09-30-2006, 05:18 PM
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFf federacija gavo laišką iš oficialaus WFF atstovo Jungtiniuose Arabų Emiratuose, profesionalų NABBA "Universe" čempiono HASSANO EL SAKOS:
dear mr edmondas
thank you for all your emails and fotos you have sand.
how are you you? how is everythink with you?
hop all is geting weel and beter.
i am sory if i am not sanding emails long time agoo, it was so busy time, sory agine.
i am fine evry think is ok, tomorw i am going to syria for 21days stay with my family and making my mired party, hop every thing will be good.
wen are you coming to dubai? please let me no.
best reagards
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