress.

6. Tax situation:
Did the EBFF /IFBB/AFIFF/AFEFF ever file tax declarations? I am not talking only about value added tax (VAT) but about income and/or corporation taxes!

Who is responsible by Spanish law to file tax declarations for AFIFF and AFEFF?

Talking about the “tax-exempt-status” of EBFF and IFBB (do you mean AFIFF and AFEFF?) I found it quite amusing, that Jose sent me a declaration of his own, that he confirms, that both organisations don’t have to pay value added tax. I would be more relaxed, if the Spanish tax revenue system can issue such a document.

As far as I know nobody in the IFBB/EBFF ever saw a detailed list of income and expenditures connected with a clear documentation referencing every single position of income and expenditures. I doubt that such a documentation exists, because otherwise I would see no reason, why you would not have forwarded me at least the excel spreadsheets of such documentations. With computer generated accounting it is very easy to send such accounting quickly by email or fax to anyone who requests information about the accounting and fiscal management of a corporation. When you assert that you have done all that in a perfect way, why you don’t send me these documents and lists of income/expenditures so I can check myself?

When you write in your email of 14th march 2009, that there is no financial connection between IFBB and EBFF, this is obviously wrong, because you concede that sponsorship money and costs for office expenditures, secretary etc. is shared between IFBB and EBFF.

It is both funny and strange, that you do not even mention the accounts of EBFF and IFBB (bank name/account number), you only mentioned, that the accounts “are known to members”. If the accounts of IFBB and EBFF are run under the names of AFIFF and AFEFF these are different organisations with different members, a different Executive Council and a different Constitution.

Your “explanations” are full of contradictions and confusions.

Attached please find the 3 documents pertaining to “Money flow in the IFBB” and “Money flow in the EBFF”, containing the different persons/organisations possibly involved in the money flow.

Will you please be so kind as to explain which way the money goes from IFBB/EBFF members and IFBB/EBFF contractual partners (sponsors, licensees, organisers) to IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected on 29th October 2006, EBFF, AFIFF, AFEFF, IFBB Canada, Dr. Rafael Santonja (and/or companies owned and/or controlled by him), Priscila Arce and any other IFBB and/or EBFF officials?

7. website
I know that “Network Solutions LLC” is not the “owner” of the IFBB website, but the domain registrar. Fact is, that from the registration of the website it is not possible to identify who the owner of the website is. Therefore I am asking you again: who is the owner of this website?

- IFBB Canada
- IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected 29th October 2006
- other legal entity

I would like to see documentary proof of the ownership of this website. In which way the name and logo of the IFBB are protected? Who owns the name and the logo of the IFBB?

- Ben Weider´s Heirs
- IFBB Canada
- IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected 29th October 2006 as group without official registration
- other legal entity

Which intellectual property rights pertaining to IFBB and EBFF have you registered in your own name or in the name of one of your companies? Can you send me a detailed list of the properties/assets of

- IFBB Canada

8. Dr. Rafael Santonja and his companies – sponsor of EBFF/IFBB:
You are writing, your companies are providing money, services and voluntary work at any moment (your email of 17th February 2009). Can you please give me documentary proof, that you or your companies had donated money to EBFF/IFBB? To be precise in the EBFF in 2007 according to the financial report of Jose Ramos we had income from sponsors in an amount of € 37.129,00. How much from this money was sponsored by your companies? On the other side of the coin in the same year EBFF had expenses for administration and accounting service of € 3.021,00, flight tickets and hotels of € 30.513,48, bank expenses of € 1.517,00, printing and publicity presents, DVD reproduction costs of € 13.127,96, costs for professional services, EBFF webpage and EBFF magazine € 25.312,00, costs for office equipment, stationary, post expenses, informatic equipment and so on of € 2.259,00 etc. How much money from the expenses went directly or indirectly from the EBFF/IFBB back to your companies?

Was the production of the EBFF magazine done by your company?

Did your company receive money for that? If yes, how much and when?

According to the 2008 EBFF financial report you want to charge the EBFF backdated to 1st January 2008 with € 6.000,00 for office, € 6.000,00 for telephone, € 24.300,00 for salaries, € 7.700,00 for other expenses and € 5.000,00 for printing materials as well as € 26.100,00 for hotels and trips?

That looks as if not you are sponsoring EBFF, but quite contrary EBFF is sponsoring you!

Not only you or your companies have expenses when it comes to provide services for EBFF/IFBB. Most working Executive Council members also have telephone costs, office costs, need to pay salaries to employees who provide work for IFBB/EBFF – they shall get nothing?

In the IFBB financial report of the year 2007 among the income a sponsorship (hardcore) in an amount of USD 100.680,87 was mentioned as IFBB income. When was this money paid and into which account?

9. Personal attacks:
Your defence strategy – ordering other executives to write to me nasty emails in order to stop me from bringing “light into the darkness” are counter productive. I know, that some of the executives did not even write these emails by themselves and called me after sending them to apologize explaining what kind of pressure/sweet talking from your side was done to get these emails sent. These problems cannot be solved with hatred and emotions. These problems have to be dealt with objectively with consideration of all facts. Secret meetings, hiding and concealing as well as inciting other officials to write to me in a hostile manner, contribute nothing to solve this unpleasant situation. These desperate actions only confirm the feeling that you deem every measure justified that prevents this bogus game to be revealed.

Kind regards


<<.....>> <<...>> <<...>>

Mag. Axel Bauer
Favoritenstrasse 26/6
1040 Wien
Tel.: +43 1/ 710 54 99-0
Fax +43 1/ 710 54 99-9
WFF-International Official Information Only
IFBB eilinį kartą kaltinama melu, o šį dokumentą lydi per 200 puslapių teisinės ir finansinės dokumentacijos, kuri tai patvirtina ir liudija.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:IFBB eilinį kartą kaltinama melu, o šį dokumentą lydi per 200 puslapių teisinės ir finansinės dokumentacijos, kuri tai patvirtina ir liudija.

Su IFBB vyriausiuoju finansininku nelabai pasiginčysi - jis geriau žino kas ir kaip ten jo sąskaitose vaikšto..
Tomas Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:IFBB eilinį kartą kaltinama melu, o šį dokumentą lydi per 200 puslapių teisinės ir finansinės dokumentacijos, kuri tai patvirtina ir liudija.

Su IFBB vyriausiuoju finansininku nelabai pasiginčysi - jis geriau žino kas ir kaip ten jo sąskaitose vaikšto..

Laikiame Šialių propagandos darbuotojo paaiškinimo apie buvisią kadaise "imperiją", "vientitėlę", "nepakartojamą", PRIVAČIĄ (atsiprašau, "visuomeninę"), nesiekinčią pelno (bet darančią nelegalų biznį) firmą (atsiprašau dar kartą, "federaciją") IFBB-EFBB.???
Atsakingas IFBB finansų vyriausias specialistas pateikė nelegalias pinigų vaikščiojimo shemas - IFBB-EFBB-privačios Santochos firmos.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Atsakingas IFBB finansų vyriausias specialistas pateikė nelegalias pinigų vaikščiojimo shemas - IFBB-EFBB-privačios Santochos firmos.
WFF-International Official Information Only
pagal apsilankymu skaiciu suprantu,kad idomi tema cia :shock:
Gintas Wrote:pagal apsilankymu skaiciu suprantu,kad idomi tema cia :shock:

Pasigendame Šiaulių regioninio prapagandos atstovo, "Imperijos" partioto..
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš IFBB/EFBB finansų prižiūrėtojo.
Tai tikra BOMBA Rafaeliui Santochai ir pačiai organizacijai.
Nėra laiko versti, bet tai gali būti ir organizacijos GALAS...

--- On Fri, 3/27/09, Fair Play <> wrote:

From: Fair Play <>
Subject: Fw: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 1:31 AM

--- On Thu, 26/3/09, lawfirm.bauer <> wrote:

From: lawfirm.bauer <>
Subject: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)
Date: Thursday, 26 March, 2009, 9:59 PM

Dr. Rafael Santonja
IFBB President
Calle Jaén, N0. 8
28020 Madrid

20th March 2009/Mag.B/KR


Reference: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de
Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)

Dear Rafael,
Dear Jose,

I am responding to your various emails of 17th March, 14th March (17:42 hours; 17:49 hours), 10th March and 20th Februar. The information you are providing in these emails is far from being satisfactory. On the contrary it is becoming more and more obvious, that there is a huge problem with legal status, financial management, tax declarations and reliability of the officers in charge of the financial management of IFBB and EBFF.

