01-08-2010, 11:39 PM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Kanados. Kanados sporto organizatorius ir sporto klubų savininkas DWIGHT NELSONAS (DWIGHT NELSON) ruošiasi su Kanados komanda dalyvauti tarptautinėse WFF-WBBF federacijos varžybose:
Hi, Edmundas,
I would love to give your federation a try.
I have many a clients who I am sure would enjoy the experience.
Are all your events overseas?
Just wondering beacouse we do allot of shows at here at the studio.
Last year we competed in 14 events.
Love the sport.
Hi, Edmundas,
I would love to give your federation a try.
I have many a clients who I am sure would enjoy the experience.
Are all your events overseas?
Just wondering beacouse we do allot of shows at here at the studio.
Last year we competed in 14 events.
Love the sport.