02-21-2008, 04:29 PM
Šiandien gavome dar vieną laišką iš Kamerūno.
Afrikos sportininkai nori dalyvauti gegužės mėnesį Klaipėdoje vyksiančiose varžybose:
Dear Sir,
Good morning,
Re. Competition you are organizing in Lithuania
Just to ask if there is something new concerning the competition.
If you need additional informations concerning our federation,please don't hesitate to inform me.
should I send me my postal address to you?
Sincerely yours.
Afrikos sportininkai nori dalyvauti gegužės mėnesį Klaipėdoje vyksiančiose varžybose:
Dear Sir,
Good morning,
Re. Competition you are organizing in Lithuania
Just to ask if there is something new concerning the competition.
If you need additional informations concerning our federation,please don't hesitate to inform me.
should I send me my postal address to you?
Sincerely yours.