Although I have asked you again in my email of 18th February 2009 (sent on 3rd March 2009) the following documents

- all bank statements of EBFF - accounts 2007/2008
- all bank statements of IFBB – accounts 2007/2008
- spread sheet of income/expenditures of EBFF 2007/2008
- spread sheet of income/expenditures IFBB 2007/2008
- all signed sponsorship contracts of EBFF and IFBB with sponsors
- all contracts pertaining to “professional services” mentioned in the IFBB financial report to the Congress of the IFBB in Manama 2008
- all signed Contracts between EBFF and IFBB pertaining to intellectual property rights (TV – broadcast agreements, etc.)
- all documents pertaining to the protection of the intellectual property rights for IFBB and EBFF name and logo
- documents that prove, that EBFF and IFBB have a tax exempt status
- documents that prove, that the IFBB website is owned by the IFBB
- list of countries that have already applied for membership in Asociacion - Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness by signing the
- “Certificate of Membership to the IFBB” allegedly prepared by Javier Sanchez

still have not been sent to me in order to control the financial management of the Federations EBFF and IFBB. This leads me to believe, that you want to conceal everything and that the claim, that “the accounts with bank conciliations and all the details are fully available for you; and Jose is at your disposal for any detailed double check on every issue” (your email of 10th march 2009, 20:04 hours, 2nd page 5th paragraph from the bottom) is an untruthful statement.

1. International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. (IFBB Inc...):
In your email of 10th march 2009 you refer to Mr. Luc Audet, who - allegedly – claims, that all monies (of IFBB Inc.) “were sent to Dr. Santonja, to my knowledge”.
So that means that the money from IFBB Inc. went to your private account? If that is true, that is very problematic. If transacted in a lawful way any money donated from IFBB Inc. to its successors should be transferred to a fiduciary account/trust account held for a new legal body to be created for the purpose of becoming the legal successor of International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. Please send me the banking details (name and address of the bank, account number, owner of the account), the money from International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. was transferred to (allegedly this was your account?).

International Federation of Bodybuilder Inc. being a non-for-profit organisation makes it appear very strange, that before its alleged dissolution properties were taken out and transferred into the property of another organisation – like it allegedly happened in 2005 with the segregation of assets of amateur and professional activities within the IFBB. According to the Joint Declaration it was definitely not the intention to donate the funds of International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. to Dr. Rafael Santonja, let alone the fact, that these “agreements” were negotiated and concluded without involving most of the members of the IFBB Executive Council.

Was the Canadian tax revenue system informed about these agreements (especially the documents you sent me with your fax of 26th January 2007 and the Joint Declaration of July 2007)?

2. Asociacion - Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (AFIFF):
In your email of 14th March 2009 (17:42 hours) you write:
“There is as well a bank account on behalf of the Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (IFBB).”

If that information is correct, that means, that this account was opened behind my back? There was never an Executive Council or Congress Meeting of Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF).

Who made the decision to have a bank account and why I was not informed?

Send me please the opening documents of this account and all bank statements so far.
Whose money is on this account?

If it is an account of AFIFF, this corporation owns the money that is on this account and not the IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – Edition with the Executive Council elected on 29th October 2006!!!

3. Asociacion - Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (AFEFF):
The same situation applies for EBFF. The Spanish corporation founded behind the back of most EBFF Executive Council members and the EBFF Congress in 2008 (Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness - AFEFF) has no right to collect money for the EBFF that was founded 2002 in Minsk!

When you mentioned, that EBFF accounts shall be audited by two members of the Congress, how can that apply to an account of a different organisation nobody knew about – except you, William Tierney, Jose Ramos and Philippe Lefelle – AFEFF. It will be interesting to see, what documents Ivano Bianchi and Walter van den Branden have checked and if the claim of Jose, that they found, that the accounts are correct and in full compliance with the international regulations for accounting, is true.

4. Secret foundation of AFEFF:
Why it was concealed at the Executive Council and Congress meetings in Playa D’Aro in May 2008, that the corporation AFEFF was founded? If the foundation of this corporation was made with the best intentions, why then the EBFF Executive Council and Congress were not informed? Nothing about the foundation of that corporation was mentioned in the President’s report.

In your email of 14th March 2009 you write “EBFF has an opened account in its name since January 2003; attached you have a copy of the first bank statement from that time...”

This email did not contain any attachment!! I have not received this bank statement!!

If it is true, that in Spain a bank account can be opened on an association as soon as the statutes (bylaws) are presented, did you inform the bank later on, that a registration with the initial bylaws could not be achieved?

Why was this information withheld to EBFF Executive Council and EBFF Congress members?

I am legal adviser of EBFF since the foundation of this federation and have never heard about any problems with registration and/or bank accounts.

5. Further measures:
I consider it necessary to extent the investigation pertaining to financial management to the period from the foundation of the EBFF at the Congress in Minsk up to this day and propose to immediately strike a committee for the purpose of analysing the legal, fiscal and financial situation of the EBFF since its foundation and report its findings and recommendations as soon as possible to the EBFF Executive Council and Congress.

6. Tax situation:
Did the EBFF /IFBB/AFIFF/AFEFF ever file tax declarations? I am not talking only about value added tax (VAT) but about income and/or corporation taxes!

Who is responsible by Spanish law to file tax declarations for AFIFF and AFEFF?

Talking about the “tax-exempt-status” of EBFF and IFBB (do you mean AFIFF and AFEFF?) I found it quite amusing, that Jose sent me a declaration of his own, that he confirms, that both organisations don’t have to pay value added tax. I would be more relaxed, if the Spanish tax revenue system can issue such a document.

As far as I know nobody in the IFBB/EBFF ever saw a detailed list of income and expenditures connected with a clear documentation referencing every single position of income and expenditures. I doubt that such a documentation exists, because otherwise I would see no reason, why you would not have forwarded me at least the excel spreadsheets of such documentations. With computer generated accounting it is very easy to send such accounting quickly by email or fax to anyone who requests information about the accounting and fiscal management of a corporation. When you assert that you have done all that in a perfect way, why you don’t send me these documents and lists of income/expenditures so I can check myself?

When you write in your email of 14th march 2009, that there is no financial connection between IFBB and EBFF, this is obviously wrong, because you concede that sponsorship money and costs for office expenditures, secretary etc. is shared between IFBB and EBFF.

It is both funny and strange, that you do not even mention the accounts of EBFF and IFBB (bank name/account number), you only mentioned, that the accounts “are known to members”. If the accounts of IFBB and EBFF are run under the names of AFIFF and AFEFF these are different organisations with different members, a different Executive Council and a different Constitution.

Your “explanations” are full of contradictions and confusions.

Attached please find the 3 documents pertaining to “Money flow in the IFBB” and “Money flow in the EBFF”, containing the different persons/organisations possibly involved in the money flow.

Will you please be so kind as to explain which way the money goes from IFBB/EBFF members and IFBB/EBFF contractual partners (sponsors, licensees, organisers) to IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected on 29th October 2006, EBFF, AFIFF, AFEFF, IFBB Canada, Dr. Rafael Santonja (and/or companies owned and/or controlled by him), Priscila Arce and any other IFBB and/or EBFF officials?

7. website
I know that “Network Solutions LLC” is not the “owner” of the IFBB website, but the domain registrar. Fact is, that from the registration of the website it is not possible to identify who the owner of the website is. Therefore I am asking you again: who is the owner of this website?

- IFBB Canada
- IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected 29th October 2006
- other legal entity

I would like to see documentary proof of the ownership of this website. In which way the name and logo of the IFBB are protected? Who owns the name and the logo of the IFBB?

- Ben Weider´s Heirs
- IFBB Canada
- IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected 29th October 2006 as group without official registration
- other legal entity

Which intellectual property rights pertaining to IFBB and EBFF have you registered in your own name or in the name of one of your companies? Can you send me a detailed list of the properties/assets of

- IFBB Canada

8. Dr. Rafael Santonja and his companies – sponsor of EBFF/IFBB:
You are writing, your companies are providing money, services and voluntary work at any moment (your email of 17th February 2009). Can you please give me documentary proof, that you or your companies had donated money to EBFF/IFBB? To be precise in the EBFF in 2007 according to the financial report of Jose Ramos we had income from sponsors in an amount of € 37.129,00. How much from this money was sponsored by your companies? On the other side of the coin in the same year EBFF had expenses for administration and accounting service of € 3.021,00, flight tickets and hotels of € 30.513,48, bank expenses of € 1.517,00, printing and publicity presents, DVD reproduction costs of € 13.127,96, costs for professional services, EBFF webpage and EBFF magazine € 25.312,00, costs for office equipment, stationary, post expenses, informatic equipment and so on of € 2.259,00 etc. How much money from the expenses went directly or indirectly from the EBFF/IFBB back to your companies?

Was the production of the EBFF magazine done by your company?

Did your company receive money for that? If yes, how much and when?

According to the 2008 EBFF financial report you want to charge the EBFF backdated to 1st January 2008 with € 6.000,00 for office, € 6.000,00 for telephone, € 24.300,00 for salaries, € 7.700,00 for other expenses and € 5.000,00 for printing materials as well as € 26.100,00 for hotels and trips?

That looks as if not you are sponsoring EBFF, but quite contrary EBFF is sponsoring you!

Not only you or your companies have expenses when it comes to provide services for EBFF/IFBB. Most working Executive Council members also have telephone costs, office costs, need to pay salaries to employees who provide work for IFBB/EBFF – they shall get nothing?

In the IFBB financial report of the year 2007 among the income a sponsorship (hardcore) in an amount of USD 100.680,87 was mentioned as IFBB income. When was this money paid and into which account?

9. Personal attacks:
Your defence strategy – ordering other executives to write to me nasty emails in order to stop me from bringing “light into the darkness” are counter productive. I know, that some of the executives did not even write these emails by themselves and called me after sending them to apologize explaining what kind of pressure/sweet talking from your side was done to get these emails sent. These problems cannot be solved with hatred and emotions. These problems have to be dealt with objectively with consideration of all facts. Secret meetings, hiding and concealing as well as inciting other officials to write to me in a hostile manner, contribute nothing to solve this unpleasant situation. These desperate actions only confirm the feeling that you deem every measure justified that prevents this bogus game to be revealed.

Kind regards


<<.....>> <<...>> <<...>>

Mag. Axel Bauer
Favoritenstrasse 26/6
1040 Wien
Tel.: +43 1/ 710 54 99-0
Fax +43 1/ 710 54 99-9

apie ka cia raso?
WFF secretary service Wrote:Atsakingas IFBB finansų vyriausias specialistas pateikė nelegalias pinigų vaikščiojimo shemas - IFBB-EFBB-privačios Santochos firmos.
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Atsakingas IFBB finansų vyriausias specialistas pateikė nelegalias pinigų vaikščiojimo shemas - IFBB-EFBB-privačios Santochos firmos.

viskas kaip ant delno! :twisted:
Sonata Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš IFBB/EFBB finansų prižiūrėtojo.
Tai tikra BOMBA Rafaeliui Santochai ir pačiai organizacijai.
Nėra laiko versti, bet tai gali būti ir organizacijos GALAS...

--- On Fri, 3/27/09, Fair Play <> wrote:

From: Fair Play <>
Subject: Fw: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 1:31 AM

--- On Thu, 26/3/09, lawfirm.bauer <> wrote:

From: lawfirm.bauer <>
Subject: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)
Date: Thursday, 26 March, 2009, 9:59 PM

Dr. Rafael Santonja
IFBB President
Calle Jaén, N0. 8
28020 Madrid

20th March 2009/Mag.B/KR


Reference: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de
Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)

Dear Rafael,
Dear Jose,

I am responding to your various emails of 17th March, 14th March (17:42 hours; 17:49 hours), 10th March and 20th Februar. The information you are providing in these emails is far from being satisfactory. On the contrary it is becoming more and more obvious, that there is a huge problem with legal status, financial management, tax declarations and reliability of the officers in charge of the financial management of IFBB and EBFF.

Although I have asked you again in my email of 18th February 2009 (sent on 3rd March 2009) the following documents

- all bank statements of EBFF - accounts 2007/2008
- all bank statements of IFBB – accounts 2007/2008
- spread sheet of income/expenditures of EBFF 2007/2008
- spread sheet of income/expenditures IFBB 2007/2008
- all signed sponsorship contracts of EBFF and IFBB with sponsors
- all contracts pertaining to “professional services” mentioned in the IFBB financial report to the Congress of the IFBB in Manama 2008
- all signed Contracts between EBFF and IFBB pertaining to intellectual property rights (TV – broadcast agreements, etc.)
- all documents pertaining to the protection of the intellectual property rights for IFBB and EBFF name and logo
- documents that prove, that EBFF and IFBB have a tax exempt status
- documents that prove, that the IFBB website is owned by the IFBB
- list of countries that have already applied for membership in Asociacion - Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness by signing the
- “Certificate of Membership to the IFBB” allegedly prepared by Javier Sanchez

still have not been sent to me in order to control the financial management of the Federations EBFF and IFBB. This leads me to believe, that you want to conceal everything and that the claim, that “the accounts with bank conciliations and all the details are fully available for you; and Jose is at your disposal for any detailed double check on every issue” (your email of 10th march 2009, 20:04 hours, 2nd page 5th paragraph from the bottom) is an untruthful statement.

1. International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. (IFBB Inc...):
In your email of 10th march 2009 you refer to Mr. Luc Audet, who - allegedly – claims, that all monies (of IFBB Inc.) “were sent to Dr. Santonja, to my knowledge”.
So that means that the money from IFBB Inc. went to your private account? If that is true, that is very problematic. If transacted in a lawful way any money donated from IFBB Inc. to its successors should be transferred to a fiduciary account/trust account held for a new legal body to be created for the purpose of becoming the legal successor of International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. Please send me the banking details (name and address of the bank, account number, owner of the account), the money from International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. was transferred to (allegedly this was your account?).

International Federation of Bodybuilder Inc. being a non-for-profit organisation makes it appear very strange, that before its alleged dissolution properties were taken out and transferred into the property of another organisation – like it allegedly happened in 2005 with the segregation of assets of amateur and professional activities within the IFBB. According to the Joint Declaration it was definitely not the intention to donate the funds of International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. to Dr. Rafael Santonja, let alone the fact, that these “agreements” were negotiated and concluded without involving most of the members of the IFBB Executive Council.

Was the Canadian tax revenue system informed about these agreements (especially the documents you sent me with your fax of 26th January 2007 and the Joint Declaration of July 2007)?

2. Asociacion - Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (AFIFF):
In your email of 14th March 2009 (17:42 hours) you write:
“There is as well a bank account on behalf of the Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (IFBB).”

If that information is correct, that means, that this account was opened behind my back? There was never an Executive Council or Congress Meeting of Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF).

Who made the decision to have a bank account and why I was not informed?

Send me please the opening documents of this account and all bank statements so far.
Whose money is on this account?

If it is an account of AFIFF, this corporation owns the money that is on this account and not the IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – Edition with the Executive Council elected on 29th October 2006!!!

3. Asociacion - Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (AFEFF):
The same situation applies for EBFF. The Spanish corporation founded behind the back of most EBFF Executive Council members and the EBFF Congress in 2008 (Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness - AFEFF) has no right to collect money for the EBFF that was founded 2002 in Minsk!

When you mentioned, that EBFF accounts shall be audited by two members of the Congress, how can that apply to an account of a different organisation nobody knew about – except you, William Tierney, Jose Ramos and Philippe Lefelle – AFEFF. It will be interesting to see, what documents Ivano Bianchi and Walter van den Branden have checked and if the claim of Jose, that they found, that the accounts are correct and in full compliance with the international regulations for accounting, is true.

4. Secret foundation of AFEFF:
Why it was concealed at the Executive Council and Congress meetings in Playa D’Aro in May 2008, that the corporation AFEFF was founded? If the foundation of this corporation was made with the best intentions, why then the EBFF Executive Council and Congress were not informed? Nothing about the foundation of that corporation was mentioned in the President’s report.

In your email of 14th March 2009 you write “EBFF has an opened account in its name since January 2003; attached you have a copy of the first bank statement from that time...”

This email did not contain any attachment!! I have not received this bank statement!!

If it is true, that in Spain a bank account can be opened on an association as soon as the statutes (bylaws) are presented, did you inform the bank later on, that a registration with the initial bylaws could not be achieved?

Why was this information withheld to EBFF Executive Council and EBFF Congress members?

I am legal adviser of EBFF since the foundation of this federation and have never heard about any problems with registration and/or bank accounts.

5. Further measures:
I consider it necessary to extent the investigation pertaining to financial management to the period from the foundation of the EBFF at the Congress in Minsk up to this day and propose to immediately strike a committee for the purpose of analysing the legal, fiscal and financial situation of the EBFF since its foundation and report its findings and recommendations as soon as possible to the EBFF Executive Council and Congress.

6. Tax situation:
Did the EBFF /IFBB/AFIFF/AFEFF ever file tax declarations? I am not talking only about value added tax (VAT) but about income and/or corporation taxes!

