06-16-2009, 07:59 AM
Šiandien gavome dar vieną laišką iš Singapūro paviešinimui forume.
IFBB įkūrėjas Kanadoje BENAS VEIDERIS kartu su savo sūnumi ERIKU dešimtmečiais valdė jiems priklausančią nuosavybės teise IFBB korporaciją-federaciją.
Šeimyninė ranga privačiose IFBB struktūrose tęsiama ir žemesniame lygmenyje.
IFBB įkūrėjas Maldyvuose, jis ir Azijos IFBB vice prezidentas, Mohamed Haleem rašo apie šeimyninę rangą privačioje IFBB federacijoje-korporacijoje.
JAV naiviais sportininkais manipuliuoja VANDA ir VILJAMAS TERNERIAI, Australijoje POLAS ir KAROLIJA GRAHAMAI.
Nė vieno jų į IFBB vadovaujančias pareigas niekas neskyrė... tai ką jie čia veikia?
From: Mohamed Haleem <haleem@gmail.com>
Subject: Are you choosing IFBB turn into a marriage counseling service?.
To: stanislav.pesat@pepasport.cz, j.zigrai@quick.cz, aon.912456590@aon.at, vajdova@markiza.sk, cernotaJ@seznam.cz, wwp@seznam.cz, zdeneksedmik@seznam..cz, elcoach2010@yahoo.com, peterek.michal@centrum.cz, ott@kulturism.ee, lukasosladil-ifbb@volny.cz, andrej.mozolani@orangemail.sk, viktoska@seznam.cz, jkubik@tiscali.cz, tazmann@quick.cz, Hanak.Mirek@seznam.cz, kontakt@musclegym.de, universal.gym@tiscali.cz, wiltavsky@hbtisk.cz, maradek@quick.cz, mach@narwall.cz, vojtovic@interier.com, bohumir.vojtovic@opava.cz, georgvisny@tiscali.ch, f.vincourek@tiscali.cz, rcernoskova@bvv.cz, pnavratil@bvv.cz, vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, vagner@kwk.cz, bretislav.tuma@ferram.cz, m.triska@interier.com, m_tichy@sendme.cz, ivana.bednarikova@czech-tv.cz, jaromir.bosak@czech-tv.cz, rostislav.sumbera@ceskatelevize.cz, m.srubar@centrum.cz, PSedenka@seznam.cz, julius.safr@volny.cz, syrovatko@syner.cz, eva..sukupova@seznam.cz, kuruc@akkh.cz, S.Pesat@seznam.cz, skramlik@totalsport.cz, R.Sklar@seznam.cz, rehacek@reemtsma.cz, to=profitala@tiscali.cz, zorves@post.cz, cardio-kt@comp.cz, zdenek.saman@vasbo.cz
Cc: "Paul Chua" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
Date: Monday, 15 June, 2009, 11:23 PM
On Mon, 15/6/09, Mohamed Haleem <haleem@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Rafael
This is Haleem of the Maldives again.
It's sad to see that you have still not replied to any of my emails.
The case between the ABBF and the IFBB came up recently while I was having a discussion with some of my colleagues who are also involved in promoting sport in Asia. I told them how you suspended the ABBF for no apparent reason and set up a 'Commission' for Asia. They agree that this a great insult to all Asians. Did you expect to step on the tigers tail and walk away unscathed? All this could have been avoided if you hadn't taken your rash and hasty decisions.
They laughed when I showed them the IFBB stationery. When I asked them why, they replied that they had not seen a husband and wife get appointed as members of an Executive Committee in any other Federation. Wouldn't they have two votes? I am ofcourse referring to William Tierney and his wife Wanda, and Paul Graham and Carol. This is indeed ridiculous. There are many intelligent and important officials from several countries who could contribute greatly to this sport and you choose to turn it into a marriage counseling service.
Can you please explain yourself?
Mohamed Haleem
Founder and Hon President Bodybuilding Federation of Maldives (BBFM)
Executive Vice-President South Asian Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation
Šiandien gavome dar vieną laišką iš Singapūro paviešinimui forume.
