09-29-2009, 10:42 AM
WFF secretary service Wrote:Today we received a letter from yhe USA.
World‘s Bodybuilding Legend MIKE MITCHELL (Scotland) writes:
Hi Ed
How are you ??
In good health I hope.
BREAKING NEWS. Freight is close to delivering as the final music unfolds.
The world premiere is booked and is in LA USA. Friday 6th Nov at 11.00 am AMC Loews Broadway Theatre 1, LA USA Saturday 7th Nov at 9.00 am AMC... Loews Broadway Theatre 2, L...A USA
Start filming in Southern Turkey today as business man Malcolm Dapper in ROUGH AROUND THE EDGES
In October over to UK to start filming in THE CITY OF HELL
Very busy good health to all my friends in the WFF
Capt Mike Mitchell BSc MBA
Tel +90 530 527 3200
+44 751 275 1626
Web www.iron-mike-mitchell.com
IMDB www.imdb.com/name/nm2396944/
Spotlight www.spotlight.com/interactive/cv/1419-8942-0081
Former 5xWFF Masters World Champion &
2x WFF Masters Mr Universe