Who is responsible by Spanish law to file tax declarations for AFIFF and AFEFF?

Talking about the “tax-exempt-status” of EBFF and IFBB (do you mean AFIFF and AFEFF?) I found it quite amusing, that Jose sent me a declaration of his own, that he confirms, that both organisations don’t have to pay value added tax. I would be more relaxed, if the Spanish tax revenue system can issue such a document.

As far as I know nobody in the IFBB/EBFF ever saw a detailed list of income and expenditures connected with a clear documentation referencing every single position of income and expenditures. I doubt that such a documentation exists, because otherwise I would see no reason, why you would not have forwarded me at least the excel spreadsheets of such documentations. With computer generated accounting it is very easy to send such accounting quickly by email or fax to anyone who requests information about the accounting and fiscal management of a corporation. When you assert that you have done all that in a perfect way, why you don’t send me these documents and lists of income/expenditures so I can check myself?

When you write in your email of 14th march 2009, that there is no financial connection between IFBB and EBFF, this is obviously wrong, because you concede that sponsorship money and costs for office expenditures, secretary etc. is shared between IFBB and EBFF.

It is both funny and strange, that you do not even mention the accounts of EBFF and IFBB (bank name/account number), you only mentioned, that the accounts “are known to members”. If the accounts of IFBB and EBFF are run under the names of AFIFF and AFEFF these are different organisations with different members, a different Executive Council and a different Constitution.

Your “explanations” are full of contradictions and confusions.

Attached please find the 3 documents pertaining to “Money flow in the IFBB” and “Money flow in the EBFF”, containing the different persons/organisations possibly involved in the money flow.

Will you please be so kind as to explain which way the money goes from IFBB/EBFF members and IFBB/EBFF contractual partners (sponsors, licensees, organisers) to IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected on 29th October 2006, EBFF, AFIFF, AFEFF, IFBB Canada, Dr. Rafael Santonja (and/or companies owned and/or controlled by him), Priscila Arce and any other IFBB and/or EBFF officials?

7. website
I know that “Network Solutions LLC” is not the “owner” of the IFBB website, but the domain registrar. Fact is, that from the registration of the website it is not possible to identify who the owner of the website is. Therefore I am asking you again: who is the owner of this website?

- IFBB Canada
- IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected 29th October 2006
- other legal entity

I would like to see documentary proof of the ownership of this website. In which way the name and logo of the IFBB are protected? Who owns the name and the logo of the IFBB?

- Ben Weider´s Heirs
- IFBB Canada
- IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected 29th October 2006 as group without official registration
- other legal entity

Which intellectual property rights pertaining to IFBB and EBFF have you registered in your own name or in the name of one of your companies? Can you send me a detailed list of the properties/assets of

- IFBB Canada

8. Dr. Rafael Santonja and his companies – sponsor of EBFF/IFBB:
You are writing, your companies are providing money, services and voluntary work at any moment (your email of 17th February 2009). Can you please give me documentary proof, that you or your companies had donated money to EBFF/IFBB? To be precise in the EBFF in 2007 according to the financial report of Jose Ramos we had income from sponsors in an amount of € 37.129,00. How much from this money was sponsored by your companies? On the other side of the coin in the same year EBFF had expenses for administration and accounting service of € 3.021,00, flight tickets and hotels of € 30.513,48, bank expenses of € 1.517,00, printing and publicity presents, DVD reproduction costs of € 13.127,96, costs for professional services, EBFF webpage and EBFF magazine € 25.312,00, costs for office equipment, stationary, post expenses, informatic equipment and so on of € 2.259,00 etc. How much money from the expenses went directly or indirectly from the EBFF/IFBB back to your companies?

Was the production of the EBFF magazine done by your company?

Did your company receive money for that? If yes, how much and when?

According to the 2008 EBFF financial report you want to charge the EBFF backdated to 1st January 2008 with € 6.000,00 for office, € 6.000,00 for telephone, € 24.300,00 for salaries, € 7.700,00 for other expenses and € 5.000,00 for printing materials as well as € 26.100,00 for hotels and trips?

That looks as if not you are sponsoring EBFF, but quite contrary EBFF is sponsoring you!

Not only you or your companies have expenses when it comes to provide services for EBFF/IFBB. Most working Executive Council members also have telephone costs, office costs, need to pay salaries to employees who provide work for IFBB/EBFF – they shall get nothing?

In the IFBB financial report of the year 2007 among the income a sponsorship (hardcore) in an amount of USD 100.680,87 was mentioned as IFBB income. When was this money paid and into which account?

9. Personal attacks:
Your defence strategy – ordering other executives to write to me nasty emails in order to stop me from bringing “light into the darkness” are counter productive. I know, that some of the executives did not even write these emails by themselves and called me after sending them to apologize explaining what kind of pressure/sweet talking from your side was done to get these emails sent. These problems cannot be solved with hatred and emotions. These problems have to be dealt with objectively with consideration of all facts. Secret meetings, hiding and concealing as well as inciting other officials to write to me in a hostile manner, contribute nothing to solve this unpleasant situation. These desperate actions only confirm the feeling that you deem every measure justified that prevents this bogus game to be revealed.

Kind regards


<<.....>> <<...>> <<...>>

Mag. Axel Bauer
Favoritenstrasse 26/6
1040 Wien
Tel.: +43 1/ 710 54 99-0
Fax +43 1/ 710 54 99-9

apie ka cia raso?

IFBB-EFBB vyriausias finansininkas austras AXEL BAUER
- finansinių manipuliacijų
- privalomų mokesčių nemokėjimo
- nesilaikymo priimtos konstitucijos.
ALEX BAUER abejoja dėl IFBB-EFBB legalaus statuso buvimo.
Pasak jo, IFBB-EFBB federacijos lėšos neaiškiais keliais patenka į RAFAELIO SANTOCHOS asmenines sąskaitas.
Apie atliekamas IFBB-EFBB finansines operacijas RAFAELĖS SANTOCHA nieko neinformuoja, lygiai, kaip ir apie IFBB-EBFF lėšų nukeliavimą į asmenines sąskaitas.
RAFAELIO SANTOCHOS įkurta Ispanijoje privati EFBB korporacija naudoja savo reikmėm EFBB sporto organizacijos pinigus ir niekam neatsiskaito.
ALEX BAUER siekia ištirti EFBB egzistavimo legalumą (pradedant nuo 2000 metų, kai EFBB buvo įkurta Minske).
RAFAELIS SANTOCHA nuo organizacijos narių slepia, kam priklauso nuosavybės teise IFBB logotipas ir pavadinimas: Weideriams, Kanados IFBB padaliniui, ar pačiam SANTOCHAI.
Dita Wrote:
Sonata Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš IFBB/EFBB finansų prižiūrėtojo.
Tai tikra BOMBA Rafaeliui Santochai ir pačiai organizacijai.
Nėra laiko versti, bet tai gali būti ir organizacijos GALAS...

--- On Fri, 3/27/09, Fair Play <> wrote:

From: Fair Play <>
Subject: Fw: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 1:31 AM

--- On Thu, 26/3/09, lawfirm.bauer <> wrote:

From: lawfirm.bauer <>
Subject: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)
Date: Thursday, 26 March, 2009, 9:59 PM

Dr. Rafael Santonja
IFBB President
Calle Jaén, N0. 8
28020 Madrid

20th March 2009/Mag.B/KR


Reference: IFBB/EBFF/Asociacion Federacion Internacional de
Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF)/Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFEFF)

Dear Rafael,
Dear Jose,

I am responding to your various emails of 17th March, 14th March (17:42 hours; 17:49 hours), 10th March and 20th Februar. The information you are providing in these emails is far from being satisfactory. On the contrary it is becoming more and more obvious, that there is a huge problem with legal status, financial management, tax declarations and reliability of the officers in charge of the financial management of IFBB and EBFF.

Although I have asked you again in my email of 18th February 2009 (sent on 3rd March 2009) the following documents

- all bank statements of EBFF - accounts 2007/2008
- all bank statements of IFBB – accounts 2007/2008
- spread sheet of income/expenditures of EBFF 2007/2008
- spread sheet of income/expenditures IFBB 2007/2008
- all signed sponsorship contracts of EBFF and IFBB with sponsors
- all contracts pertaining to “professional services” mentioned in the IFBB financial report to the Congress of the IFBB in Manama 2008
- all signed Contracts between EBFF and IFBB pertaining to intellectual property rights (TV – broadcast agreements, etc.)
- all documents pertaining to the protection of the intellectual property rights for IFBB and EBFF name and logo
- documents that prove, that EBFF and IFBB have a tax exempt status
- documents that prove, that the IFBB website is owned by the IFBB
- list of countries that have already applied for membership in Asociacion - Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness by signing the
- “Certificate of Membership to the IFBB” allegedly prepared by Javier Sanchez

still have not been sent to me in order to control the financial management of the Federations EBFF and IFBB. This leads me to believe, that you want to conceal everything and that the claim, that “the accounts with bank conciliations and all the details are fully available for you; and Jose is at your disposal for any detailed double check on every issue” (your email of 10th march 2009, 20:04 hours, 2nd page 5th paragraph from the bottom) is an untruthful statement.

