06-05-2009, 10:26 AM
Šiandien gavome IFBB medicininės komisijos vadovo Dangsina Moeloek laišką RAFAELIUI SANTOCHAI.
Jis, kaip ir visas sporto pasaulis, atidžiai stebi tai, kas darosi apie IFBB.
Būdamas IFBB prezidentu ( o dabar visi žino, kad IFBB ne egzistuoja!!!), RAFAELIS SANTOCHA nori nubraukti 50 metų trunkančią Azijos kultūrizmo istoriją.
R.SANTOCHOS sekretorius (General Secretary William Tierney) nacionalinėms federacijoms ir sportininkams siuntinėja grasinančius laiškus, kas daug ką pasako...
Tačiau nepervertinkite savo pajėgumų, nes Azijos išgąsdinti nepavyks!
Azija nesusitaikys su melu ir netylės!
Amerika, Afrika ir Europa irgi tars savo žodį, neabejokite ir ispano melas pasibaigs.
Daugybė apgautų sportininkų, lygiai, kaip ir Azijos IFBB prezidentas bei vyriausias IFBB finansininkas laukia R.SANTOCHOS atsakymų į klausimus.
Atėjo laikas atsakyti...
Laikas užbaigti IFBB melą, ypač dabar, jau „ispaniškos“ IFBB korporacijos melą!!!
On Fri, 5/6/09, Dangsina Moeloek <m.dangsina@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Dangsina Moeloek <m.dangsina@yahoo.com>
Subject: Why you hide Mr President
To: "Rafael Santonja" <international@santonja.com>
Cc: "Alshafar UAE" <osama@alshafar.ae>, "Chua Paul" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
Date: Friday, 5 June, 2009, 12:13 PM
Dear Dr. Santonja,
I read all emails and especially the one sent by Mr. Sugree Suprawakul, General-Secretary of the Thailand Bodybuilding Association today.
Being a professional gentleman and being the President of the "IFBB" (which in truth does not exist), you must pluck the courtesy, decency and politeness to reply all emails which are sent to you.
You are ducking all the shots and instead you seem to guide your Actor General Secretary William Tierney to write all the letters and ask questions and threaten people and associations.
ABBF was founded 50 years ago by Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Mynamar, Thailand and Malaysia and you and your Senior Officers are trying to erase this foundation from the history of bodybuilding. This will not work please do not underestimate the Asians and all other sports loving people in the world including Europeans, South Americans and Africans, they know for sure what is going on but some of them fear to speak up. Time will tell for sure Dr. Santonja.
ABBF is led by an able President Mr. Osama Alshafar and he will not tolerate all your nonsense. Mr. Axel Bauer is another perfect, honest and decent gentleman, and he exposed all the games of the "IFBB" in Spain to the world.
I heard that you are now plotting to get rid of the Austrian federation, is this the way for a International President to act and behave?
Why can't you sit and talk and face the facts?
Why are you so adamant and ruthless?
I will speak to Mr. Osama and Datuk Chua to invite you to the ABBF Congress in Tehran, Iran this coming August 2009. Will you come, please let me know so that I can arrange for you to speak in the presence of all the Asian members at the Congress with QUESTION & ANSWERS sessions. We will also invite Mr. Axel Bauer to be fair to him for his opinion to be heard since we are living in a democratic world and not in the jungle.
Dr. Dangsina Moeloek
Chairperson of ABBF Medical Committee
Jis, kaip ir visas sporto pasaulis, atidžiai stebi tai, kas darosi apie IFBB.
Būdamas IFBB prezidentu ( o dabar visi žino, kad IFBB ne egzistuoja!!!), RAFAELIS SANTOCHA nori nubraukti 50 metų trunkančią Azijos kultūrizmo istoriją.
R.SANTOCHOS sekretorius (General Secretary William Tierney) nacionalinėms federacijoms ir sportininkams siuntinėja grasinančius laiškus, kas daug ką pasako...
Tačiau nepervertinkite savo pajėgumų, nes Azijos išgąsdinti nepavyks!
Azija nesusitaikys su melu ir netylės!
Amerika, Afrika ir Europa irgi tars savo žodį, neabejokite ir ispano melas pasibaigs.
Daugybė apgautų sportininkų, lygiai, kaip ir Azijos IFBB prezidentas bei vyriausias IFBB finansininkas laukia R.SANTOCHOS atsakymų į klausimus.
Atėjo laikas atsakyti...
Laikas užbaigti IFBB melą, ypač dabar, jau „ispaniškos“ IFBB korporacijos melą!!!
On Fri, 5/6/09, Dangsina Moeloek <m.dangsina@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Dangsina Moeloek <m.dangsina@yahoo.com>
Subject: Why you hide Mr President
To: "Rafael Santonja" <international@santonja.com>
Cc: "Alshafar UAE" <osama@alshafar.ae>, "Chua Paul" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
Date: Friday, 5 June, 2009, 12:13 PM
Dear Dr. Santonja,
I read all emails and especially the one sent by Mr. Sugree Suprawakul, General-Secretary of the Thailand Bodybuilding Association today.
Being a professional gentleman and being the President of the "IFBB" (which in truth does not exist), you must pluck the courtesy, decency and politeness to reply all emails which are sent to you.
You are ducking all the shots and instead you seem to guide your Actor General Secretary William Tierney to write all the letters and ask questions and threaten people and associations.
ABBF was founded 50 years ago by Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Mynamar, Thailand and Malaysia and you and your Senior Officers are trying to erase this foundation from the history of bodybuilding. This will not work please do not underestimate the Asians and all other sports loving people in the world including Europeans, South Americans and Africans, they know for sure what is going on but some of them fear to speak up. Time will tell for sure Dr. Santonja.
ABBF is led by an able President Mr. Osama Alshafar and he will not tolerate all your nonsense. Mr. Axel Bauer is another perfect, honest and decent gentleman, and he exposed all the games of the "IFBB" in Spain to the world.
I heard that you are now plotting to get rid of the Austrian federation, is this the way for a International President to act and behave?
Why can't you sit and talk and face the facts?
Why are you so adamant and ruthless?
I will speak to Mr. Osama and Datuk Chua to invite you to the ABBF Congress in Tehran, Iran this coming August 2009. Will you come, please let me know so that I can arrange for you to speak in the presence of all the Asian members at the Congress with QUESTION & ANSWERS sessions. We will also invite Mr. Axel Bauer to be fair to him for his opinion to be heard since we are living in a democratic world and not in the jungle.
Dr. Dangsina Moeloek
Chairperson of ABBF Medical Committee