06-29-2009, 11:44 PM
WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Singapūro. IFBB vice prezidentas POLAS ČIUA prašo paviešinti forume dar vieną laišką.
Susirašinėdamas su Indijos IFBB vadovu jis aptaria aktualius klausimus: nuolatinės manipuliacijos dopingo klausimais, kaip IFBB už pinigus atleidžia nuo bausmės už dopingo naudojimą, kaip apgaudinėja WADA,
Neseniai vykusiame arabų šalių IFBB čempionate nuo scenos nunešė du sportininkus su neštuvais, o dopingo kontrolės nebuvo visai.
RAFAELIS SANTOCHA į atsakingas IFBB pareigas skiria indą SUREŠĄ PAJŲ, kuris, švelniai sakant, yra priklausomas nuo alkoholio.
Toliau laiške seka seni IFBB kaltinimai teisinėmis ir finansinėmis machinacijomis:
From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
To: "ABBF ADM" <abbf.adm@hotmail.com>, "Rajesh Babu Nepal Shrestha" <rajesh@chitawoncoe.com>
Date: Saturday, 27 June, 2009, 12:46 PM
Dear Mr. Rajesh,
Suresh Pai of India is harping on WADA rules etc. why don't he ask the IFBB or he answer us the following questions:
1. The cover up of Kamal of Qatar for doping offences committed twice, he should have been banned for life. The IFBB reduced the two athletes' suspensions from 2 years to 8 months and received a sum of US$20,000.- to settle the issue. Rafael was the Executive Asst. to the IFBB President at that time. By allowing Kamal to participate in competitions while serving his suspension and till today no action was taken. WHY?
2. The FORGING OF DOPING DOCUMENTS by the Qatar W/Lifting and Bodybuilding Federation which is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE under the law and the IFBB under Rafael forgave them by lifting their suspension and gave recognition and directing them to form a special commission against the legally recognised ABBF by the Olympic Council of Asia. The lifting of the suspension is against the WADA rules. We have all the documents to show proof from the Penang Lab. in Malaysia. The IFBB does not keep their record for doping.. Ask them to send us all the doping documents for the past 10 years and we will know the TRUTH. They are scared to death to reveal all these to us. They are HIDING all doping matters .
3. The covering up of the doping offence of Jose from Brazil who was tested positive in the 2008 World Championships. IFBB President Rafael and the Doping Committee by mistake sent to me a copy of their email where they were conspiring to assist this athlete. They were exposed in nude and were put on shame. Nobody will trust them anymore on doping matters, only GOD knows how many cases they have cheated in the past.
4. No doping tests were conducted in the Arab Championships and two of the athletes were rushed to hospital last week when they collapsed on the stage witnessed by the audience and by Rafael and Adel Fahim. The IFBB President condoning such competitions. They are talking rubbish and nonsense about WADA taking action against me? What action? I am walking tall everyday.
5. Why the IFBB President is not answering all the emails about the IFBB accounts and the non- existence of the so called IFBB in Spain. We have a complete report against this bogus organisation submitted by a Private Investigator. An account was GARNISHED by the Court!!!
6. Why all their payments was settled by Rafael Santonja's company and not by the IFBB
7. Why IFBB President did not disclose the "joint declaration" signed by him and the late Ben Weider to the IFBB Congress in Ostrava in 2006, Jeju in 2007 and Manama in 2008? Why he is concealing this transaction;
8. Why the Executive Director of the IFBB Ms.. Pamela Kagan committed a forgery by including my name in the minutes when I was not present; The name of Rafael was also included but he is not objecting.
9. Why up till today there is no HEARING fixed over our suspensions? They fear that we will ask questions and they have no answers; We are represented by DLA PIPER in England which is one of the most well respected legal firm in the world. We are proceeding with our legal action and will not let them go easily. There is NO DEMOCRACY in the IFBB, democracy is dead in the IFBB.
10. Why they have no guts to come for an open debate at our ABBF Congress ? They know that we will expose their dirty games.
We have many more questions but I thought that the above will suffice. The man Suresh PAI was punched in the stomach by the former President of the ABBF when he was drunk and arguing in the suite room at New Delhi in 1996 and witnessed by several people. Suresh PAI is now claiming to be a member of media commission of the IFBB ....this is a JOKE. We will extend an invitation to Pai to our ABBF Congress and explain to him on constitutional matters. He need to know about Article 20.1 of the IFBB Constitution about his President's absolute power.
Brotherly regards,
Paul Chua
Secretary-General - ABBF
Du sportininkus nuo neseniai vykusio 2009 metų IFBB arabų čempionato scenos neštuvais nuvežė į ligoninę.
Dopingo kontrolės nebuvo.
Renginį stebėjo ir jam vadovavo RAFAELIS SANTOCHA.