08-02-2009, 06:26 PM
Pagauti kultūristą naudojus dopingą ir gauti iš jo 2000 JAV dolerių baudą
Kuo daugiau kultūristų bus pagauta, tuo didesnis pelnas IFBB korporacijai
Pagautas per dopingo kontrolę kultūristas gali išvengti bausmės, jei sumokės IFBB 10 000 JAV dolerių
Per IFBB varžybas imami 30 dopingo testų, bet WADA gauna tik 15 iš jų. Remiantis straipsniais 1, 2, 3 galime daryti prielaidą, kad likusieji 15 dopingo testų pamirštami atiduoti WADAi už tam tikrą dolerių kiekį, kurį IFBB kontrolieriams susimoka turtingesni kultūristai
From: mohd abdulla <mohd_bwbb@yahoo.com>
To: w.tierney2@ukonline.co.uk
Cc: "Rafael Santonja" <internacional@santonja.com>, "Mauricio de Arruda" <mauricio@santonja.com>, "Pamela Kagan" <pkagan@ifbbpro.com>
Date: Sunday, 2 August, 2009, 9:07 PM
Dear Mr. William Tierney,
Please find the attached DOPING FPRMS for the European Women’s Bodybuilding, Fitness and Bodyfitness Championships 2004 (18th - 21st June 2004, Tavira/Portugal):
At the EBFF European Women’s Bodybuilding, Fitness and Bodyfitness Championships from 18th to 21st June 2004, discovered the following incident:
On 20th June 2004, the following athletes had undergone Anti-Doping-Controls by the IFBB:
Name Placing Country Category Sample Code No.
1 Marketa Hladikova 1 Czech Republic up to 52 kg 349120
2 Florina Visan 2 Romania up to 52 kg 330900
3 Monika Halajova 4 Slovakia up to 52 kg 330902
4 Darina Piznal 1 Poland up to 57 kg 349117
5 Antonia Carreras 2 Spain up to 57 kg 330889
6 Marina Nikotina 3 Russia up to 57 kg 330898
7 Angelika Leobardt 4 Germany over to 57 kg 349115
8 Agnieszka Anna Ryk 3 Poland over to 57 kg 330887
9 Alina Evelina Popa 2 Rumania over to 57 kg 330901
10 Aurelia Grozajova 1 Slovakia over to 57 kg 330903
11 Katarzyna Kozakiewicz 3 Poland up to 164 cm 349114
12 Katarina Verbovska 2 Slovakia up to 164 cm 349122
13 Diana Goytia 1 Germany up to 164 cm 330899
14 Martina Tarkova 2 Slovakia up to 158 cm 349119
15 Katrin Grosmann 3 Germany up to 158 cm 349121
16 Irina Khorkova 1 Russia up to 158 cm 349116
17 Petra Mertl 3 Czech Republic up to 164 cm 349118
18 Michala Spickova 1 Czech Republic up to 164 cm 330885
19 Maria Kirsh 2 Russia up to 164 cm 330897
20 Natalia Lenartova 1 Slovakia up to 160 cm 330886
21 Claudia Partenza 3 Italy up to 52 kg 330896
22 Dora Emese Szantai 3 Hungary up to 160 cm 330888
23 Nathalia Foreau 4 France up to 57 kg 349130
24 Âlena Svejdova 2 Czech Republic up to 160 cm 330904
25 Svetlana Kochkina 3 Russia up to 167 cm 330894
26 Silvia Malachovska 1 Slovakia up to 167 cm 330890
27 Jozsefne Gal 2 Hungary up to 167 cm 330892
28 Barbora Buncakova 2 Slovakia up to 167 cm 330895
29 Van Essen Gerda Sophi 3 Netherlands up to 167 cm 330891
30 Gabriela Kubesova 1 Czech Republic up to 167 cm 330893
As you can see in total 30 anti-doping-tests were conducted. However only 15 samples were analysed in the laboratory in Seibersdorf/Austria. This fact can be seen from the attached 30 Doping Control Forms – interestingly the wife of Rafael Santonja, Nieves Lopez Cillanueva was the Doping Control officer in charge, and the fax of the WADA laboratory in Seibersdorf/Austria dated 21st June 2004 confirming the delivery of 15 competition samples only.
The question remains: where did the 15 other samples go? As far as informed that, Dr. Rafael Santonja advised to discard them.
Thus they were never analysed.
The following samples were received and analysed by the laboratory:
Code No. Name of athlete
330887 Agnieszka Anna Ryk
330901 Alina Evelina Popa
330903 Aurelia Grozajova
349115 Angelika Leobardt
330888 Dora Emese Szantai (positive)
330891 Van Essen Gerda Sophia
330894 Svetlana Kochkina
349120 Marketa Hladikova
330902 Monika Halajova
330896 Claudia Partenza (positive)
330900 Florina Visan
349130 Nathalia Foreau (positive)
349117 Darina Piznal
330889 Antonia Carreras
330898 Marina Nikotina
The following samples were not analysed: Code No.: Name
349114 Katarzyna Kozakiewicz
349122 Katarina Verbovska
330899 Diana Goytia
349119 Martina Tarkova
349121 Katrin Grosmann
349116 Irina Khorkova
349118 Petra Mertl
330885 Michala Spickova
330897 Maria Kirsh
330886 Natalia Lenartova
330904 Âlena Svejdova
330890 Silvia Malachovska
330892 Jozsefne Gal
330895 Barbora Buncakova
330893 Gabriela Kubesova
That means that 15 Doping Control samples were not analysed but instead discarded – this under the full responsibility of Dr. Rafael Santonja and his wife Nieves Lopez Cillanueva the Doping Control officer in charge.
WADA, Must be informed About this serious Doping incident, and Who will take an action?
WFF-International Official Information Only