03-02-2008, 07:09 PM
WFF-WBBF Headquarters Int Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Indijos.
Indijos sportinės aerobikos federacija siekia narystės tarptautinėje WFF-WBBF federacijoje:
Dear Sirs,
I am President of Indian Aerobics Association (I.A.A.) and I am Interested in the Membership of WFF .
If you dont have Representation in India, then Our National Federation is to apply for WFF Membership
Let me know what is possible
Hoping your Positive repaly
With warm regards,
President I.A.A.
WFF-WBBF vadovai Indijod federacijos atstovus pakvietė į gegužės mėnesį tarptautinių varžybų seriją Klaipėdoje:
Dear Friend,
We are in contact with some Sport Organizations in India but WFF has no Official Member in Your Country.
May 16-19 WFF organizes 2008 Europe Championships Open (Klaipeda, Lithuania).
Representatives of all Continents are welcomed.
We are expecting teams from South and North Americas and Australia.
Participating in this Event You may enter the WFF-International.