06-26-2012, 03:56 PM
Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) federacija suteikia sportininkams galimybę pasireikšti aukščiausio lygio profesionalų ir mėgėjų varžybose.
Federacija sveikina vieną geriausių Brazilijos kultūristų, įgijusį WFF-WBBF profesionalų kortą –FERNANDĄ LUISĄ SARDINHĄ (Fernando Luiz Sardinha) - 2012 metų rudenį besiruošiantį dalyvauti 2012 metų WFF-WBBF varžybose Europoje.
„Edmundas, it is with great pleasure that I write to you confirming that this year our federation will br in Europe again, please God. I also confirm my participation in the World Cup again and Professional „Amber Prix Olympia“ ... take a look at my fanpage, published there on the 2012 calendar WFF WBBF.
I wanted to ask you if you would send me the magazine 35 in which I appear in the photos ...
I need to advertise our WFF-WBBF Federation and then receive support European and Brazilian events ...
I'm a novelty that will appear on my new site www . fernandosardinha.com.br. that will air this weekend ... I can stream any live event and WFF WBBF including those that I will participate ... and will be the first and only site to do that here in South America ... I'm more than 350,000 hits ... 'm sure we'll do a wonderful job, I and my manager William Garden are finishing making adjustments. All the best and be at peace, hugs.“
Detalesnė informacija tarptautiniame interneto puslapyje www.wff.lt, skaitykite forumą. Tai pat informaciją rasite tinklapio „Facebook“ puslapiuose: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation.
FOTO: 2011 WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ Finalist FERNANDO LUIZ SARDINHA (Brazil)
Pasaulinė WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) federacija suteikia sportininkams galimybę pasireikšti aukščiausio lygio profesionalų ir mėgėjų varžybose.
Federacija sveikina vieną geriausių Brazilijos kultūristų, įgijusį WFF-WBBF profesionalų kortą –FERNANDĄ LUISĄ SARDINHĄ (Fernando Luiz Sardinha) - 2012 metų rudenį besiruošiantį dalyvauti 2012 metų WFF-WBBF varžybose Europoje.
„Edmundas, it is with great pleasure that I write to you confirming that this year our federation will br in Europe again, please God. I also confirm my participation in the World Cup again and Professional „Amber Prix Olympia“ ... take a look at my fanpage, published there on the 2012 calendar WFF WBBF.
I wanted to ask you if you would send me the magazine 35 in which I appear in the photos ...
I need to advertise our WFF-WBBF Federation and then receive support European and Brazilian events ...
I'm a novelty that will appear on my new site www . fernandosardinha.com.br. that will air this weekend ... I can stream any live event and WFF WBBF including those that I will participate ... and will be the first and only site to do that here in South America ... I'm more than 350,000 hits ... 'm sure we'll do a wonderful job, I and my manager William Garden are finishing making adjustments. All the best and be at peace, hugs.“
Detalesnė informacija tarptautiniame interneto puslapyje www.wff.lt, skaitykite forumą. Tai pat informaciją rasite tinklapio „Facebook“ puslapiuose: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation.
FOTO: 2011 WFF-WBBF Pro World Championship „Amber Prix OLYMPIA“ Finalist FERNANDO LUIZ SARDINHA (Brazil)