09-25-2007, 12:32 PM
Joshua Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Our life goes on. Basing on it’s Constitution WFF-International aims the sport of fitness to be Olympic! It is a very long way to Tiperary… But we will go it. Last month WFF-International has signed a Contract with WADA for doping control.
Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness still lives in the atmosphere of long years lasting lies and false information about so called “International Federations”.
We state that a commercial firm belonging as a property for 2-3 persons can not be accepted as “International Federation”. We state, that a supplement’s trading shop, which holds “world championship” can not be accepted seriously. We state that today only WFF-International covers all necessary requirements for an official “International Federation”.
We are preparing the official documents on this question to be presented to a number of International Organizations, IOC, a number of NOC-ies and Governments of various Countries.
At the same time we plan a number of meetings on this question of WFF-International leaders and the above mentioned International Organizations. By the way, the official meetings already started.
At the same time these documents in the form of a revue will be presented for public information and for you as well.
The lies must be stopped anyway!
What is about the IFBB?
IFBB. Yes, the PRIVATE COMPANY belonging to two private persons for many years - it was ruling the biggest part of the bodybuilding and fitness sport World Wide.
Yes, along with the private business IFBB owners did much for the sport. It is a fact.
But, the IFBB Empire was (to say frankly) not telling the truth: still it is a private company and it is not a Sport Federation by Law.
But this is a basic thing. All other steps of IFBB-International are out of the question.
It is like “I like John and I participate at John’s contests”.
International Sport Federation means being official, and for years IFBB-International was not a Sport Federation by Law…