03-16-2007, 12:35 PM
E.Sendriene;WFF Wrote:E.Sendriene;WFF Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF prezidentas JORGE CEDALE oficialiai patvirtino, kad trečiaisi Pietų Amerikos WFF čempionatas vyks rugpjūčio 11 dieną Argentinoje:
Dear Edmundas
Attached is the poster for the South American Championship. It will take place in August the 11th in the north of Argentina in the border with Brazil and paraguay in the rainforest. Organizer will provide lodgings and transfers for two nights there. If you decide to come I will invite you with two extra nights in Buenos Aires (mandatory stoppover coming from Eastern Europe).
p.s. The other associations sponsoring the contest are the local one that have joined WFF