04-24-2009, 09:07 PM
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome dar vieną laišką iš Singapūro, kurį prašoma paviešinti WFF-WBBF forume.
IFBB vice prezidentas POLAS ČIUA laiške RAFAELIUI SANTOCHAI aprašo eilinius nešvarius RAFAELIO žaidimus, taikant sankcijas už dopingo naudojimą IFBB:
Today we received one more letter to publish in the Forum from the IFBB-International Vice President PAUL CHUA <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>:
From: baba madhok <babamadhok@gmail.com>
To: internacional@santonja.com, osama@alshafar.ae, ifbbeurope@yahoo.com, p.filleborn@neostrada.pl, albert@busek.de, dubinin@fbfr.ru, wanda.tierney@ukonline.co.uk, abbfasia@yahoo.com..sg, spbbf@slingshot.co.nz, pkagan@ifbbprofessionalleague.com, tblinn@ifbbpro.com, efbb@tedata.net, eg@yahoo.com, ifbbcaribbean@msn.com, aquilesdecesare@hotmail.com, pcgraham@ozemail.com.au, bettomondello@libero.it, christina_weider@yahoo.com
Cc: "babamadhok" <babamadhok@gmail.com>
Date: Friday, 24 April, 2009, 6:01 PM
Dear IFBB Executive Members & ABBF Executive Members:
I am appalled and surprised that Rafael Santonja can forgive Qatar Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Federation in lifting their suspension for FORGERY of DOPING DOCUMENTS which is a criminal offence in the eye of the law and instead targeting the ABBF and Mr. Paul Chua for the doping incidents of 2005 which the late Ben Weider was in charge of this matter together with his staff in Montreal, Canada.
I am aware that all doping results were sent directly to the IFBB Headquarters and not to ABBF. Why the IFBB does not keep all these records and why only now the IFBB under the president-ship of Rafael Santonja who is having a personal conflict and personalty clash with Paul Chua is asking for all these papers after a period of 4 long years. Surely IFBB as a responsible organisation will keep the records of all doping matters and suspensions? Why they are shifting this responsibility to the ABBF?
I smell something fishy?
I was shocked that Rafael appointed the General-Secretary of Qatar W/Lifting and Bodybuilding Federation Mr. Ibrahim Kafood to head the IFBB Commission for Asia? How can he do this when there is a legal case being pursued by the ABBF on the Qatar matter through their lawyers in London against the lifting of the suspension on Qatar.
I think Rafael should stop "double-standard" practises and be honest and straight-forward to all the the nations instead of beating around the bush and asking his Acting General-Secretary William Tierney to write letters here and there to disrupt the great harmony of the Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation.
Thank you
Baba Madhok