06-08-2010, 09:47 AM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Pietų Afrikos Respublikos. Afrikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas TOMIS DU RANDAS (Tommy Du Rand) rašo apie tai, kad WFF-WBBF federacija tapo mūsų sporto lyderiu Afrikoje, kad prie federacijos jungiasi naujos šalys ir kad Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS rugpjūčio mėnesį laukiamas vienose iš Afrikos žemyno varžybų:
“We in South Africa is doing well and going strong, and from all 4 Federations WFF-WBBF is getting the fast the most populariser in South Africa. I’m got WFF-WBBF Nigeria going with Dr.RAWLINGS UDOCHUKWU as President and MICHAEL MATANDIROTYA as WFF-WBBF Zimbabwe President we should start soon in these countries with WFF-WBBF shows and will send teams to the World Championships in 2011. I work hard in Africa to get countries, there is still 2 other countries I’m working on and I think they will be ready to start soon. This is a report to you. I will send you an invitation soon to come and visit South Africa in August for one of our shows”.
“We in South Africa is doing well and going strong, and from all 4 Federations WFF-WBBF is getting the fast the most populariser in South Africa. I’m got WFF-WBBF Nigeria going with Dr.RAWLINGS UDOCHUKWU as President and MICHAEL MATANDIROTYA as WFF-WBBF Zimbabwe President we should start soon in these countries with WFF-WBBF shows and will send teams to the World Championships in 2011. I work hard in Africa to get countries, there is still 2 other countries I’m working on and I think they will be ready to start soon. This is a report to you. I will send you an invitation soon to come and visit South Africa in August for one of our shows”.