IFBB įkūrėjas Kanadoje BENAS VEIDERIS kartu su savo sūnumi ERIKU dešimtmečiais valdė jiems priklausančią nuosavybės teise IFBB korporaciją-federaciją.
Šeimyninė ranga privačiose IFBB struktūrose tęsiama ir žemesniame lygmenyje.
IFBB įkūrėjas Maldyvuose, jis ir Azijos IFBB vice prezidentas, Mohamed Haleem rašo apie šeimyninę rangą privačioje IFBB federacijoje-korporacijoje.
JAV naiviais sportininkais manipuliuoja VANDA ir VILJAMAS TERNERIAI, Australijoje POLAS ir KAROLIJA GRAHAMAI.
Nė vieno jų į IFBB vadovaujančias pareigas niekas neskyrė... tai ką jie čia veikia?
From: Mohamed Haleem <haleem@gmail.com>
Subject: Are you choosing IFBB turn into a marriage counseling service?.
To: stanislav.pesat@pepasport.cz, j.zigrai@quick.cz, aon.912456590@aon.at, vajdova@markiza.sk, cernotaJ@seznam.cz, wwp@seznam.cz, zdeneksedmik@seznam..cz, elcoach2010@yahoo.com, peterek.michal@centrum.cz, ott@kulturism.ee, lukasosladil-ifbb@volny.cz, andrej.mozolani@orangemail.sk, viktoska@seznam.cz, jkubik@tiscali.cz, tazmann@quick.cz, Hanak.Mirek@seznam.cz, kontakt@musclegym.de, universal.gym@tiscali.cz, wiltavsky@hbtisk.cz, maradek@quick.cz, mach@narwall.cz, vojtovic@interier.com, bohumir.vojtovic@opava.cz, georgvisny@tiscali.ch, f.vincourek@tiscali.cz, rcernoskova@bvv.cz, pnavratil@bvv.cz, vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, vagner@kwk.cz, bretislav.tuma@ferram.cz, m.triska@interier.com, m_tichy@sendme.cz, ivana.bednarikova@czech-tv.cz, jaromir.bosak@czech-tv.cz, rostislav.sumbera@ceskatelevize.cz, m.srubar@centrum.cz, PSedenka@seznam.cz, julius.safr@volny.cz, syrovatko@syner.cz, eva..sukupova@seznam.cz, kuruc@akkh.cz, S.Pesat@seznam.cz, skramlik@totalsport.cz, R.Sklar@seznam.cz, rehacek@reemtsma.cz, to=profitala@tiscali.cz, zorves@post.cz, cardio-kt@comp.cz, zdenek.saman@vasbo.cz
Cc: "Paul Chua" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
Date: Monday, 15 June, 2009, 11:23 PM
On Mon, 15/6/09, Mohamed Haleem <haleem@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Rafael
This is Haleem of the Maldives again.
It's sad to see that you have still not replied to any of my emails.
The case between the ABBF and the IFBB came up recently while I was having a discussion with some of my colleagues who are also involved in promoting sport in Asia. I told them how you suspended the ABBF for no apparent reason and set up a 'Commission' for Asia. They agree that this a great insult to all Asians. Did you expect to step on the tigers tail and walk away unscathed? All this could have been avoided if you hadn't taken your rash and hasty decisions.
They laughed when I showed them the IFBB stationery. When I asked them why, they replied that they had not seen a husband and wife get appointed as members of an Executive Committee in any other Federation. Wouldn't they have two votes? I am ofcourse referring to William Tierney and his wife Wanda, and Paul Graham and Carol. This is indeed ridiculous. There are many intelligent and important officials from several countries who could contribute greatly to this sport and you choose to turn it into a marriage counseling service.
Can you please explain yourself?
Mohamed Haleem
Founder and Hon President Bodybuilding Federation of Maldives (BBFM)
Executive Vice-President South Asian Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation