08-02-2009, 05:08 PM
From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
To: "Hussain Al Saffar" <alsafarww73@yahoo.com>
Cc: "Rafael Santonja" <internacional@santonja.com>, "Dr. Eng. Adel Fahim" <efbb@tedata.net.eg>, "Dr.Eng. Adel Fahim El Sayed" <efbb@link.net>, "Wanda TIERNEY" <wanda.tierney@ukonline.co.uk>, "Axel Bauer" <axel.bauer@chello.at>, "axel" <rechtsanwaltskanzlei.bauer@chello.at>, "Pawel Filleborn" <p.filleborn@neostrada.pl>, "'Albert Busek'" <albert@busek.de>, ifbbmauritius@yahoo.com
Date: Sunday, 2 August, 2009, 8:38 PM
Dear Mr. Hussain
I am not surprised that Mr. Adel Fahim of Egypt the President of the African Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation a known tyrant and dictator is proclaiming himself as the LIFE PRESIDENT OF THE AFRICAN BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS FEDERATION.
This man is thick skin and at many of the World Championships, he misbehaved and lowered his dignity. He screams like an ape and dance and shout only for his Egyptian athletes to win. Where is the decorum or respect of this man?????
Never have I seen or witnessed Adel Fahim congratulating or speaking highly of any other African countries. Just peep at his Annual Reports..nothing but himself and his Egyptian athletes. No publicity given to other African nations, there are many good and clean (no doping) bodybuilders but he chose to publicise the doping athletes of Egypt. His good friend Rafael always praise his job and say Adel did this and that...but he never said that Egypt committed the highest number of DOPING VIOLATIONS in the history of bodybuilding under the IFBB competitions.
Can Rafael let us know about Africa's activities and what Adel has done for them? Did Adel travel throughout Africa and promote bodybuilding or just holding on to the position and does nothing since he is a LIFE PRESIDENT. He should be in Timbuktu..
We do not see any continental championships in Africa...unlike Asia we organise every year. Instead of taking care of his continent, Adel is interfering together with his buddy Rafael to rape Asia of its wealth. Rafael and Adel will not succeed in Asia. They lost the battle in Arungabad, India and this will go in HISTORY. Aren't they ashamed??? WE HAVE MORE NEWS ON THIS SOON, THEY CHEATED USING INDIAN OFFICIALS TO CARRY PLACARDS OF OTHER NATIONS...WE HAVE PHOTOS AND VIDEOS.
I salute you for the intelligent questions but don't expect any reply from them. There are hundreds of questions unanswered and they know it will crop up at the Congress and they live in fear.
DOPING violations ...my GOD so many and they are CHEATING, COVER-UP and DAMAGING the image of Bodybuilding. The IFBB is not a clean organisation, they have more skeletons in the cupboard.
Let's wait and watch their monkey tactics....more stories on the way....
Paul Chua
From: CHUA PAUL <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
To: "Hussain Al Saffar" <alsafarww73@yahoo.com>
Cc: "Rafael Santonja" <internacional@santonja.com>, "Dr. Eng. Adel Fahim" <efbb@tedata.net.eg>, "Dr.Eng. Adel Fahim El Sayed" <efbb@link.net>, "Wanda TIERNEY" <wanda.tierney@ukonline.co.uk>, "Axel Bauer" <axel.bauer@chello.at>, "axel" <rechtsanwaltskanzlei.bauer@chello.at>, "Pawel Filleborn" <p.filleborn@neostrada.pl>, "'Albert Busek'" <albert@busek.de>, ifbbmauritius@yahoo.com
Date: Sunday, 2 August, 2009, 8:38 PM
Dear Mr. Hussain
I am not surprised that Mr. Adel Fahim of Egypt the President of the African Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation a known tyrant and dictator is proclaiming himself as the LIFE PRESIDENT OF THE AFRICAN BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS FEDERATION.
This man is thick skin and at many of the World Championships, he misbehaved and lowered his dignity. He screams like an ape and dance and shout only for his Egyptian athletes to win. Where is the decorum or respect of this man?????
Never have I seen or witnessed Adel Fahim congratulating or speaking highly of any other African countries. Just peep at his Annual Reports..nothing but himself and his Egyptian athletes. No publicity given to other African nations, there are many good and clean (no doping) bodybuilders but he chose to publicise the doping athletes of Egypt. His good friend Rafael always praise his job and say Adel did this and that...but he never said that Egypt committed the highest number of DOPING VIOLATIONS in the history of bodybuilding under the IFBB competitions.
Can Rafael let us know about Africa's activities and what Adel has done for them? Did Adel travel throughout Africa and promote bodybuilding or just holding on to the position and does nothing since he is a LIFE PRESIDENT. He should be in Timbuktu..
We do not see any continental championships in Africa...unlike Asia we organise every year. Instead of taking care of his continent, Adel is interfering together with his buddy Rafael to rape Asia of its wealth. Rafael and Adel will not succeed in Asia. They lost the battle in Arungabad, India and this will go in HISTORY. Aren't they ashamed??? WE HAVE MORE NEWS ON THIS SOON, THEY CHEATED USING INDIAN OFFICIALS TO CARRY PLACARDS OF OTHER NATIONS...WE HAVE PHOTOS AND VIDEOS.
I salute you for the intelligent questions but don't expect any reply from them. There are hundreds of questions unanswered and they know it will crop up at the Congress and they live in fear.
DOPING violations ...my GOD so many and they are CHEATING, COVER-UP and DAMAGING the image of Bodybuilding. The IFBB is not a clean organisation, they have more skeletons in the cupboard.
Let's wait and watch their monkey tactics....more stories on the way....
Paul Chua
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