04-21-2009, 11:07 AM
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome dar vieną kvietimą dalyvauti prekybinėje FIBO parodoje Vokietijoje.
FIBO Team evelin.schroeder@reedexpo.de wrote:
Dear Mr. Daubaras,
FIBO 2009 is going to start in a few days. In order to bring you into the mood for the trade show, we have prepared some interesting news for you for the last time.
Never before the visitors of FIBOevent have been offered so many possibilities to get active: Next to the DFAV Convention, the Fit for Fun Cycling Festival and the Tour der Hoffnung the LES MILLS Convention in hall 8 will take place this year for the first time. LES MILLS really made up great things and offers next to top entertainment a Rain Forest Lounge for recreation.
Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos atsakymas buvo toks:
Pasaulinės WFF ir WBBF federacijos yra visuomeninės tarptautinės nesiekiančios pelno sporto organizacijos, vadovaujančios fitneso ir kultūrizmo sportui pasaulyje.
Nei WFF, nei WBBF neprekiauja nei proteinais, nei treniruokliais.
Dear friends,
The WFF and the WBBF International Federations are non profit International Organizations.
The WFF-WBBF do not sell proteins, equipment etc.
The WFF-WBBF represent Bodybuilding and Fitness sport and only sport World Wide.