09-15-2007, 01:17 PM
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Today WFF-International Headquarters received a letter from USA.
President WFF-WBBF North America writes:
Dear Ed and E. Sendriene,
The Muscle Beach show was another big hit in California.
The Star on the Walk of Fame will be a new feature to the already center of Fitness and Muscle.
93 year old Jack La Lanne was well received.
See photo of Jack and I.
I understand my friend Joe Antoui and Oleg have been working on a deal for the PROPTA.
This is good and we hope this will carry to all major countries World Wide where the WBBF / WFF flyes their banners.
Please keep me informed in the circle of things what you and Oleg in your dealings with Mr. Antouri and others I send your way.
Maybe Oleg and I could start emailing our thoughts.
America is on the brink of a major change a many PRO / AM are getting feed up with the way things are run.
USA bodybuilders are interested in entering WFF / WBBF shows.
The more sponsor money the more new faces you will see.
Other photos are with present of Bodybuilding.com president Russ Deluca and Models.
Mr. DeLuca is the main sponsor for the Mr. Olympia this year. He is a nice man.
Best of Health,
Mike Glass – President WFF / WBBF NORTH AMERICA