02-22-2009, 05:10 PM
WFF secretary service Wrote:Šiandien gavome laišką iš Danijos.
Danijos WFF-WBBF federacijos prezidentas PALLE RASMUSENAS rašo, kad jis imasi aktyvinti WFF-WBBF federacijos darbą Skandinavijos šalyse.
Pirmas jo žingsnis – jis atsidaro internetinius WFF-WBBF puslapius Švedijai, Norvegijai ir Suomijai jų gimtąja kalba:
Dear Ed,
I look forward to work even closer with you, and will do my best to please the whole WFF-family.
Oh yes what you write is true.
Last article - this is great reading!
Thank you very much for this matter of trust.
I promise to work hard and intense to make WFF an even better brand in the Scandinavian coutries.
I look forward to get to work at the WFF Scandinavia, and I think we should make a plan how to get this project started in the very near future.
I have started working, and tomorrow I have a meeting with an web-agency, that will do the wff.dk website in swedish, norwegian and finnish.
I hope that I will not disappoint you and will work hard in all 4 countries.
Your friend,
paziuresim, ka danai sugebes padaryti?