09-26-2007, 05:46 PM
E.Sendriene Wrote:WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF-WBBF federacija gavo laišką iš Anglijos.
Anglijoje esantis Mokslo ir mokslinių tyrimų centras, dirbantis Azijai, nori pasirašyti su WFF-WBBF bendradarbiavimo sutartį:
amir wrote:
My Dear Friend, Edmundas,
FIMA has been registered in England under the title of FIMA Educational and Research Center. Our activities are centered in Iran, and up to now, we have managed to have students from nearly most of the parts of the world. We have also cooperation with many official organizations, federations, and associations. We intend to sign an agreement with you too to have cooperation with each other, to be your representative in Iran, and to participate in your tournaments and seminars. We also intend to hold a coaching and refereeing course under the supervision of your federation in Iran. There are a lot of interested people here in Iran who would like to participate in courses presented under the supervision of your federation. Please write me your idea in this regard.
With thanks,
Tarptautinė WFF-WBBF federacija visuomet atvira dialogui.
Mes kviečiame juos atvykti į 2007 metų WBBF pasaulio mėgėjų čempionatą Maskvoje;
Dear friends,
Every Agreement and Every Contract based on cooperation developing our sport World Wide is a positive moment.
In May we hosted sport delegation of Iran at 2007 Europe Championships Open in Russia.
Maybe it would be more convenient if Iran sportsmen will come to 2007 World Amateur Championships in Russia again (November 10-12, Moscow)?
Our meetings are always better than letters.
We could sign the Contract in Moscow if we agree about the contents of the Contract beforehand.