11-01-2006, 06:14 PM
Denis Wrote:Edita Sendriene WFF Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Prahos.
Čekai (buvę IFBB atstovai) linkę toliau bendradarbiauti su WFF:
Dear Mr. Daubaras,
I would like to ask you, if you could send me an address to your federation, because we would like to send you something by post office and I couldn´t find it on your web sites.
Thank you very much,
Yours sincerely
Katerina Svagrova
Fitness Style, Prague, Czech Republic
bet juk jie dar visai nmeseniai buvo ifbb federacijoje?
Laikai keičiasi, niekas nestovi vietoje.