03-28-2009, 03:56 PM
Edita Sendriene Wrote:Edita Sendriene Wrote:Kiekvienai organizacijai vadovauja ŽMONĖS.
Ką tik gavome vieno iš IFBB vadovų laišką, siųlantį vienyti pastangas prieš Rafaelio Santochos veiklą.
Jis rašo, kad Rafaelis Santocha apgaudinėja visus, tame tarpe GAISFą ir IWGF ir WADA.
I read the IFBB Constitution. Interestingly, I came across Article 15.2 which stipulates:
2. Documented proof of the organization's acceptance by their Ministry of Sport, or National Olympic Committee, that they are the sole recognized national sport governing body for the sport of bodybuilding and fitness within their country. HOW MANY COUNTRIES SO CALLED MEMBERS OF THE "IFBB CORPORATION" ARE AFFILIATED TO THEIR OLYMPIC COMMITTEES AND TO THEIR SPORTS MINISTRIES???
3. A copy of their constitution and rules, said constitution and rules which must be in conformity with the Constitution and Rules of the IFBB HOW MANY COUNTRIES SUBMITTED THEIR CONSTITUTIONS TO THE IFBB corporation??? Not many have rules or constitution.
We should challenge the IFBB to produce the list of all the countries who are recognized by their Ministry of Sport or by their National Olympic Committee. We doubt that there are more than 40 or 50 countries recognized by their government or National Olympic Committees. Take for example, the English Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation & Australia federation ( they are operating under business). Only a handful number of countries are recognized: Asia, South Pacific and some Pan American/European countries.
The IFBB is actually not 179 countries strong....let's track back the past five years, how many nations participated in the World Men's Bodybuilding Championships, not over 65 and some of them do not even have athletes. Most of the delegates are gym owners and bodybuilders. Where are the 100 over nations?????
The "IFBB" hoodwink the governments. GAISF, IWGF and the sports authorities of the world.
Shame on them.
We thank the BRAVE OFFICIALS AXEL BAUER, OSAMA ALSHAFAR, PAUL CHUA for their bravery to stand up and say" NO THIS IS WRONG AND YOU SHOULD FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTIONAL AND DEMOCRATIC WAY" in running a federation. They have exposed the real crooks and cheats. There is a saying when the well runs dry..you can really see between a snake and a fish. The world knows who is the snake now.
(vardo neskelbiame)
WFF-WBBF atsakymas toks: reikia visiems susitikti ir aptarti apsijungimo po WFF-WBBF federacijos vėliava galimybes:
Dear friends,
Why not to unite all of us in the WFF (World Fitness Federation) and the WBBF (World Bodybuilding Federation)???
Maybe let us meet and discuss this question?
We have new ideas...
Edmundas Daubaras
International President
fantastika! butu gerai!