04-30-2009, 08:32 AM
Šiandien gavome publikacijai forume laišką, kurį parašė IFBB sportininkas ir teisininkas iš Anglijos.
Jis kaltina RAFAELĮ SANTOCHĄ slepiant nuo federacijos narių tai, kad IFBB nėra sporto federacija, o tik komercinė privati firma.
Tai akivaizdžiai liudija dokumentai iš mokesčių inspekcijos.
Į IFBB vyriausioje finansininko užduotus R.SANTOCAH klausimus šis neatsako.
Į klausimus, užduotus IFBB vice prezidento POLO ČIUA, atstovaujančio Azijos IFBB (kuri buvo 50 metų IFBB nare) R.SANTOCHA taip pat beatsako.
Pokalbių laikas pasibaigė ir atėjo laikas juridiniams veiksmams.
From: Deiter Weber <rb62000x-deiterweber@yahoo...com>
Subject: Open Letter from IFBB to Paul Chua
To: w.tierney2@ukonline.co.uk
Cc: internacional@santonja.com, "Datuk Chua ABBF Sec Gen" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
Date: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009, 7:32 PM
Re: Open Letter from IFBB to Paul Chua
Dear Mr. Tierney,
I read your open letter to Paul Chua posted on the IFBB website with great interest. As a former athlete who competed in this sport, I am deeply concerned over the fisco happening between the International and Continental federations. As a concerned former athlete of this truely great sport, I seek clarifications on the following issues raised. If you choose to answer, I take it that IFBB still stands up for the athletes and against corrupt officials... If not, I infer your interest from your silence.
Para 2 - You alleged that the Continental Federation slapped an unprecedented fine and suspension against a national federation but did not state what the infringement was. If meting out sanctions, if there are set rules to follow, then none of this should have happened. If the issue was a doping issue, then the Anti-Doping rules in force at that time should have covered for situations like this. How could an action be ultra vires of there are no rules covering this situation. You also mentioned that IFBB intervened to hear the appeal Paul Chua agreed to a resolution end the suspension and withdraw the fine. What are we talking here ???
One official punishes and another can remove ??? Call a spade a spade. If it is an offence, it is an offence. It is punishable. If ab initio, there is no case to answer "res ipsa loquitor" , then the official should have been punished for ultra vires action. Your claim of facts against the backdrop invites more suspicion than clarity. If Paul Chau was wrong then, why no action was taken against him at that time ??? What ethos was IFBB following ???
Para 3 - Your para 3 does not make sense. You have done selective reporting. You indicated that in some cases Paul Chau was lenient and in some cases not. What you did not indicate was the facts of the case and its surrounding circumstances. Your country UK prides upon its justice system. As a student of your law, I have learnt much about sentencing policy. Judges are given a range of punishment to mete out in order to achieve the objectives of the judicial system. In all cases, though the doctrine of "stare decisis" operates to establish certainty, judges would have to consider many other factors before dishing out the appropriate punishment. Therefore your arguement does not hold water.
Secondly, if IFBB had known that Paul Chua was administering the Anti-Doping Rules in a arbitrary fashion, why IFBB did not put a stop to this then. Why did IFBB continue to allow ABBF to handle doping cases ?? Did IFBB have an operating framework to administer Anti-Doping Rules synching with the Continental and National federations ??? Is IFBB now claiming that it did not have any knowledge to how ABBF was handling doping cases ???
Para 5 - The online chatter on this topic is rather hot and I am aware of some news. Again in your letter, you have swayed the attention away from the real issue, either as a cause of a failure of understanding or on purpose. I believe no one claimed that IFBB was illegal per se. The question rather, is IFBB a privately held corporation set up to run a business or a not-for-profit sporting association. If it is not-for-profitm, why is it required to pay VAT ??? If it is a proper sporting organization, why not publish the relevant government approval/registration documents ????
Para 6 - our para 6 deeply concern me. You mentioned that ABBF promised to have all documents submitted to IFBB and till date they have not. You mean to tell the world that through out the period ABBF was with IFBB, almost 50 years, ABBF had not submitted documents, and the beautiful minds in IFBB just got the inkling to report that ???? What is happening in IFBB ??? Seems more like when you needed Paul Chua you guys tolerated him and now there is an issue, you bring in the cavalry ??????
Your last paragraph concerns me the most. You are telling Paul Chua to part ways with IFBB after so much shit have been thrown at each other ??? If you truely want to strengthen the legacy that the honorable Mr... Ben Weider left behind, then IFBB should seek to disprove everything and be willing to stand up to scrutiny. This position will probably turn poor Mr. Weider in his grave. IFBB seemingly does not have the guts to face up to the trials of this. Never have I seen a more pathetic and lame excuse to avoid public embarrassment..
I think the time for talk is over.
Please do the needful to show us that IFBB is indeed the esteemed organization we believed in and for god's sake do Mr. Weider this favour. I believe IFBB owes the great man this service.............................
