11-02-2008, 05:09 PM
Šiandien gavome laišką iš Argentinos.
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE informuoja, kad jo vadovaujama federacija sparčiai auga ir vystosi.
Įvairių šalių penkių tradiciškai IFBB organizuotų turnyrų rengėjai 2009 matams pasirašė sutartis šias varžybas 2009 metais organizuoti po WFF vėliava. O tai jau 90 procentų visų Pietų Amerikoje vykstančių kultūrizmo ir fitneso varžybų!!!
Praėjusį savaitgalį milijoniniame Argentinos rezistencijos mieste vykęs WFF-WBBF čempionatas buvo sėkmingas.
Jame dalyvavo miesto meras ir Argentinos Respublikos sporto vadovai.
2009 metais teisės organizuoti Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF čempionatą prašosi Asunsiono miestas (Paragvajus):
Dear Ed
I am already working on the January 2009 issue of my magazine for the South America.
Last one I am going to take it personally to Poland to distribute it there.
I think it is important to show that WFF has an official magazine in Spanish.
Is there any chance you send me a provisory schedule of WFF international contests for the first semester of 2009?
Here we are growing very fast.
The organizers of five traditional IFBB contests have already signed with me to carry out their shows in 2009 under WFF flag.
And I can assure the almost 90% of female fitness from the South America are competing with us.
Our WFF Argentinian championship last Saturday was a success.
The President of the city of Resistencia, Argentina, and the Secretary of Sports Republic Argentina sponsored the contest and were there being decorated with WFF medals by myself.
Organizers from Paraguay, with government sponsorship, asked me to have the 2009 WFF South American Championship in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Tomorrow I will send you pictures of the Argentinian championship.
Your friend
Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas JORGE CEDALE informuoja, kad jo vadovaujama federacija sparčiai auga ir vystosi.
Įvairių šalių penkių tradiciškai IFBB organizuotų turnyrų rengėjai 2009 matams pasirašė sutartis šias varžybas 2009 metais organizuoti po WFF vėliava. O tai jau 90 procentų visų Pietų Amerikoje vykstančių kultūrizmo ir fitneso varžybų!!!
Praėjusį savaitgalį milijoniniame Argentinos rezistencijos mieste vykęs WFF-WBBF čempionatas buvo sėkmingas.
Jame dalyvavo miesto meras ir Argentinos Respublikos sporto vadovai.
2009 metais teisės organizuoti Pietų Amerikos WFF-WBBF čempionatą prašosi Asunsiono miestas (Paragvajus):
Dear Ed
I am already working on the January 2009 issue of my magazine for the South America.
Last one I am going to take it personally to Poland to distribute it there.
I think it is important to show that WFF has an official magazine in Spanish.
Is there any chance you send me a provisory schedule of WFF international contests for the first semester of 2009?
Here we are growing very fast.
The organizers of five traditional IFBB contests have already signed with me to carry out their shows in 2009 under WFF flag.
And I can assure the almost 90% of female fitness from the South America are competing with us.
Our WFF Argentinian championship last Saturday was a success.
The President of the city of Resistencia, Argentina, and the Secretary of Sports Republic Argentina sponsored the contest and were there being decorated with WFF medals by myself.
Organizers from Paraguay, with government sponsorship, asked me to have the 2009 WFF South American Championship in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Tomorrow I will send you pictures of the Argentinian championship.
Your friend