03-10-2010, 12:22 PM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Naujosios Zelandijos. Neįgali sportininkė Teri Perčis (Terri Purchase) žavisi WFF-WBBF darbu su neįgaliais sportininkais ir nori dalyvauti federacijos organizuojamose varžybose. Mes ją pakvietėme į Kauną arba Slovakiją.
Edmundas, thank you so much for sharing this, I wish more countries would have a wheelchair or mobility impaired category as there are so many gifted bodybuilders with paralysis who are prevented from competing as there is no category to account for their impairment in a lot of countries, well done Lithuania, I wish more countries would introduce ... this very important category. I nearly lost my leg to cancer & had partial paralysis for a while as a result of cancer surgeries & was told I would not be able to compete again if my leg was removed as I could not be fairly compared to "able bodied" athletes. I have met 6 wheelchair bodybuilders from different countries who have the most amazing symmetry/physique but are just limited by being wheelchair bound so can't stand up & pose but their physique's are amazing.I hope more countries take Lituania's lead!
Edmundas, thank you so much for sharing this, I wish more countries would have a wheelchair or mobility impaired category as there are so many gifted bodybuilders with paralysis who are prevented from competing as there is no category to account for their impairment in a lot of countries, well done Lithuania, I wish more countries would introduce ... this very important category. I nearly lost my leg to cancer & had partial paralysis for a while as a result of cancer surgeries & was told I would not be able to compete again if my leg was removed as I could not be fairly compared to "able bodied" athletes. I have met 6 wheelchair bodybuilders from different countries who have the most amazing symmetry/physique but are just limited by being wheelchair bound so can't stand up & pose but their physique's are amazing.I hope more countries take Lituania's lead!