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We still work on the second book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia” («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма») and many topics are connected with the third book. It seems that our sport life is stable. But if we look through the time we can see that during last forty years no other International Federation ever did the same amount of work as we did. Just look over the topics of the third book of the “Encyclopedia”! We would underline that all our work in Lithuania after the end of Socialist System in 1991 was done in confrontation with the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) federation. Nothing is changed even today. Lithuanian I.F.B.B. does not like our achievements. They do not like our communication with the Governmental, Social and Sport organizations of various countries. They do not like that the W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) seeks so high goals.  Especially they do not like that we achieve great results. At the same time they have no goals at all... All our road of sport activities was connected with various obstacles made by the I.F.B.B. and with which we are to fight every day. Below we list basic topics of the third book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia”:
-during the above mentioned time official meetings of the W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with Chairmen of the Republics of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Iran Olympic Committees
- during this time DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS participated at over twenty meetings at the Parliaments of the European Union and Asia Countries. Lots of meetings with the Governmental Officials of various Countries were organized as well.
- in 1996, 1997, 1998 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized European Championships in Lithuania. All Events were supported and financed by the Government Republic Lithuania. All events were televised by the “Eurosport “ television many times.
-  in 1998 DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS organized W.F.F. World Championship in Lithuania. It was supported and financed by the Government Republic Lithuania and televised by the “Eurosport“ television.
- in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. World Championships were organized in Lithuania. All Events were supported and financed by the Government Republic Lithuania.
- in 2008 Parliament Republic Lithuania voted to finance the 40-th “Amber Prix International” (“Gintarinis prizas”, «Янтарный приз») in Klaipeda (Lithuania).
- in 2005 first time in our sport history World Championship from Lithuania was presented “live” for all of the World Countries  through the Internet. For this Company “Lietuvos telekomas” paid over 40 000 euro.
- in 2005 W.A.D.A. (World Anti Doping Agency) director RUNE ANDERSON sent a letter to  DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS saying that W.A.D.A. formally accepts the W.F.F. - International.
- 2006 - 2009 W.F.F. World Championships in Praha Zofrin Palace were financed by the Czech Government, each time about 500 000 euro.
- in 2008 Official meeting of the  DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Minister of Sport Republic Poland ZBIGNIEW PACELT was organized in Warszawa
- in 2009 and in 2011 Official meetings of  DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Prime Minister Republic Slovakia ROBERT FICO were organized in Bratislava
- in 2006 - 2012 President Parliament Republic Austria ALFRED GERSTL was the Head of the Organizing Committees of the W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. International Contests in Austria
- in 2011 Official visit to Vatican was organized. Listening to the W.F.F. -W.B.B.F. history Vatican Cardinal Congregat Prefect J. Em. JOZEF KARDINAL TOMKO named our work as “dissidental” towards Communist regime and presented the Roman Pope medal to  DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS (Medaglia Ufficiale di Pontificato di Sua Santita Benedetto XVI, Headquarters State Vatican, Cita del Vaticano, March 29, 2011).
-  in 2011 Official meeting of  DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Chairman Parliament Republic Lithuania ARUNAS VALINSKAS was organized
- in 2012 Official meeting of  DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Chairman Parliament Republic Slovakia JAN FIGEL was organized in Bratislava
- in 2012 for active Social International work the oldest Ukraine Republic University of “Stavropigion” nominated  DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with highest academic title - “DSc., Doctor Honoris Causa”
- in 2015 “International Sport University” (I.S.U.) was established in Lithuanian Republic. Since 2017 I.S.U. is an associated member of the U.N.E.S.C.O. Organization
- in 2017 special report about the W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. “Universe” Contest in Klaipeda (Lithuania) was on Global C.N.N. television
- in 2019 Official meeting of  DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS with the Chairman Committee Parliament Republic India SARDAR RAVNEET BITTU was organized in India
- in 2019  DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS was on official visit to the Headquarters of the United Nations
- 2019 pandemia and 2022 war in Ukraine stopped great W.F.F. - W.B.B.F. International projects in Switzerland, France and India. We hope to fulfill them soon
- in 2025 we closely work with W.A.D.A.. Aiming to separate fitness from bodybuilding along with the W.F.F. in 2005 in Lithuanian Republic we established new “World Body Building Federation” (W.B.B.F.). W.F.F. created totally new fitness concept without doping and it aims to seek  I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee) recognition.
No doubt - there will be many more important topics in the third book of the “World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia”.
More information is on International Page

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RE: WORLD BODYBUILDING ENCYCLOPEDIA. ANOTHER VIEW. - by Chairman Judges Committee - 03-05-2025, 09:45 AM

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