07-24-2008, 09:06 PM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Indijos.
Indijos aerobinio fitneso federacija siekia narystės tarptautinėje WFF federacijoje:
President WFF-International
Thanks for remeber me, I am still waiting for your membership for our National Federation as INDIAN FITNESS FEDERATION (IFF).
For participating at WFF event our federation must be a member hence you are requested that please accept this request and inform me about fees of Membership and other formalities to further move.
Our Team participating in up coming event with your great support.
Hoping your guidence .
With warm regards
C. A. Tamboli
Indijos aerobinio fitneso federacija siekia narystės tarptautinėje WFF federacijoje:
President WFF-International
Thanks for remeber me, I am still waiting for your membership for our National Federation as INDIAN FITNESS FEDERATION (IFF).
For participating at WFF event our federation must be a member hence you are requested that please accept this request and inform me about fees of Membership and other formalities to further move.
Our Team participating in up coming event with your great support.
Hoping your guidence .
With warm regards
C. A. Tamboli
WFF-International Official Information Only