04-17-2018, 07:39 PM
During the life nearly everybody somehow is connected with Bodybuilding and Fitness.
Being the World‘s Leader of the Official Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation is working over the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ (Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма) and prepares the historical Article - Revue of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport.
The International Bodybuilding Organizations and the Countries that were and still are really important for the Official International Bodybuilding Sport will be covered in this Article. You know that many of so called „International Federations“ just fool the public as they are not official by the National and International Law and play no role for the Official Sport in real.
Working on the above mentioned materials the WFF-WBBF International prepares analytical revue of the bodybuilding sport in Czech and Slovak Republics. The revue includes the history of bodybuilding in both Countries (former Czechoslovakia), most important sportsmen and sport organizers of all times.
Few or us know that at the definite period of time Czechoslovakia bodybuilding has played such a very important role for the International Sport. We will cover the history and we will tell this strory.
The similar historic revues are already done by us about the bodybuilding sport in USA, UK, France, Scandinavia Countries, Belgium, India, Iran, Argentina, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Estonia. Still remaining only a few Countries.
Last Century for a long time the World was divided by the „Iron Wall“ in two parts: the Socialist and the Capitalist. For political reasons the Bodybuilding Sport was prohibited and prosecuted in all Socialist Countries. Effected by the occasionally from the Western World received Bodybuilding Magazines the Bodybuilding Sport in Socialist Countries went their own original way.
Quite a long time the only one traditional regular International Bodybuilding Contest of all the Socialist World was the famous historical „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз“, 1968-2017). Today all know that during the long years of the Bodybuilding Sport prohibition and prosecution the „Amber Prix International“ was the uofficial Bodybuilding Championship of the USSR (uniting 15 Country-members, the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics). Later on the USSR Sport Ministry („Goskomsport“) officially accepted this fact and started presenteing prestigeous governmental „USSR Sport Master“ degrees for the „Amber Prix International“ Champions. This way the „Amber Prix International“ became equal to the official USSR Bodybuilding Championship. In real due to the number and the level of the participating Countries and Competitors the „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial World Championship of the Socialist Countries.
Czechoslovakia Bodybuilding development as it was in all Socialist Countries can be divided in three periods:
- First period until 1975. Then due to the initiative of the President Czechoslovakia National Bodybuilding Federation VOTECH FIALA this Federation joined the International Sport Society and got political permittion to participate at the private IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Commercial Company World and Europe Championships. For a long time the Czechoslovakia was the only one Socialsit Country which had this unique permittion. No one other Socialist Country could do the same for a long time.
- Second period until 1988, when Bodybuilding Sport was under severe prosecution in the Socialist Countries
- Third period after 1991, when the National Bodybuilding Organizations of all Socialist Countries felt real freedom to join the International Bodybuilding Sport Society.
We will speak about each period individually.
(we will continue publishing the article soon)
More detailed information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, WFF-WBBF Pro Division, International Sport University (ISU, www.isuniversity.lt ), WPSF World Power Sports Federation.
During the life nearly everybody somehow is connected with Bodybuilding and Fitness.
Being the World‘s Leader of the Official Sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness the WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International Federation is working over the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ (Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма) and prepares the historical Article - Revue of the World‘s Bodybuilding Sport.
The International Bodybuilding Organizations and the Countries that were and still are really important for the Official International Bodybuilding Sport will be covered in this Article. You know that many of so called „International Federations“ just fool the public as they are not official by the National and International Law and play no role for the Official Sport in real.
Working on the above mentioned materials the WFF-WBBF International prepares analytical revue of the bodybuilding sport in Czech and Slovak Republics. The revue includes the history of bodybuilding in both Countries (former Czechoslovakia), most important sportsmen and sport organizers of all times.
Few or us know that at the definite period of time Czechoslovakia bodybuilding has played such a very important role for the International Sport. We will cover the history and we will tell this strory.
The similar historic revues are already done by us about the bodybuilding sport in USA, UK, France, Scandinavia Countries, Belgium, India, Iran, Argentina, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Estonia. Still remaining only a few Countries.
Last Century for a long time the World was divided by the „Iron Wall“ in two parts: the Socialist and the Capitalist. For political reasons the Bodybuilding Sport was prohibited and prosecuted in all Socialist Countries. Effected by the occasionally from the Western World received Bodybuilding Magazines the Bodybuilding Sport in Socialist Countries went their own original way.
Quite a long time the only one traditional regular International Bodybuilding Contest of all the Socialist World was the famous historical „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз“, 1968-2017). Today all know that during the long years of the Bodybuilding Sport prohibition and prosecution the „Amber Prix International“ was the uofficial Bodybuilding Championship of the USSR (uniting 15 Country-members, the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics). Later on the USSR Sport Ministry („Goskomsport“) officially accepted this fact and started presenteing prestigeous governmental „USSR Sport Master“ degrees for the „Amber Prix International“ Champions. This way the „Amber Prix International“ became equal to the official USSR Bodybuilding Championship. In real due to the number and the level of the participating Countries and Competitors the „Amber Prix International“ was the unofficial World Championship of the Socialist Countries.
Czechoslovakia Bodybuilding development as it was in all Socialist Countries can be divided in three periods:
- First period until 1975. Then due to the initiative of the President Czechoslovakia National Bodybuilding Federation VOTECH FIALA this Federation joined the International Sport Society and got political permittion to participate at the private IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Commercial Company World and Europe Championships. For a long time the Czechoslovakia was the only one Socialsit Country which had this unique permittion. No one other Socialist Country could do the same for a long time.
- Second period until 1988, when Bodybuilding Sport was under severe prosecution in the Socialist Countries
- Third period after 1991, when the National Bodybuilding Organizations of all Socialist Countries felt real freedom to join the International Bodybuilding Sport Society.
We will speak about each period individually.
(we will continue publishing the article soon)
More detailed information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, WFF-WBBF Pro Division, International Sport University (ISU, www.isuniversity.lt ), WPSF World Power Sports Federation.