A Very Dejected Former Athlete
Suki Krist
Jis kaltina RAFAELĮ SANTOCHĄ slepiant nuo federacijos narių tai, kad IFBB nėra sporto federacija, o tik komercinė privati firma.
Tai akivaizdžiai liudija dokumentai iš mokesčių inspekcijos.
Į IFBB vyriausioje finansininko užduotus R.SANTOCAH klausimus šis neatsako.
Į klausimus, užduotus IFBB vice prezidento POLO ČIUA, atstovaujančio Azijos IFBB (kuri buvo 50 metų IFBB nare) R.SANTOCHA taip pat beatsako.
Pokalbių laikas pasibaigė ir atėjo laikas juridiniams veiksmams.
From: Deiter Weber <rb62000x-deiterweber@yahoo...com>
Subject: Open Letter from IFBB to Paul Chua
To: w.tierney2@ukonline.co.uk
Cc: internacional@santonja.com, "Datuk Chua ABBF Sec Gen" <abbfasia@yahoo.com.sg>
Date: Wednesday, 29 April, 2009, 7:32 PM
Re: Open Letter from IFBB to Paul Chua
Dear Mr. Tierney,
I read your open letter to Paul Chua posted on the IFBB website with great interest. As a former athlete who competed in this sport, I am deeply concerned over the fisco happening between the International and Continental federations. As a concerned former athlete of this truely great sport, I seek clarifications on the following issues raised. If you choose to answer, I take it that IFBB still stands up for the athletes and against corrupt officials... If not, I infer your interest from your silence.
Para 2 - You alleged that the Continental Federation slapped an unprecedented fine and suspension against a national federation but did not state what the infringement was. If meting out sanctions, if there are set rules to follow, then none of this should have happened. If the issue was a doping issue, then the Anti-Doping rules in force at that time should have covered for situations like this. How could an action be ultra vires of there are no rules covering this situation. You also mentioned that IFBB intervened to hear the appeal Paul Chua agreed to a resolution end the suspension and withdraw the fine. What are we talking here ???
One official punishes and another can remove ??? Call a spade a spade. If it is an offence, it is an offence. It is punishable. If ab initio, there is no case to answer "res ipsa loquitor" , then the official should have been punished for ultra vires action. Your claim of facts against the backdrop invites more suspicion than clarity. If Paul Chau was wrong then, why no action was taken against him at that time ??? What ethos was IFBB following ???
Para 3 - Your para 3 does not make sense. You have done selective reporting. You indicated that in some cases Paul Chau was lenient and in some cases not. What you did not indicate was the facts of the case and its surrounding circumstances. Your country UK prides upon its justice system. As a student of your law, I have learnt much about sentencing policy. Judges are given a range of punishment to mete out in order to achieve the objectives of the judicial system. In all cases, though the doctrine of "stare decisis" operates to establish certainty, judges would have to consider many other factors before dishing out the appropriate punishment. Therefore your arguement does not hold water.
Secondly, if IFBB had known that Paul Chua was administering the Anti-Doping Rules in a arbitrary fashion, why IFBB did not put a stop to this then. Why did IFBB continue to allow ABBF to handle doping cases ?? Did IFBB have an operating framework to administer Anti-Doping Rules synching with the Continental and National federations ??? Is IFBB now claiming that it did not have any knowledge to how ABBF was handling doping cases ???
Para 5 - The online chatter on this topic is rather hot and I am aware of some news. Again in your letter, you have swayed the attention away from the real issue, either as a cause of a failure of understanding or on purpose. I believe no one claimed that IFBB was illegal per se. The question rather, is IFBB a privately held corporation set up to run a business or a not-for-profit sporting association. If it is not-for-profitm, why is it required to pay VAT ??? If it is a proper sporting organization, why not publish the relevant government approval/registration documents ????
Para 6 - our para 6 deeply concern me. You mentioned that ABBF promised to have all documents submitted to IFBB and till date they have not. You mean to tell the world that through out the period ABBF was with IFBB, almost 50 years, ABBF had not submitted documents, and the beautiful minds in IFBB just got the inkling to report that ???? What is happening in IFBB ??? Seems more like when you needed Paul Chua you guys tolerated him and now there is an issue, you bring in the cavalry ??????
Your last paragraph concerns me the most. You are telling Paul Chua to part ways with IFBB after so much shit have been thrown at each other ??? If you truely want to strengthen the legacy that the honorable Mr... Ben Weider left behind, then IFBB should seek to disprove everything and be willing to stand up to scrutiny. This position will probably turn poor Mr. Weider in his grave. IFBB seemingly does not have the guts to face up to the trials of this. Never have I seen a more pathetic and lame excuse to avoid public embarrassment..
I think the time for talk is over.
Please do the needful to show us that IFBB is indeed the esteemed organization we believed in and for god's sake do Mr. Weider this favour. I believe IFBB owes the great man this service.............................
A Very Dejected Former Athlete
Suki Krist
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