05-04-2022, 08:19 AM
After the first in the Socialist World Traditional International Bodybuilding Contest – the „Amber Prix International“ (1968 – 2022, „Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз») Estonia also started a new tradition. It lasted twenty years and it was the “Georg Tenno Memorial” (1971 – 1989, “Georgo Tenno Memorialas”, “Мемориал Георга Тенно»). The organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” was the first National President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Bodybuilding Federation) Estonia INNAR MARDO. Today they call him the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding”. The contest was organized in 1971 in the capital of Estonia City Tallinn.
In 1971 at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” participated athletes of four countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Russia. The Winners in the Junior categories were Lithuanians KAZYS DAUGELA (Kaunas) and VALDAS ALIUBAVICHUS (Vilnius); in the main categories Champions were VLADIMIR ZHITKOV (Владимир Житков, Russia), VIKTOR CHARKEVICH (Виктор Харкевич, Vilnius, Lithuania) ir VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин, Russia). The Over All Winneres were VALDAS ALIUBAVICHUS and VLADIMIR DUBININ. VALDAS ALIUBAVICHUS and VIKTOR CHARKEVICH represented the only one in the Socualist Countries „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ that was led by a talanted trainet CESLAV TAMULEVICH (Чеслав Тамулевич).
More detailed information on the Global International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U., www.isuniversity.lt), W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
After the first in the Socialist World Traditional International Bodybuilding Contest – the „Amber Prix International“ (1968 – 2022, „Gintarinis prizas“, „Янтарный приз») Estonia also started a new tradition. It lasted twenty years and it was the “Georg Tenno Memorial” (1971 – 1989, “Georgo Tenno Memorialas”, “Мемориал Георга Тенно»). The organizer of the “Georg Tenno Memorial” was the first National President W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Bodybuilding Federation) Estonia INNAR MARDO. Today they call him the “Heart of Estonia Bodybuilding”. The contest was organized in 1971 in the capital of Estonia City Tallinn.
In 1971 at the first “Georg Tenno Memorial” participated athletes of four countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Russia. The Winners in the Junior categories were Lithuanians KAZYS DAUGELA (Kaunas) and VALDAS ALIUBAVICHUS (Vilnius); in the main categories Champions were VLADIMIR ZHITKOV (Владимир Житков, Russia), VIKTOR CHARKEVICH (Виктор Харкевич, Vilnius, Lithuania) ir VLADIMIR DUBININ (Владимир Дубинин, Russia). The Over All Winneres were VALDAS ALIUBAVICHUS and VLADIMIR DUBININ. VALDAS ALIUBAVICHUS and VIKTOR CHARKEVICH represented the only one in the Socualist Countries „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ that was led by a talanted trainet CESLAV TAMULEVICH (Чеслав Тамулевич).
More detailed information on the Global International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U., www.isuniversity.lt), W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.