06-07-2014, 09:25 AM
Su pergalėmis sugrįžusi iš Maskvoje (Rusija) vykusių 2014 metų WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) federacijos pasaulio taurės pirmenybių, garsi Pietų Amerikos sportininkė YAMILA TOLEDO sulaukė oficialaus pripažinimo iš Argentinos sportą kuruojančios organizacijos vadovų.
„Dear Yamila Toledo,
We hereby have the pleasure to contact you from the Misiones Province Vice Governor Sports Coordination Agency, to express thru this kind line our sincere congratulations for your recent achievements during the fitness World Cup 2014 carried in Moscow Russia on May the 18th , where you succeed by obtained the 1st place in your category by unanimous decision, and also achieving the Over All award.
We only ask you to continue working with the same commitment and passion in each of the future championships you will take part. The dedication you have with the sports practice is an example for all, specially for young generations, and you must know that the hole country is proud of you, specially the province where you have born, that is why we want to express all our respect and admiration for you.
Wishing lot of successes in your career, we salute you, the Misiones Province Vice-Governor Lic Hugo Mario Passalacqua and the Sports Coordinator Rafa Morgenstern“.
Detalesnė informacija tarptautiniame interneto puslapyje www.wff.lt, skaitykite forumą. Tai pat informaciją rasite tinklapio „Facebook“ puslapiuose: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation.
Su pergalėmis sugrįžusi iš Maskvoje (Rusija) vykusių 2014 metų WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) federacijos pasaulio taurės pirmenybių, garsi Pietų Amerikos sportininkė YAMILA TOLEDO sulaukė oficialaus pripažinimo iš Argentinos sportą kuruojančios organizacijos vadovų.
„Dear Yamila Toledo,
We hereby have the pleasure to contact you from the Misiones Province Vice Governor Sports Coordination Agency, to express thru this kind line our sincere congratulations for your recent achievements during the fitness World Cup 2014 carried in Moscow Russia on May the 18th , where you succeed by obtained the 1st place in your category by unanimous decision, and also achieving the Over All award.
We only ask you to continue working with the same commitment and passion in each of the future championships you will take part. The dedication you have with the sports practice is an example for all, specially for young generations, and you must know that the hole country is proud of you, specially the province where you have born, that is why we want to express all our respect and admiration for you.
Wishing lot of successes in your career, we salute you, the Misiones Province Vice-Governor Lic Hugo Mario Passalacqua and the Sports Coordinator Rafa Morgenstern“.
Detalesnė informacija tarptautiniame interneto puslapyje www.wff.lt, skaitykite forumą. Tai pat informaciją rasite tinklapio „Facebook“ puslapiuose: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation.
WFF-International Official Information Only