09-14-2010, 10:00 AM
1. WFF-WBBF information
1.1 General statement
The WFF-International is a Social, Non Profit Seeking International Sport Organization, based on the International Law, the
IOC rules, the Constitution and Law of the Country of Registration of WFF-International and this Constitution
WFF is composed of National Fitness and Bodybuilding Associations and Federations governing sport of fitness in their
countries as well as of other Regional Fitness Organizations. The World Fitness Federation (WFF, WFF-International) and the
World Body Building Federation (WBBF, WBBF-International) cover the requirements of an International Sport Federation and both
the WFF and the WBBF are officially registered. They are recognized and supported by the Sport Ministries and the National Olympic Committees
of various countries.
· WFF-WBBF South Africa’s first “Pro Card” holder is none other than the well and truly deserving Philippa Lamont Wilkie
whose contribution to this sport is acknowledged throughout South Africa.
· WFF-WBBF offers you the athlete the opportunity to apply for a Pro Card which requires you to qualify for South Africa for the
WFF-WBBF World Championships where you would have to meet with the criteria set out by the world federation in order to
receive this status. You would be assisted and guided every step of the way by WFF-WBBF South Africa.
· On receiving a Pro Card the athlete would naturally be required to remain loyal to the WFF-WBBF Federation and represent the
Federation to the best of his or her ability.
· The athlete has the right to enter any WFF-WBBF open money show held in South Africa or any country in the world as
well as any Pro Show where they would be the WFF-WBBF representative.
· Any athletes willing to pursue this possibility would need to make an appointment to see Tommy Du Rand at the South African
Championships to be held on the 1st and 2nd October 2010 at the Carousel on the following cell number 082 460 6683.
1.3 Objectives of WFF-International
· To promote, control and develop sport of fitness on an international scale.
· To promote an interest in and a dedication to a better health and fitness through physical culture, proper nutrition and physical training
· To develop and intensify friendship and co-operation among the WFF national members, among fitness sport organizations from all countries
· To honor exceptional officials with special plagues, medals or certificates
· To co-ordinate and supervise the activities of the national fitness associations and federations. WFF-International decision is final in regard to any
dispute that may arise between affiliated members
· To set up the rules for the fitness contests
· To organize international judges seminars and to appoint qualified judges
· To regulate and control official international fitness championships
WFF-WBBF Mission statement
In the sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness, we do not see race, colour, religion, politics or culture. WFF-WBBF is there for the sport of
bodybuilding and fitness. Our foundation is not build on people, but God.
Tommy Du Rand, Africa President, WFF-WBBF
1.1 General statement
The WFF-International is a Social, Non Profit Seeking International Sport Organization, based on the International Law, the
IOC rules, the Constitution and Law of the Country of Registration of WFF-International and this Constitution
WFF is composed of National Fitness and Bodybuilding Associations and Federations governing sport of fitness in their
countries as well as of other Regional Fitness Organizations. The World Fitness Federation (WFF, WFF-International) and the
World Body Building Federation (WBBF, WBBF-International) cover the requirements of an International Sport Federation and both
the WFF and the WBBF are officially registered. They are recognized and supported by the Sport Ministries and the National Olympic Committees
of various countries.
· WFF-WBBF South Africa’s first “Pro Card” holder is none other than the well and truly deserving Philippa Lamont Wilkie
whose contribution to this sport is acknowledged throughout South Africa.
· WFF-WBBF offers you the athlete the opportunity to apply for a Pro Card which requires you to qualify for South Africa for the
WFF-WBBF World Championships where you would have to meet with the criteria set out by the world federation in order to
receive this status. You would be assisted and guided every step of the way by WFF-WBBF South Africa.
· On receiving a Pro Card the athlete would naturally be required to remain loyal to the WFF-WBBF Federation and represent the
Federation to the best of his or her ability.
· The athlete has the right to enter any WFF-WBBF open money show held in South Africa or any country in the world as
well as any Pro Show where they would be the WFF-WBBF representative.
· Any athletes willing to pursue this possibility would need to make an appointment to see Tommy Du Rand at the South African
Championships to be held on the 1st and 2nd October 2010 at the Carousel on the following cell number 082 460 6683.
1.3 Objectives of WFF-International
· To promote, control and develop sport of fitness on an international scale.
· To promote an interest in and a dedication to a better health and fitness through physical culture, proper nutrition and physical training
· To develop and intensify friendship and co-operation among the WFF national members, among fitness sport organizations from all countries
· To honor exceptional officials with special plagues, medals or certificates
· To co-ordinate and supervise the activities of the national fitness associations and federations. WFF-International decision is final in regard to any
dispute that may arise between affiliated members
· To set up the rules for the fitness contests
· To organize international judges seminars and to appoint qualified judges
· To regulate and control official international fitness championships
WFF-WBBF Mission statement
In the sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness, we do not see race, colour, religion, politics or culture. WFF-WBBF is there for the sport of
bodybuilding and fitness. Our foundation is not build on people, but God.
Tommy Du Rand, Africa President, WFF-WBBF
WFF-International Official Information Only