11-01-2006, 06:08 PM
Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Prahos.
Čekai (buvę IFBB atstovai) linkę toliau bendradarbiauti su WFF:
Dear Mr. Daubaras,
I would like to ask you, if you could send me an address to your federation, because we would like to send you something by post office and I couldn´t find it on your web sites.
Thank you very much,
Yours sincerely
Katerina Svagrova
Fitness Style, Prague, Czech Republic
Čekai (buvę IFBB atstovai) linkę toliau bendradarbiauti su WFF:
Dear Mr. Daubaras,
I would like to ask you, if you could send me an address to your federation, because we would like to send you something by post office and I couldn´t find it on your web sites.
Thank you very much,
Yours sincerely
Katerina Svagrova
Fitness Style, Prague, Czech Republic