08-01-2006, 10:24 PM
Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš Serbijos.
Rudenį Serbijos kultūristai rengia pirmą WFF čempionatą ir ruošiasi 2006 metų WFF pasaulio čempionatui:
Hello Ser Edmundas!
I jus arrive from Kuwait and I will stay here in Serbia for some time. I get your magazines and it is wary nice.
First if I want to compete in professional competition were I must win.
Then I can compete in amateur and professional championships both.
Petar Celik and I registrant Wff for Serbia and he is honored President WFF Serbia and me - official working Presented WFF Serbia. You can you put that in your official Internet page.
All Serbia sport bodybuilding people are together: Dammar and Petard and competitors. We are wery interested too organize state championchip of WFF in Serbia. Please contacte Petar he will explane you everthig.
Thank you wery much
Rudenį Serbijos kultūristai rengia pirmą WFF čempionatą ir ruošiasi 2006 metų WFF pasaulio čempionatui:
Hello Ser Edmundas!
I jus arrive from Kuwait and I will stay here in Serbia for some time. I get your magazines and it is wary nice.
First if I want to compete in professional competition were I must win.
Then I can compete in amateur and professional championships both.
Petar Celik and I registrant Wff for Serbia and he is honored President WFF Serbia and me - official working Presented WFF Serbia. You can you put that in your official Internet page.
All Serbia sport bodybuilding people are together: Dammar and Petard and competitors. We are wery interested too organize state championchip of WFF in Serbia. Please contacte Petar he will explane you everthig.
Thank you wery much
WFF-International Official Information Only