01-22-2007, 01:57 PM
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Šiandien Jolanta Mileriūtė prancūzų kultūrizmo forume gerai pasireiškė ir išaiškino nelabai suprantantiems prancūzams WFF varžybinę sistemą.
Manau, visiems bus įdomu susipažinti su diskusijos fragmentais:
Say me frankly how you can judge in one or 2 days 750 competitors ?
Dear friend, I want to remind you politely that we live in the 21-st century.
We are using high technologies, we have computers and skilled persons working at our contests.
We register, we judge and then all other work is done by computer.
You still live in ancient ages (I am so sorry to say this)!!!
3 years ago I was in VILNIUS for the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ..I think that
you have award 80 or 100 titles of worldchampions..
Yes, WFF is a great federation. We have 96 Categories and age groups at our contests (juniors, seniors, aerobics, models, pairs, fitness, bodybuilding, wheel-chair disabled athletes etc.). You have just Bodybuilding. This is the difference... WFF goes together with today's time and it is not a federation of old pensionairs...
Just a anecdote in the morning 24 pairs for prejudging and in the evening 28 pairs for the final and the prejudjing has last 10 minutes
-you think that it s serious ?
Dear friend, do you want to see any bicepses or tricepses in aerobics or models? What muscles you want to judge for 8 or 10 years old boys?
But WFF has competitions for them too!!!
Be calm... WFF knows very well where to go and how to go (sorry again...).
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