06-29-2009, 03:54 PM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Singapūro tolimesniam paviešinimui forume. IFBB vice prezidentas POLAS ČIUA rašo apie tai, kaip RAFAELIS SANTOCHA iš paskutinių jėgų per tarpininkus stengiasi bent kiek išlaikyti IFBB pozicijas Azijoje:
From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
Subject: Fw: Official Invitation - Asian Championship
To: "Palestine" abujaffar50@gmail.com, vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, jfinzi@finspor.com.tr, praesident@ifbb.ch, malih@terra.net.lb, MAbdulla1@health.gov.bh, fenafh04@yahoo.es
Cc: "Rafael Santonja" <internacional@santonja.com>, "Axel Bauer" <axel.bauer@chello.at>
Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 2:08 AM
Dear President Rajesh B. Shrestha of Nepal Bodybuilding Federation,
You are bold to say NO to a man who is trying to destroy the existence of the ABBF which is duly recognised by the Olympic Council of Asia.
This man Adel Fahim is in charge of Africa as the Vice-President and was recently appointed by his darling friend Rafael to the Executive Asst. to the President so he want to show to the world he has the power to dictate terms. He does not know the loyalty and honesty of the Nepalese people. It is a pity they are so desperate to get countries to support them. Adel could not promote Africa and he is trying his dirty tactics to confuse us but we are not stupid. You hit the nail on his brain and I admire you.
A few minutes ago I sent an email which I received from an Arab gentleman which shows how Adel and his compatriots of the IFBB conduct their championships and bring the athletes to the door of death. Is this the type of leader or commander we want in Asia...SAY NO TO THEM, THEY CAN GO TO HELL. They are scared of Asia because they know our might and our true family virtues and culture.
You are a great man and ABBF salute you ....you also exposed Suresh Pai and now this guy Adel Fahim from Egypt...he should concentrate on Africa -- our Arab brothers are fed-up with him and they dislike his uncouth behaviour.
Paul Chua
Secretary-General - ABBF
From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
Subject: Fw: Official Invitation - Asian Championship
To: "Palestine" abujaffar50@gmail.com, vehovsky@jaka-invest.cz, jfinzi@finspor.com.tr, praesident@ifbb.ch, malih@terra.net.lb, MAbdulla1@health.gov.bh, fenafh04@yahoo.es
Cc: "Rafael Santonja" <internacional@santonja.com>, "Axel Bauer" <axel.bauer@chello.at>
Date: Monday, 29 June, 2009, 2:08 AM
Dear President Rajesh B. Shrestha of Nepal Bodybuilding Federation,
You are bold to say NO to a man who is trying to destroy the existence of the ABBF which is duly recognised by the Olympic Council of Asia.
This man Adel Fahim is in charge of Africa as the Vice-President and was recently appointed by his darling friend Rafael to the Executive Asst. to the President so he want to show to the world he has the power to dictate terms. He does not know the loyalty and honesty of the Nepalese people. It is a pity they are so desperate to get countries to support them. Adel could not promote Africa and he is trying his dirty tactics to confuse us but we are not stupid. You hit the nail on his brain and I admire you.
A few minutes ago I sent an email which I received from an Arab gentleman which shows how Adel and his compatriots of the IFBB conduct their championships and bring the athletes to the door of death. Is this the type of leader or commander we want in Asia...SAY NO TO THEM, THEY CAN GO TO HELL. They are scared of Asia because they know our might and our true family virtues and culture.
You are a great man and ABBF salute you ....you also exposed Suresh Pai and now this guy Adel Fahim from Egypt...he should concentrate on Africa -- our Arab brothers are fed-up with him and they dislike his uncouth behaviour.
Paul Chua
Secretary-General - ABBF
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