02-22-2009, 01:30 PM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš JAV/.
Šiaurės Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad visiems patiko paskutinis WFF-WBBF federacijos žurnalo numeris.
Šiuo metu amerikiečiai daug dirba rengdami tarptautinį projektą Vietname: WFF-WBBF varžybas pajungiant JAV televizijos kompanijas:
Dear Ed,
So good to hear from you after so many months.
We had received your new Magazine at our WFF-WBBF headquarter in North American.
Please be expecting a few nice photos taken there.
After all the problems we faced here in 2008 the tides have changed. We have just signed a new agreement with Dr. Catherine Bach.
She is of Asian decent and likes our idea to produce a production in California.
A portion will be for WFF-WBBF Competitions.
This event will act as the first stop for athletes.
The second stop will lead in 2010 as we are planning on a televised in competition Vietnam.
We all love the WFF-WBBF Sports magazine!
I will keep you in formed as the project moves in the right direction.
All the Best,
Mike Glass – President WFF-WBBF North America®
Šiaurės Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad visiems patiko paskutinis WFF-WBBF federacijos žurnalo numeris.
Šiuo metu amerikiečiai daug dirba rengdami tarptautinį projektą Vietname: WFF-WBBF varžybas pajungiant JAV televizijos kompanijas:
Dear Ed,
So good to hear from you after so many months.
We had received your new Magazine at our WFF-WBBF headquarter in North American.
Please be expecting a few nice photos taken there.
After all the problems we faced here in 2008 the tides have changed. We have just signed a new agreement with Dr. Catherine Bach.
She is of Asian decent and likes our idea to produce a production in California.
A portion will be for WFF-WBBF Competitions.
This event will act as the first stop for athletes.
The second stop will lead in 2010 as we are planning on a televised in competition Vietnam.
We all love the WFF-WBBF Sports magazine!
I will keep you in formed as the project moves in the right direction.
All the Best,
Mike Glass – President WFF-WBBF North America®