04-23-2015, 09:55 PM
(04-19-2015, 07:55 AM)WFF-WBBF secretary service Wrote: 2015. KORUPCIJA ANGLIJOS UKBFF (IFBB UK) FEDERACIJOJE.
Priežasčių daug, bet pagrindinės šitos:
- klubų vadovai susimoka federacijos savininkams už jų sportininkų vietas varžybose
- yra aiškūs teisėjų „mylimi ir nemylimi“ sportininkai
- varžybose dažnai laimi tie sportininkai, kurių treneriai teisėjauja tose varžybose
- varžybose tų konkrečių varžybų teisėjų šeimos nariai
- laimi varžybose tie sportininkai, kurie atstovauja tas konkrečias varžybas remiančias papildų komercines firmas
Letter to
We Want The IFBB To Step In And Take A Look At How The UKBFF Is Run And How They Treat Their Athletes
The sport of bodybuilding is a passionate, positive and global community and the work involved in being an athlete can consume our lives. We choose to control our diet, our movements, our minds and our lives all in the effort of being the best we can be and finally stepping on stage to showcase our hard work – often this is 10 minutes on stage after months and months (ultimately years) of preparation. When we step on stage, it is our expectation and our right to be judged fairly.
When choosing a federation to compete in, as bodybuilders and competitors, we want to compete with the best. It’s in our blood. For a lot of us, we feel that the best of the best have competed in the IFBB. Maybe we have dreams of competing at the Olympia. Maybe we grew up watching Arnold, Franco, Frank Zane et all – maybe Dorian inspired us. For us bikini girls – maybe we sit clicking refresh frantically on the Muscular Development website to see how Ashley K or Nathalia Melo have done at their recent show. Whatever your age, gender or category; the dream for many is achieving their IFBB pro card.
So this leads us to competing with the UKBFF. We set a date for our show and almost every moment from that second to show day is spent planning, prepping, practicing, panicking…all for our ten minutes to shine.
It has come to many athletes attention over the past few months/year that a lot of us have concerns about how our federation is being run and how fair the judging is. With recent events in mind, including Mike and Leica Gelsei being ejected from a show they attended merely to support their friends – I think it’s time for the IFBB to step in and take a serious look at the UKBFF.
I’m not here to point fingers, a lot of that has been done already. I have genuine concerns for this federation and the state of bodybuilding in the UK. The UKBFF is at high risk of losing many of its competitors if something is not done soon – and with the history of greatness within the IFBB, I feel this would be a huge shame.
I would love to continue to compete with the UKBFF. However, if I can’t be sure that as a self prepared athlete I have as much chance to be judged on the category criteria alone, I don’t feel that I can.
Please note that I do not know that any of the below points are true, but these are the points and concerns that the athletes have. We would ask them to be fairly and thoroughly investigated.
We ask that you look in to the following:
- Conflicts of interest within the federation (For example, judges training athletes and being allowed to contribute to their score)
- Allegations of certain coaches paying ‘sanction fees’ to allow their athletes to place higher than others
- Favoritism from judges that is readily published on social media
- The proportion of winning athletes who train at gyms owned by judges or family members of those involved with the UKBFF
- UKBFF primarily sponsoring athletes that train at gyms run by UKBFF officials, family members and judges
- Supplement sponsorship deals affecting results
- Poor treatment of athletes back stage
- Poor treatment of former coaches/judges
- Judging criteria. Why are the UKBFF standards (certainly for bikini) so different to the IFBB standards?
- Allegations of threats made to former promoters
- UKBFF officials telling gym owners that they cannot have certain individuals at their gym or they will face bans
- Recent bans handed out by UKBFF officials and the validity of them.
A federation should be run for its athletes. It should be open, transparent, fair and honest. IFBB, please step in and help us secure the future of your federation in the UK.
- A worried but hopeful bikini girl who would prefer to stay anonymous through concerns not that this will affect her, but her friends who will still compete in the UKBFF».
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Lietuvos IFBB čempionatas, prieš kelias dienas vykęs Kėdainiuose, pagal eilės dalyvių atsiliepimus yra Anglijos kultūristų peticijos turinio kopija. Tik Lietuvoje niekas neprotestuoja ir peticijų nerašo. Šarūnas Navickis, analizuodamas šį čempionatą, puikiai viską išdėlioja į vietas. Sporto neliko nė kvapo, viena komercija ir jumoristiniai komerciniai tūsai...