03-04-2007, 09:31 AM
E.Sendriene;WFF Wrote:E.Sendriene;WFF Wrote:E.Sendriene;WFF Wrote:wff_Edita.S Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV WFF prezidento MAIKLO GLASO.
Artimiausiu metu jis ruošiasi pasirašyti bendradarbiavimo sutartį su 8 kartus "Miss Olympia" komercinio turnyro čempione LENDA MURRAY.
Lendai patinka WFF:
From: "Lenda Murray" View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
To: "MICHAEL GLASS" <newportmuscle@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: to Lenda Murray from WFF President Mike Glass
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 23:40:55 -0800
What you are doing for the sport of bodybuilding is quite impressive. I want to thank you for stepping outside lines to be and creating real competition across the board. Please continue on your quest. Only pioneers like you make the sport better for us all. The WBF, owned by Jim Macmahon changed the sport and put money in most pros pockets. Competition is a beautiful thing.
I have thought long and hard over this past week about the WFF. The WFF is very tempting, but I would like to reserve an answer of yes or no for today. Please keep me in mind. I will look to those with the heart and sincerity that you have. Lets talk at a later date.
Lenda Murray
vyksta neitiketini dalykeliai. tiesa sakant, jie vyko ir anksciau, tik niekas to nezinojo... :oops: