05-26-2009, 01:46 PM
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien publikacijai forume gavome dar vieną vyriausio IFBB finansininko laišką.
Laiške rašoma, kad IFBB korporacijos-federacijos generalinis sekretorius anglas William Tierney siuntinėja nacionalinėms federacijoms grasinimus, jei jos palaikys POLĄ ČIUA.
Tačiau nacionalinės federacijos balandžio 22 dieną Kuala Lampūre (Malaizija) susirinko į neeilinį kongresą ir pareiškė, kad NEPRIPAŽĮSTA IFBB FEDERACIJOS-KORPORACIJOS. Federacijos reikalauja, kad RAFAELIS SANTOCHĄ atsakytų į visus IFBB vyriausio finansininko pateiktus finansinius ir juridinius klausimus, nes ypatingai svarbiuose dokumentuose daug suklastotų parašų.
From: Mohamed Haleem <haleem@gmail.com>
Subject: Dear Asian Brothers and Sisters
To: "Afghanistan Asia" <zubais_m1@hotmail.com>, "mohd abdulla" <mohd_bwbb@yahoo.com>, saleh_angel@hotmail.com, "mlrkhan@cgscomm.net" <mlrkhan@cgscomm.net>, bhutannoc@gmail.com, capkaytee@hotmail.com, "Karma Wangchuk" <gsd@druknet.bt>, kphalla@yahoo.com, "cbba-cn Asia" <cbba-cn@sohu.com>, "Simon Chan (IPTFA)" <simon@iptfa..com>, girijashankar_nayak@yahoo.com, navin_rao2007@yahoo.ca, smb@cbn.net.id, "Indonesia Asia" <bigguy1402@yahoo.com>, adang.d@bangadang.com, iriranbbf@yahoo.com, bbfiran@yahoo.com, n..pouralifard@yahoo.com, iranbodybuilding@gmail.com, aliraqibbf@yahoo.com, mky_miyao@ybb.ne.jp, "Jordan Asia" <khaleddpa@yahoo.com>, araslanov58@mail.ru, "Kaesun Asia" <kaesun@kaesun.com>, charliekorean@gmail.com, "Rep Kyrgyz Asia" <alisher_tairov@mail.ru>, cbannavong@hotmail.com, "Malih Alaywan IFBB Executive" <sateh_n@yahoo.com>, "Macau Asia" <chelucky@macau.ctm.net>, ines.mbfa@yahoo.com, "siyeung Asia" <siyeung@ipm.edu.mo>, japerun82@yahoo.com, masbbf@yahoo.com, budes_e@yahoo.com, monochir@yahoo.com, member-5@hotmail.com.mm, dineshrajbh@hotmail.com, nbba@mail.com, "Rajesh Babu Shrestha" <rajesh@chitawoncoe.com>, omolco@omantel.net.om, nocpakistan@gmail.com, abujaffar50@gmail.com, corybmojica@yahoo.com, limluciano@yahoo.com, emkafood@yahoo.com, "Qatar Asia" <M.Y.AlMana@alhamadautomobiles.com..qa>, aymanshugair@yahoo.com, s.al-naseeb@hotmail.com, letchmenon@yahoo.com.sg, mletchmenon@sbbf.org.sg, "Jeff Schucroft" <jeffschucroft@gmail.com>, "Syria Asia" <syrianbodybuilding@yahoo..com>, "Jengliao Asia" <jengliao@gmail.com>, ctbbf@kbronet.com.tw, noc@olympic.tj, thaibody@hotmail.com, skanda@loxinfo.co.th, "Sugree Supawarikul" <seabbf@yahoo.com>, "Osama Al Shafar" <osama@alshafar.ae>, bodybuld@emirates.net.ae, "hussin alsaffar" <alsafarww73@yahoo.com>, "Uzbekistan Asia" <uzb_bodybuildingfitness@yahoo.com>, mr_aziz@yahoo.com, bodybuilding.vgf@gmail.com, huynhanh.vbbf@yahoo.com, toangiacuong@gmail.com, ywlf2002@hotmail.com, hotak.bawar@yahoo.com, "Christina Kam" <christina_weider@yahoo.com>
Cc: "Paul Chua" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
Date: Thursday, 30 April, 2009, 7:38 PM
My dear Asian Brothers and Sisters,
Some Associations have received threatening letters from the Acting General-Secretary of the IFBB Corporation, William Tierney, as directed by his boss Rafael Santonja.
Mr. Tierney is warning us that he will write to our respective governments to complain about us participating in the ABBF Extra-Ordinary Congress. They fail to realize that we are living in a free and democratic society.
The IFBB it seems, have gone back to the Dark Ages and have resorted to using threats and intimidation to get what they want. This is the behaviour of an animal without any justice or fair-play. They have forgotten all about the fundamentals of Sport, that is to build bridges of friendship between the competitors, now all they want is power, to dictate our every move. Will he ever try to pull such a stunt on the Europeans? If so, they would just tell him to go rot in Hell.
The "IFBB CORPORATION" should convince us, with the proof, about the questions raised by Mr. Axel Bauer. Trust me when I say that the signatures on certain documents were forged in Montreal, Canada. The truth will come out soon.
The 'IFBB Corporation' thinks that we are fools and that they can play games with us. We will not become puppets of the IFBB regime. They must take notice of this.
We request the “IFBB Corporation” to leave us Asians alone and to go make money on their own if that’s what they wish. We DO NOT RECOGNISE IFBB as can be seen by the majority in attendance at the Extra Ordinary Congress held on 22nd April, 2009 in Kuala Lumpur.
Kindly provide us with clear proof where all the money from IFBB.Inc in Canada was deposited. Why is it that IFBB Spain made payments through a company operated by Rafael Santonja and not by the corporation or association? Simply answer the questions posed by Mr.Axel Bauer and we will gladly support the IFBB.
It’s such a shame to see a British gentleman such as Mr.William Tierney misbehaving in this unsightly manner. Though just been appointed as the Act. General Secretary, he now wants to show us he just might act like his buddy Adel Fahim.
Seems like the reason that Prof. Mauricio is silent is because he was also involved in the scandal of Jose’s case on doping because the athlete is from Brazil. He was so upset that he demanded Mr.Paul Chua to produce the documents of the 2005 doping within 48 hours. Really, I fail to understand the poor mentality of these so called senior officers and workers of the IFBB. Maurico is a paid staff and he acts as though the IFBB Corporation belongs to him.
Asian brothers and sisters please show all the documents which Mr Paul Chua sent to us to your government and EXPOSE these cheats.
graziai :idea: