01-04-2008, 01:29 PM
Regina Wrote:E.Sendriene/WFF Wrote:E.Sendriene Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė federacija gavo laišką iš Pakistano.
Pakistano ir Indijos rinktinės norėtų dalyvauti 2007 metų WBBF pasaulio čempionate Maskvoje:
Dear Mr. Edmundas Daubaras,
It is very good to see the progress of WFF, we really want to be in Russia for the World Championships but we have organized "India - Pakistan Bodybuilding Championship 2007" in the same dates and this championship is the event which is long awaited by both of our countries. We are trying to change the dates with a gap of 2 weeks (14 days) between India and WFF World Championships, if it becomes possible we would really like to join you in Russia.
In the meanwhile we (Pakistan Amateur Bodybuilders Guild) want to be associated with you and want an affiliation letter from your side. Please send us your requirement for the same.
Thanking you in anticipation.
best regards,
Omer Yousaf
Secretary General
Pakistan Amateur Bodybuilders Guild (PABBG)
ALI REZA RASA (Pakistanas),
Azijos čempionas, dalyvavo WBBF Europos čempionate Jekaterinburge
azijietis dalyvavo europos cempe?
Visos WFF-WBBF oficialios varžybos yra atviros ir jose gali dalyvauti įvairių kontinentų atstovai.
2007 metų Europos čempionate Klaipėdoje buvo arabų, Amerikos ir Australijos atstovai.