10-24-2006, 10:29 PM
E.Sendriene.WFF Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacijos būstinė gavo laišką iš Pietų Amerikos WFF prezidento JORGE CEDALE.
Jis rašo, kas Pietų Amerikos WFF federacija pasipildė nacionaline Paragvajaus federacija ir artimiausiu metu į WFF įstos Peru:
Dear Ed
On sunday in the north east of Argentina I signed a deal with the Paraguayan representative of the bodybuilding association in Paraguay. Mr Milciades Martines is now president of W.F.F. Paraguay. He will send a strong team to compete in our South American contest in December. He will also send teams to compete in European and World championships in 2007.
He promised to carry out the W.F.F. South American Show in 2008 in Asuncion, Paraguay.
In the next days I will close a similar agrrement with Mr Zalazar from Peru. I will keep you updated.