03-06-2007, 03:25 PM
E.Sendriene;WFF Wrote:wff_Edita.S Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo dar vieną laišką iš Amerikos.
JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo apie WFF tvirtėjimo procesus Amerikoje ir prisimena savo seną draugą, žinomą kultūrizmo teoretiką Amerikoje BOBĄ DELMONTEGĄ.
Bobas mėgsta sakyti:
niekada nepasiduok!
Dear Edita,
Your words are very kind indeed. But please, I am a mire simple man who wants everyone to succeed over life’s struggles.
Sometimes on our travels in life the very bad things, dead end roads, detours, stop signs and great disappointments can be at times our greatest teacher for self improvement. Had I and many others not been systematically pushed out of the IFBB and NPC for trying to earn an honest and creative living. I could have stayed where I was under their yoke of figurative bondage and possibly never learned these precious lessons.
My good friend and mentor, Dr. Bob Delmonteque is the number # 1 fitness expert for life and seniors in America. Bob always tells me; “ MIKE, NEVER GIVE UP”!
Bob is now 87 years old. (See photos below of Mr. Universe and Top Actor Rolf Moller, Debbie Kruck World Champion Fitness Winner and International Model and Dr. Bob Delmonteque). Photo taken at my Academy of Bodybuilding, Fitness, Model and Sports Awards Show.
I am honored to be a small part of the great WFF growing industry! I will hold the WFF banner high down the roads I travel.