1. International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. (IFBB Inc...):
In your email of 10th march 2009 you refer to Mr. Luc Audet, who - allegedly – claims, that all monies (of IFBB Inc.) “were sent to Dr. Santonja, to my knowledge”.
So that means that the money from IFBB Inc. went to your private account? If that is true, that is very problematic. If transacted in a lawful way any money donated from IFBB Inc. to its successors should be transferred to a fiduciary account/trust account held for a new legal body to be created for the purpose of becoming the legal successor of International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. Please send me the banking details (name and address of the bank, account number, owner of the account), the money from International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. was transferred to (allegedly this was your account?).

International Federation of Bodybuilder Inc. being a non-for-profit organisation makes it appear very strange, that before its alleged dissolution properties were taken out and transferred into the property of another organisation – like it allegedly happened in 2005 with the segregation of assets of amateur and professional activities within the IFBB. According to the Joint Declaration it was definitely not the intention to donate the funds of International Federation of Bodybuilders Inc. to Dr. Rafael Santonja, let alone the fact, that these “agreements” were negotiated and concluded without involving most of the members of the IFBB Executive Council.

Was the Canadian tax revenue system informed about these agreements (especially the documents you sent me with your fax of 26th January 2007 and the Joint Declaration of July 2007)?

2. Asociacion - Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (AFIFF):
In your email of 14th March 2009 (17:42 hours) you write:
“There is as well a bank account on behalf of the Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (IFBB).”

If that information is correct, that means, that this account was opened behind my back? There was never an Executive Council or Congress Meeting of Asociacion Federacion Internacional de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness (AFIFF).

Who made the decision to have a bank account and why I was not informed?

Send me please the opening documents of this account and all bank statements so far.
Whose money is on this account?

If it is an account of AFIFF, this corporation owns the money that is on this account and not the IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – Edition with the Executive Council elected on 29th October 2006!!!

3. Asociacion - Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo y Fitness (AFEFF):
The same situation applies for EBFF. The Spanish corporation founded behind the back of most EBFF Executive Council members and the EBFF Congress in 2008 (Federacion Europea de Fisicoculturismo ý Fitness - AFEFF) has no right to collect money for the EBFF that was founded 2002 in Minsk!

When you mentioned, that EBFF accounts shall be audited by two members of the Congress, how can that apply to an account of a different organisation nobody knew about – except you, William Tierney, Jose Ramos and Philippe Lefelle – AFEFF. It will be interesting to see, what documents Ivano Bianchi and Walter van den Branden have checked and if the claim of Jose, that they found, that the accounts are correct and in full compliance with the international regulations for accounting, is true.

4. Secret foundation of AFEFF:
Why it was concealed at the Executive Council and Congress meetings in Playa D’Aro in May 2008, that the corporation AFEFF was founded? If the foundation of this corporation was made with the best intentions, why then the EBFF Executive Council and Congress were not informed? Nothing about the foundation of that corporation was mentioned in the President’s report.

In your email of 14th March 2009 you write “EBFF has an opened account in its name since January 2003; attached you have a copy of the first bank statement from that time...”

This email did not contain any attachment!! I have not received this bank statement!!

If it is true, that in Spain a bank account can be opened on an association as soon as the statutes (bylaws) are presented, did you inform the bank later on, that a registration with the initial bylaws could not be achieved?

Why was this information withheld to EBFF Executive Council and EBFF Congress members?

I am legal adviser of EBFF since the foundation of this federation and have never heard about any problems with registration and/or bank accounts.

5. Further measures:
I consider it necessary to extent the investigation pertaining to financial management to the period from the foundation of the EBFF at the Congress in Minsk up to this day and propose to immediately strike a committee for the purpose of analysing the legal, fiscal and financial situation of the EBFF since its foundation and report its findings and recommendations as soon as possible to the EBFF Executive Council and Congress.

6. Tax situation:
Did the EBFF /IFBB/AFIFF/AFEFF ever file tax declarations? I am not talking only about value added tax (VAT) but about income and/or corporation taxes!

Who is responsible by Spanish law to file tax declarations for AFIFF and AFEFF?

Talking about the “tax-exempt-status” of EBFF and IFBB (do you mean AFIFF and AFEFF?) I found it quite amusing, that Jose sent me a declaration of his own, that he confirms, that both organisations don’t have to pay value added tax. I would be more relaxed, if the Spanish tax revenue system can issue such a document.

As far as I know nobody in the IFBB/EBFF ever saw a detailed list of income and expenditures connected with a clear documentation referencing every single position of income and expenditures. I doubt that such a documentation exists, because otherwise I would see no reason, why you would not have forwarded me at least the excel spreadsheets of such documentations. With computer generated accounting it is very easy to send such accounting quickly by email or fax to anyone who requests information about the accounting and fiscal management of a corporation. When you assert that you have done all that in a perfect way, why you don’t send me these documents and lists of income/expenditures so I can check myself?

When you write in your email of 14th march 2009, that there is no financial connection between IFBB and EBFF, this is obviously wrong, because you concede that sponsorship money and costs for office expenditures, secretary etc. is shared between IFBB and EBFF.

It is both funny and strange, that you do not even mention the accounts of EBFF and IFBB (bank name/account number), you only mentioned, that the accounts “are known to members”. If the accounts of IFBB and EBFF are run under the names of AFIFF and AFEFF these are different organisations with different members, a different Executive Council and a different Constitution.

Your “explanations” are full of contradictions and confusions.

Attached please find the 3 documents pertaining to “Money flow in the IFBB” and “Money flow in the EBFF”, containing the different persons/organisations possibly involved in the money flow.

Will you please be so kind as to explain which way the money goes from IFBB/EBFF members and IFBB/EBFF contractual partners (sponsors, licensees, organisers) to IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected on 29th October 2006, EBFF, AFIFF, AFEFF, IFBB Canada, Dr. Rafael Santonja (and/or companies owned and/or controlled by him), Priscila Arce and any other IFBB and/or EBFF officials?

7. website
I know that “Network Solutions LLC” is not the “owner” of the IFBB website, but the domain registrar. Fact is, that from the registration of the website it is not possible to identify who the owner of the website is. Therefore I am asking you again: who is the owner of this website?

- IFBB Canada
- IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected 29th October 2006
- other legal entity

I would like to see documentary proof of the ownership of this website. In which way the name and logo of the IFBB are protected? Who owns the name and the logo of the IFBB?

- Ben Weider´s Heirs
- IFBB Canada
- IFBB as per Constitution 2008 – edition with Executive Council elected 29th October 2006 as group without official registration
- other legal entity

Which intellectual property rights pertaining to IFBB and EBFF have you registered in your own name or in the name of one of your companies? Can you send me a detailed list of the properties/assets of

- IFBB Canada

8. Dr. Rafael Santonja and his companies – sponsor of EBFF/IFBB:
You are writing, your companies are providing money, services and voluntary work at any moment (your email of 17th February 2009). Can you please give me documentary proof, that you or your companies had donated money to EBFF/IFBB? To be precise in the EBFF in 2007 according to the financial report of Jose Ramos we had income from sponsors in an amount of € 37.129,00. How much from this money was sponsored by your companies? On the other side of the coin in the same year EBFF had expenses for administration and accounting service of € 3.021,00, flight tickets and hotels of € 30.513,48, bank expenses of € 1.517,00, printing and publicity presents, DVD reproduction costs of € 13.127,96, costs for professional services, EBFF webpage and EBFF magazine € 25.312,00, costs for office equipment, stationary, post expenses, informatic equipment and so on of € 2.259,00 etc. How much money from the expenses went directly or indirectly from the EBFF/IFBB back to your companies?

Was the production of the EBFF magazine done by your company?

Did your company receive money for that? If yes, how much and when?

According to the 2008 EBFF financial report you want to charge the EBFF backdated to 1st January 2008 with € 6.000,00 for office, € 6.000,00 for telephone, € 24.300,00 for salaries, € 7.700,00 for other expenses and € 5.000,00 for printing materials as well as € 26.100,00 for hotels and trips?

That looks as if not you are sponsoring EBFF, but quite contrary EBFF is sponsoring you!

Not only you or your companies have expenses when it comes to provide services for EBFF/IFBB. Most working Executive Council members also have telephone costs, office costs, need to pay salaries to employees who provide work for IFBB/EBFF – they shall get nothing?

In the IFBB financial report of the year 2007 among the income a sponsorship (hardcore) in an amount of USD 100.680,87 was mentioned as IFBB income. When was this money paid and into which account?

9. Personal attacks:
Your defence strategy – ordering other executives to write to me nasty emails in order to stop me from bringing “light into the darkness” are counter productive. I know, that some of the executives did not even write these emails by themselves and called me after sending them to apologize explaining what kind of pressure/sweet talking from your side was done to get these emails sent. These problems cannot be solved with hatred and emotions. These problems have to be dealt with objectively with consideration of all facts. Secret meetings, hiding and concealing as well as inciting other officials to write to me in a hostile manner, contribute nothing to solve this unpleasant situation. These desperate actions only confirm the feeling that you deem every measure justified that prevents this bogus game to be revealed.

Kind regards


<<.....>> <<...>> <<...>>

Mag. Axel Bauer
Favoritenstrasse 26/6
1040 Wien
Tel.: +43 1/ 710 54 99-0
Fax +43 1/ 710 54 99-9

apie ka cia raso?

IFBB-EFBB vyriausias finansininkas austras AXEL BAUER
- finansinių manipuliacijų
- privalomų mokesčių nemokėjimo
- nesilaikymo priimtos konstitucijos.
ALEX BAUER abejoja dėl IFBB-EFBB legalaus statuso buvimo.
Pasak jo, IFBB-EFBB federacijos lėšos neaiškiais keliais patenka į RAFAELIO SANTOCHOS asmenines sąskaitas.
Apie atliekamas IFBB-EFBB finansines operacijas RAFAELĖS SANTOCHA nieko neinformuoja, lygiai, kaip ir apie IFBB-EBFF lėšų nukeliavimą į asmenines sąskaitas.
RAFAELIO SANTOCHOS įkurta Ispanijoje privati EFBB korporacija naudoja savo reikmėm EFBB sporto organizacijos pinigus ir niekam neatsiskaito.
ALEX BAUER siekia ištirti EFBB egzistavimo legalumą (pradedant nuo 2000 metų, kai EFBB buvo įkurta Minske).
RAFAELIS SANTOCHA nuo organizacijos narių slepia, kam priklauso nuosavybės teise IFBB logotipas ir pavadinimas: Weideriams, Kanados IFBB padaliniui, ar pačiam SANTOCHAI.

supratau :roll:
Tai vienas iš šimtų dokumentų, kuriuos gavome, įrodančių IFBB korporacijos visišką nemokumą ir savotišką bankrotą (default) nuo 2006 metų.
WFF-International Official Information Only
Šitas dokumentas jau iš humoro srities.
Pasirodo, kad IFBB korporacija ne tik ne moki, bet jau seniai jos finansinius dokumentus pasirašo niekam nežinomi „dėdė Jonas ir teta Marcelina“.
Bet įdomiausia tai, kad į IFBB prezidento pastą RAFAELĮ SANTOCHĄ paskyrė... PAMELA KAGAN.
Net nejuokinga...
Bet pratęsime kitą savaitę, kai WFF delegacija sugrįš iš tarptautinio renginio Bratislavoje (Slovakija).
WFF-International Official Information Only
Įdomu, kad 2007 metais buvo įsteigta NAUJA IFBB, kurios narėmis yra Austrija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija.
Visos šios šalys pasiskirstė vadovų pareigas, bet, deja, šiandien organizacija gyvybės pažymių neturi....
WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Įdomu, kad 2007 metais buvo įsteigta NAUJA IFBB, kurios narėmis yra Austrija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija.
Visos šios šalys pasiskirstė vadovų pareigas, bet, deja, šiandien organizacija gyvybės pažymių neturi....

Pasiskaičiau slaptus laiškus-protokolus.
Įdomiai sugalvota!
Čia Arūnui pavyzdėlis, ką daro jo "idejiniai vadai" užjūrio kraštuose, kad apgauti WADA:


“Dear Rafael,
Further to my e-mail below, I should have mentioned that, at first glance, I'd pick option #1. I believe the IFBB Anti-Doping Committee is not empowered or authorized to make decisions that are outside the IFBB Anti-Doping Rules and WADA Code. This committee, in my opinion, must only operate within the narrow confines of the aforementioned Rules and WADC. To me, this is the proper and right thing to do.
The right to a constitutional appeal directly to the IFBB President is every member's right and, to allow this to go forward is to show how well our democracy works. Only the President should have the right to reduce Santos' suspension to a period other than what's called for in the Rules.
Therefore, I would suggest the following course of action:
1. Allow the hearing decision and two-year suspension from the ADC to stand as is.
2. Send this decision to Santos via Pagnani and advise 1) that Santos should immediately appeal to the President under article 20.1 of the IFBB Constitution, and 2) that Santos should ask for leniency and a reduction to one-year as fair and just compensation for the wrongful disqualification from the finals of the World Championships.
3. Advise Pagnani and Santos that the hearing decision is to remain confidential [will not be publicly released] pending his appeal decision.
4. This will give you some time to craft a written appeal decision.
Keep in mind that a one-year suspension would run from November 6, 2008 to November 5, 2009 inclusive. In Dubai, November 4 is the Weigh-in; November 5 is the Prejudging; November 6 is the Finals. Because his suspension must end in time for the Weigh-in, you could suspend him for "one year less a day".
I really believe that the appeal process is the best way to go”.

“Dear Rafael,
Given the unique circumstances, your "exception" is most welcome.
In my opinion, may I suggest we act as follows:
Apply the WADA Code and IFBB Anti-Doping Rules, suspend Santos for two years, advise him to appeal to the IFBB President (as is his constitutional right), strike an ad hoc appeal committee, which would overturn the hearing decision and render an appeal decision to reduce the suspension to one year.
Apply the WADA Code and IFBB Anti-Doping Rules in the hearing decision, state why he cannot succeed in his petition for relief under Articles 10.5.1 and 10.5.2 (the reason why should be obvious to all and I strongly believe we shouldn't play with this), but, when it comes to the suspension part of the decision, reduce the suspension to one year based on "exceptional circumstances". Of course, we will have to state what these circumstances are in a way that is acceptable from a "justice has been done" point of view.
I don't believe WADA would agree with such a decision; however, even more important than WADA, we have to do what's in the best interests of the IFBB first and foremost. And we all seem to agree that it's not in our best interests to suspend Mr. Santos for two years”.

“Dear Members of the Anti Doping Commission:
You know that you have my full respect and trust regarding your decisions, and that I never interfere on your efficient work.
Let me make an exception in the case of Jose Carlos Santos.
I think that everybody is sharing the same feelings.
I was specially moved reminding the previous misunderstanding in the Malaysia World Championships.
I believe it would be advisable to have a shorter period of suspension with a reinstatement test, or something similar.
I leave this in your capable hands, but I wished to share with you these feelings.
Best regards,

“You open the door for personal comments and I was considering to do one but, because it was a case of a Brazilian athlete, I was restraining myself to do it.
We have here an athlete that was many time World Champion, was also tested many times without any problem, and we never had a problem with him before. As a matter of fact, he had a problem with as, because the only time that we try to eliminate the athletes with adverse analytical results from Friday to Sunday, we disqualified him improperly, based in a preliminary report of the lab, that confess later on that a mistake was made.By this mysterious thing of the life, the lab was in Thailand, and with the disqualification of José Carlos, the Thai athlete won the Gold Medal in the category.
In my opinion, it is time to pay him back the mistake that was made, and to deduct some time of his sanction, enough to permit him to compete in Dubai, and to avoid a sad ending of a great athlete. My recommendations would be, for this reasons, to give him a sanction of one 18 months what would permit him to compete in the next World Championship”.

“I realize that personal feelings cannot enter into our hearing decision in the case of Jose Carlos Santos. Having said this, I must express my disappointment at hearing the news that Santos was positive. Such a great history of accomplishments -- a 6-time IFBB World Champion and Gold Medalist at the World Games. Tested negative more than 25 times.
I am remembering how we failed him at the World Championships at which he was mistakenly disqualified before the finals. I witnessed first-hand how deeply this affected him at the airport the next day. He was still in tears and appeared stunned and lost at how this could have happened. I recall feeling sad for him and ashamed at the same time because I was part of the IFBB officialdom that should have prevented it”.
Pažvelgus iš šalies
(detaliau apie 400 puslapių IFBB finansinės ir juridinės medžiagos smulkmenas pakalbėsime kitą savaitę, kai grįšime iš Slovakijos)

IŠVADOS (šiam kartui):

1. 2007 metais įkurta nauja IFBB. Ją įkūrė tik trys šalys (Austrija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija)
2. 2008 įkurta nauja EFBB. Ją įkūrė tik trys šalys (Anglija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija)
3. Visus atsakingus vadovavimo ir finansinio valdymo postus pasidalino šių trijų šalių atstovai
4. Dabar atėjo laikas „sužaisti“ demokratiją ir surinkti „minią“, savotišką įvairių šalių palaikymo komandą, kuri rėkaus, balsuos, mušis į krūtinę.
Kaip ne keista, bet tokių „rėkautojų“ ir naivuolių visada per akis: pvz. Šiaulių propagandos darbuotojas, Kaliningrado „jautis“ ir pan..). Nenustebsiu, kad šie IFBB „patriotai“ net nežino, kas darosi jų vadinamoje „federacijoje“...
Dita Wrote:Pažvelgus iš šalies
(detaliau apie 400 puslapių IFBB finansinės ir juridinės medžiagos smulkmenas pakalbėsime kitą savaitę, kai grįšime iš Slovakijos)

IŠVADOS (šiam kartui):

1. 2007 metais įkurta nauja IFBB. Ją įkūrė tik trys šalys (Austrija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija)
2. 2008 įkurta nauja EFBB. Ją įkūrė tik trys šalys (Anglija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija)
3. Visus atsakingus vadovavimo ir finansinio valdymo postus pasidalino šių trijų šalių atstovai
4. Dabar atėjo laikas „sužaisti“ demokratiją ir surinkti „minią“, savotišką įvairių šalių palaikymo komandą, kuri rėkaus, balsuos, mušis į krūtinę.
Kaip ne keista, bet tokių „rėkautojų“ ir naivuolių visada per akis: pvz. Šiaulių propagandos darbuotojas, Kaliningrado „jautis“ ir pan..). Nenustebsiu, kad šie IFBB „patriotai“ net nežino, kas darosi jų vadinamoje „federacijoje“...
Dita Wrote:Pažvelgus iš šalies
(detaliau apie 400 puslapių IFBB finansinės ir juridinės medžiagos smulkmenas pakalbėsime kitą savaitę, kai grįšime iš Slovakijos)

IŠVADOS (šiam kartui):

1. 2007 metais įkurta nauja IFBB. Ją įkūrė tik trys šalys (Austrija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija)
2. 2008 įkurta nauja EFBB. Ją įkūrė tik trys šalys (Anglija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija)
3. Visus atsakingus vadovavimo ir finansinio valdymo postus pasidalino šių trijų šalių atstovai
4. Dabar atėjo laikas „sužaisti“ demokratiją ir surinkti „minią“, savotišką įvairių šalių palaikymo komandą, kuri rėkaus, balsuos, mušis į krūtinę.
Kaip ne keista, bet tokių „rėkautojų“ ir naivuolių visada per akis: pvz. Šiaulių propagandos darbuotojas, Kaliningrado „jautis“ ir pan..). Nenustebsiu, kad šie IFBB „patriotai“ net nežino, kas darosi jų vadinamoje „federacijoje“...

Šie žmonės pasidalino visus vadovavimo ir finansų postus naujai įsteigtoje IFBB-EFBB ir liko tik nedaug: surinkti nieko nesprendžiančią įvairių šalių rėksnių minią.
Dita Wrote:
Dita Wrote:Pažvelgus iš šalies
(detaliau apie 400 puslapių IFBB finansinės ir juridinės medžiagos smulkmenas pakalbėsime kitą savaitę, kai grįšime iš Slovakijos)

IŠVADOS (šiam kartui):

1. 2007 metais įkurta nauja IFBB. Ją įkūrė tik trys šalys (Austrija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija)
2. 2008 įkurta nauja EFBB. Ją įkūrė tik trys šalys (Anglija, Ispanija ir Prancūzija)
3. Visus atsakingus vadovavimo ir finansinio valdymo postus pasidalino šių trijų šalių atstovai
4. Dabar atėjo laikas „sužaisti“ demokratiją ir surinkti „minią“, savotišką įvairių šalių palaikymo komandą, kuri rėkaus, balsuos, mušis į krūtinę.
Kaip ne keista, bet tokių „rėkautojų“ ir naivuolių visada per akis: pvz. Šiaulių propagandos darbuotojas, Kaliningrado „jautis“ ir pan..). Nenustebsiu, kad šie IFBB „patriotai“ net nežino, kas darosi jų vadinamoje „federacijoje“...

Šie žmonės pasidalino visus vadovavimo ir finansų postus naujai įsteigtoje IFBB-EFBB ir liko tik nedaug: surinkti nieko nesprendžiančią įvairių šalių rėksnių minią.

Kiekvienai organizacijai vadovauja ŽMONĖS.
Ką tik gavome vieno iš IFBB vadovų laišką, siųlantį vienyti pastangas prieš Rafaelio Santochos veiklą.
Jis rašo, kad Rafaelis Santocha apgaudinėja visus, tame tarpe GAISFą ir IWGF ir WADA.

I read the IFBB Constitution. Interestingly, I came across Article 15.2 which stipulates:
2. Documented proof of the organization's acceptance by their Ministry of Sport, or National Olympic Committee, that they are the sole recognized national sport governing body for the sport of bodybuilding and fitness within their country. HOW MANY COUNTRIES SO CALLED MEMBERS OF THE "IFBB CORPORATION" ARE AFFILIATED TO THEIR OLYMPIC COMMITTEES AND TO THEIR SPORTS MINISTRIES???
3. A copy of their constitution and rules, said constitution and rules which must be in conformity with the Constitution and Rules of the IFBB HOW MANY COUNTRIES SUBMITTED THEIR CONSTITUTIONS TO THE IFBB corporation??? Not many have rules or constitution.
We should challenge the IFBB to produce the list of all the countries who are recognized by their Ministry of Sport or by their National Olympic Committee. We doubt that there are more than 40 or 50 countries recognized by their government or National Olympic Committees. Take for example, the English Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation & Australia federation ( they are operating under business). Only a handful number of countries are recognized: Asia, South Pacific and some Pan American/European countries.
The IFBB is actually not 179 countries strong....let's track back the past five years, how many nations participated in the World Men's Bodybuilding Championships, not over 65 and some of them do not even have athletes. Most of the delegates are gym owners and bodybuilders. Where are the 100 over nations?????
The "IFBB" hoodwink the governments. GAISF, IWGF and the sports authorities of the world.
Shame on them.
We thank the BRAVE OFFICIALS AXEL BAUER, OSAMA ALSHAFAR, PAUL CHUA for their bravery to stand up and say" NO THIS IS WRONG AND YOU SHOULD FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTIONAL AND DEMOCRATIC WAY" in running a federation. They have exposed the real crooks and cheats. There is a saying when the well runs can really see between a snake and a fish. The world knows who is the snake now.
(vardo neskelbiame)
Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council
Secretary General WFF-WBBF Lithuania
Edita Sendriene Wrote:Kiekvienai organizacijai vadovauja ŽMONĖS.
Ką tik gavome vieno iš IFBB vadovų laišką, siųlantį vienyti pastangas prieš Rafaelio Santochos veiklą.
Jis rašo, kad Rafaelis Santocha apgaudinėja visus, tame tarpe GAISFą ir IWGF ir WADA.

I read the IFBB Constitution. Interestingly, I came across Article 15.2 which stipulates:
2. Documented proof of the organization's acceptance by their Ministry of Sport, or National Olympic Committee, that they are the sole recognized national sport governing body for the sport of bodybuilding and fitness within their country. HOW MANY COUNTRIES SO CALLED MEMBERS OF THE "IFBB CORPORATION" ARE AFFILIATED TO THEIR OLYMPIC COMMITTEES AND TO THEIR SPORTS MINISTRIES???
3. A copy of their constitution and rules, said constitution and rules which must be in conformity with the Constitution and Rules of the IFBB HOW MANY COUNTRIES SUBMITTED THEIR CONSTITUTIONS TO THE IFBB corporation??? Not many have rules or constitution.
We should challenge the IFBB to produce the list of all the countries who are recognized by their Ministry of Sport or by their National Olympic Committee. We doubt that there are more than 40 or 50 countries recognized by their government or National Olympic Committees. Take for example, the English Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation & Australia federation ( they are operating under business). Only a handful number of countries are recognized: Asia, South Pacific and some Pan American/European countries.
The IFBB is actually not 179 countries strong....let's track back the past five years, how many nations participated in the World Men's Bodybuilding Championships, not over 65 and some of them do not even have athletes. Most of the delegates are gym owners and bodybuilders. Where are the 100 over nations?????
The "IFBB" hoodwink the governments. GAISF, IWGF and the sports authorities of the world.
Shame on them.
We thank the BRAVE OFFICIALS AXEL BAUER, OSAMA ALSHAFAR, PAUL CHUA for their bravery to stand up and say" NO THIS IS WRONG AND YOU SHOULD FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTIONAL AND DEMOCRATIC WAY" in running a federation. They have exposed the real crooks and cheats. There is a saying when the well runs can really see between a snake and a fish. The world knows who is the snake now.
(vardo neskelbiame)

WFF-WBBF atsakymas toks: reikia visiems susitikti ir aptarti apsijungimo po WFF-WBBF federacijos vėliava galimybes:

Dear friends,
Why not to unite all of us in the WFF (World Fitness Federation) and the WBBF (World Bodybuilding Federation)???
Maybe let us meet and discuss this question?
We have new ideas...
Edmundas Daubaras
International President
Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council
Secretary General WFF-WBBF Lithuania
Edita Sendriene Wrote:
Edita Sendriene Wrote:Kiekvienai organizacijai vadovauja ŽMONĖS.
Ką tik gavome vieno iš IFBB vadovų laišką, siųlantį vienyti pastangas prieš Rafaelio Santochos veiklą.
Jis rašo, kad Rafaelis Santocha apgaudinėja visus, tame tarpe GAISFą ir IWGF ir WADA.

I read the IFBB Constitution. Interestingly, I came across Article 15.2 which stipulates:
2. Documented proof of the organization's acceptance by their Ministry of Sport, or National Olympic Committee, that they are the sole recognized national sport governing body for the sport of bodybuilding and fitness within their country. HOW MANY COUNTRIES SO CALLED MEMBERS OF THE "IFBB CORPORATION" ARE AFFILIATED TO THEIR OLYMPIC COMMITTEES AND TO THEIR SPORTS MINISTRIES???
3. A copy of their constitution and rules, said constitution and rules which must be in conformity with the Constitution and Rules of the IFBB HOW MANY COUNTRIES SUBMITTED THEIR CONSTITUTIONS TO THE IFBB corporation??? Not many have rules or constitution.
We should challenge the IFBB to produce the list of all the countries who are recognized by their Ministry of Sport or by their National Olympic Committee. We doubt that there are more than 40 or 50 countries recognized by their government or National Olympic Committees. Take for example, the English Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation & Australia federation ( they are operating under business). Only a handful number of countries are recognized: Asia, South Pacific and some Pan American/European countries.
The IFBB is actually not 179 countries strong....let's track back the past five years, how many nations participated in the World Men's Bodybuilding Championships, not over 65 and some of them do not even have athletes. Most of the delegates are gym owners and bodybuilders. Where are the 100 over nations?????
The "IFBB" hoodwink the governments. GAISF, IWGF and the sports authorities of the world.
Shame on them.
We thank the BRAVE OFFICIALS AXEL BAUER, OSAMA ALSHAFAR, PAUL CHUA for their bravery to stand up and say" NO THIS IS WRONG AND YOU SHOULD FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTIONAL AND DEMOCRATIC WAY" in running a federation. They have exposed the real crooks and cheats. There is a saying when the well runs can really see between a snake and a fish. The world knows who is the snake now.
(vardo neskelbiame)

WFF-WBBF atsakymas toks: reikia visiems susitikti ir aptarti apsijungimo po WFF-WBBF federacijos vėliava galimybes:

Dear friends,
Why not to unite all of us in the WFF (World Fitness Federation) and the WBBF (World Bodybuilding Federation)???
Maybe let us meet and discuss this question?
We have new ideas...
Edmundas Daubaras
International President

fantastika! butu gerai!
Pagal užimamas pareigas - EBFF Legal Advisor - Axel Bauer daro tai, kas jam ir priklauso. Jo kompetencijoje - federacijos sutartys, ataskaitos, juridiniai reikalai.
Klausimai užduoti, bus ir atsakymai bei sprendimai.
Problemų neiškyla tik ten, kur visus reikaliukus "suka" tik vienas, niekam ir prieš nieką neatsiskaitantis, asmuo...
Šiandien gavome dar vieną laišką dėl IFBB ir Rafaelio Santochos finansinių aferų.

From: Ifbb Pro <>
Date: Saturday, 28 March, 2009, 7:09 PM
Dear IFBB Executive Members:
I have been very patient. Time is running out to a point that I am forced to report this matter to the following authorities on Monday:

1. Interpol
2. Madrid police
3. Montreal police

All those people who are involved in the scam must be brought to justice. All documents which I received will be sent to the three departments.
The IFBB Corporation must be transparent. They are hiding and keeping everything a secret for their personal benefit.
As an ardent supporter of EBBF, I would not want to be hauled and questioned by the police in my country.
I feel insecure after reading all the emails coming from the various people in the IFBB and EBBF.

WFF-International Official Information Only
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome dar vieną laišką dėl IFBB ir Rafaelio Santochos finansinių aferų.

From: Ifbb Pro <>
Date: Saturday, 28 March, 2009, 7:09 PM
Dear IFBB Executive Members:
I have been very patient. Time is running out to a point that I am forced to report this matter to the following authorities on Monday:

1. Interpol
2. Madrid police
3. Montreal police

All those people who are involved in the scam must be brought to justice. All documents which I received will be sent to the three departments.
The IFBB Corporation must be transparent. They are hiding and keeping everything a secret for their personal benefit.
As an ardent supporter of EBBF, I would not want to be hauled and questioned by the police in my country.
I feel insecure after reading all the emails coming from the various people in the IFBB and EBBF.


Šiandien gavome laišką iš aukščiausių tarptautinių IFBB vadovų dėl bendradarbiavimo su Pasauline WFF-WBBF federacija pradžios.
Daugiau papasakosime greitai...
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome dar vieną laišką dėl IFBB ir Rafaelio Santochos finansinių aferų.

From: Ifbb Pro <>
Date: Saturday, 28 March, 2009, 7:09 PM
Dear IFBB Executive Members:
I have been very patient. Time is running out to a point that I am forced to report this matter to the following authorities on Monday:

1. Interpol
2. Madrid police
3. Montreal police

All those people who are involved in the scam must be brought to justice. All documents which I received will be sent to the three departments.
The IFBB Corporation must be transparent. They are hiding and keeping everything a secret for their personal benefit.
As an ardent supporter of EBBF, I would not want to be hauled and questioned by the police in my country.
I feel insecure after reading all the emails coming from the various people in the IFBB and EBBF.


Šiandien gavome laišką iš aukščiausių tarptautinių IFBB vadovų dėl bendradarbiavimo su Pasauline WFF-WBBF federacija pradžios.
Daugiau papasakosime greitai...

Tai, kad eilė pasaulinių IFBB-EFBB vadovų atsiuntė savo federacijos finansinę ir kitokią medžiagą į tarptautinę WFF-WBBF federacijos būstinę turi savotišką reikšmę.
Dar labiau reikšmingas minėtų vadovų kreipimasis į WFF-WBBF dėl galimo įvairiapusio bendradarbiavimo.
Visa tai parodo, kad Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF federacija pasirinko teisingą sporto vystymo kelią.
Be abejo, reikia išsamiau susipažinti su medžiaga, viską gerai apgalvoti ir pasiruošti bendriems ateities susitikimams dėl bendradarbiavimo variantų.
President WFF-WBBF International
Kartu su IFBB vadovybe mes gauname laiškus, kuriuose minima kritinė situacija IFBB federacijoje, giriamos permainos, pabrėžiama prasta Rafaelio Santochos reputacija ir autoritetas.

Dear Sirs,
My son is not an account, he is only 15 yrs. old. He read this email and said why "IFBB President" not replying. If they are honest, they should reply to Mr. Axel and satisfy the world. Whoever crosses their path, they will try their best to remove them, they only want yes-men in their Committee. This will not happen. Rafael feel insecure, full of complex, and agitated fast. He cannot even compare with Bushek or Paul Chua, both these men have diplomacy.
Long live Asia and Europe and let's get rid of this colonial brain of Rafael and his gang.

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