12-03-2005, 09:27 PM
dima Wrote:edmundas daubaras Wrote:Today WFF Ukraine (President Spartak Vaskovskij) addressed WFF-International headquarters asking the official documents to prove the participation of Ukraine athletes in 2005 WFF World in Vilnius.
According to the official papers Ukraine athletes will get the "International Sport Master" names and receive further financial Government support.
WFF-International prepares such documents for them. No problem.
It is interesting - what documents so called "NABBA-International" or similar "organizations" will give? Such "organizations" without official registration have no stamp, no any juridical documents. Nothing is official! They are just playing "international" games and looking for the naive athletes around the World.
Today Klaus Hoffman organizes international contest in Germany. Again Ukraine will not participate. It is not possible to get official invitation for visas to Germany as there is NO OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION. Not NABBA-International, nor some other International federation. Only NABBA Germany is registered. But it is a national unit. Not International.
Due to this long lasting nonsence Ukraine athletes during last 10 years NEVER came to the contetst organized by Klaus Hoffman in Germany.
Yes, he can invite them as a private person. But where is so called "NABBA-International"?
I think - when people will start to understand that they were fooled so long by such unofficial unlegal "organizations"?
Everything needs time. Wait and see!