03-04-2016, 09:28 AM
Visai neseniai kalbėjome apie korupciją Anglijos nacionalinėje IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) federacijoje. Tuomet kovai su IFBB vadovais bei „ verslininkais“ Anglijoje susibūrė keli šimtai IFBB sportininkų ir trenerių.
Neseniai Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) federacijos prezidentas Dr. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) gavo laišką iš Egipto. Buvęs IFBB federacijos vice prezidentas, arabų šalių ir Afrikos IFBB federacijos įkūrėjas TAREKAS EL GVINDIS (Tarek El Guindy) rašo apie besitęsiančią korupciją IFBB federacijoje ir prašo padėti gauti oficialius IFBB federacijos dokumentus, patvirtinančius, kad tai ne federacija, o privati komercinė firma. Šie dokumentai nuo jo yra slepiami.
Kiek anksčiau, paprašius IFBB federacijos vice prezidentui POLUI ČIUA (Paul Chua) ir IFBB federacijos teisininkui, Austrijos IFBB federacijos prezidentui ALEKSUI BAUERIUI (Alex Bauer), mes anksčiau ne kartą viešinome jų pačių mums atsiųstus per 600 oficialių IFBB dokumentų federacijos legalumo klausimu.
Visi šie IFBB apgaulę ir korupciją patvirtinantys dokumentai minėtų POLO ČIUA ir ALEKSO BAUERIO buvo išsiųsti į Tarptautinį Olimpinį komitetą (TOK) ir į visų šalių nacionalinius olimpinius komitetus, į tarptautinę antidopingo agentūrą WADA.
„From: tguindy@hotmail.com
To: info@wff.lt
Subject: RE: IFBB Corruption and Its Relationship with Egypt
Dear Sirs , We have read your Article "2014. BODYBUILDERS DO NOT UNDERSTAND IFBB POLITICS." Through http://www.wff.lt/articles/989 and found it extremely interesting and revealing for a lot of information related to unanswered suspicious questions about the IFBB activities and its relationship with the Egyptian bodybuilding federation corruption.
In the past few years, we have noticed a lot of cover-ups activities conducted by IFBB officials to hide Egyptian body building team doping test results and over all real ranking, in fact they never reply to any questions raised by any person from Egypt to inquire about the results but the official Egyptian federation.
They even create new titles to create even more propaganda to the Egypt team as a favor to the loyal partner Mr. Adel Fahim. One of the visible reasons for this strange unprofessional unethical behavior are the Wieder Academy in Egypt that generate millions of USD in Fake training certification and programs that doesn't have any legal existence in Egypt although it generate millions of dollars.
Our main problem is that we cannot get the legal references from any source that could prove these unethical activities and cover-ups
We would appreciate if you would kindly send us all the legal references related to corruption between IFBB and the Egyptian BB federation that is visible to every one but no one can prove .
We would really appreciate if you could send us the formal legal references asap. We really believe that WFF will be the next official International fedration in Egypt.
Let me introduce my self, I am Tarek El Gendy, the son of Abelhamid El Gendy (World Champion, founder of Arab and African federation and ex IFBB vice presedent) that has been betrayed by IFBB officials by refusing to support him when he needed them to apply the law. they have simply refused to give him any type of support and now Adel Fahim is getting all the support in the world from IFBB officials.
Should you need any further information please let me know.
Thanks for your kind cooperation & support.
Visai neseniai kalbėjome apie korupciją Anglijos nacionalinėje IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) federacijoje. Tuomet kovai su IFBB vadovais bei „ verslininkais“ Anglijoje susibūrė keli šimtai IFBB sportininkų ir trenerių.
Neseniai Pasaulinės WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) federacijos prezidentas Dr. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (DSc. Edmundas Daubaras) gavo laišką iš Egipto. Buvęs IFBB federacijos vice prezidentas, arabų šalių ir Afrikos IFBB federacijos įkūrėjas TAREKAS EL GVINDIS (Tarek El Guindy) rašo apie besitęsiančią korupciją IFBB federacijoje ir prašo padėti gauti oficialius IFBB federacijos dokumentus, patvirtinančius, kad tai ne federacija, o privati komercinė firma. Šie dokumentai nuo jo yra slepiami.
Kiek anksčiau, paprašius IFBB federacijos vice prezidentui POLUI ČIUA (Paul Chua) ir IFBB federacijos teisininkui, Austrijos IFBB federacijos prezidentui ALEKSUI BAUERIUI (Alex Bauer), mes anksčiau ne kartą viešinome jų pačių mums atsiųstus per 600 oficialių IFBB dokumentų federacijos legalumo klausimu.
Visi šie IFBB apgaulę ir korupciją patvirtinantys dokumentai minėtų POLO ČIUA ir ALEKSO BAUERIO buvo išsiųsti į Tarptautinį Olimpinį komitetą (TOK) ir į visų šalių nacionalinius olimpinius komitetus, į tarptautinę antidopingo agentūrą WADA.
Detalesnė informacija temoje „IFBB JURIDINĖS IR FINANSINĖS AFEROS“ tarptautiniame interneto puslapyje www.wff.lt, skaitykite forumą. Tai pat informaciją rasite tinklapio „Facebook“ puslapiuose: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University.
TAREKO EL GVINDŽIO laiškas:„From: tguindy@hotmail.com
To: info@wff.lt
Subject: RE: IFBB Corruption and Its Relationship with Egypt
Dear Sirs , We have read your Article "2014. BODYBUILDERS DO NOT UNDERSTAND IFBB POLITICS." Through http://www.wff.lt/articles/989 and found it extremely interesting and revealing for a lot of information related to unanswered suspicious questions about the IFBB activities and its relationship with the Egyptian bodybuilding federation corruption.
In the past few years, we have noticed a lot of cover-ups activities conducted by IFBB officials to hide Egyptian body building team doping test results and over all real ranking, in fact they never reply to any questions raised by any person from Egypt to inquire about the results but the official Egyptian federation.
They even create new titles to create even more propaganda to the Egypt team as a favor to the loyal partner Mr. Adel Fahim. One of the visible reasons for this strange unprofessional unethical behavior are the Wieder Academy in Egypt that generate millions of USD in Fake training certification and programs that doesn't have any legal existence in Egypt although it generate millions of dollars.
Our main problem is that we cannot get the legal references from any source that could prove these unethical activities and cover-ups
We would appreciate if you would kindly send us all the legal references related to corruption between IFBB and the Egyptian BB federation that is visible to every one but no one can prove .
We would really appreciate if you could send us the formal legal references asap. We really believe that WFF will be the next official International fedration in Egypt.
Let me introduce my self, I am Tarek El Gendy, the son of Abelhamid El Gendy (World Champion, founder of Arab and African federation and ex IFBB vice presedent) that has been betrayed by IFBB officials by refusing to support him when he needed them to apply the law. they have simply refused to give him any type of support and now Adel Fahim is getting all the support in the world from IFBB officials.
Should you need any further information please let me know.
Thanks for your kind cooperation & support.
Tarek El Gendy, Mob CA :+1 647 262 8696, Mob EG :+2 0100 511 5723“
WFF-International Official Information Only