01-08-2010, 05:01 PM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Italijos.
Oficialus WFF-WBBF federacijos atstovas Italijoje VITORIO PANCERIS ruošia Italijos nacionalinę rinktinę WFF-WBBF varžyboms ir derina 2010 metų tarptautinių varžybų kalendorių:
Dear Edmundas,
presently we are planning the dates of the competitions we are willing to organize in Italy in 2010.
In order to coordinate our efforts for successful competitions,
I would like to have a detailed list of the ones you are organizing, so that I can also send some atletes to your events, as well as you could will to send your competitors to ours.
Look forward to hear from you.
Vittorio Panzeri
Oficialus WFF-WBBF federacijos atstovas Italijoje VITORIO PANCERIS ruošia Italijos nacionalinę rinktinę WFF-WBBF varžyboms ir derina 2010 metų tarptautinių varžybų kalendorių:
Dear Edmundas,
presently we are planning the dates of the competitions we are willing to organize in Italy in 2010.
In order to coordinate our efforts for successful competitions,
I would like to have a detailed list of the ones you are organizing, so that I can also send some atletes to your events, as well as you could will to send your competitors to ours.
Look forward to hear from you.
Vittorio Panzeri
WFF-International Official Information Only