08-17-2007, 02:26 PM
WFF secretary service Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos šalių WFF prezidentas JORGE CEDALE informuoja apie sėkmingai pavykusį trečią Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF čempionatą:
Jorge Cedale wrote:
Dear Ed
I just wanted you to know that the South American
championship in Resistencia, Argentina was a terrific
success. 80 competitors and 2,000 attendees. When
simultaneously IFBB was carrying out a show with
Gustavo Badell as a posing guest.
We are very happy. On Friday I will send you lots of
photos. We had an excelent level of competitores in
fitness and body building.
Pasaulinės WFF federacijos prezidento sveikinimai amerikiečiams:
Dear Jorge,
My Congratulations!
Different from other federations, we have future.
We have a clear future vission and we go on without any fighting with anybody.
After the Anti-doping Contract with WADA we start thinking about becoming the Olympic Sport.
We need money for that. One of the sources is Russia. Anyway we are on the long way... but we are!
Edmundas Daubaras