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Danas Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad pasaulio kultūrizmo legenda DIANA DENNIS vakar jam paskambino ir pasakė, kad ji galutinai nusprendė dirbti su WFF, o tai reiškia tūkstančių jos gerbėjų ir pasekėjų atėjimą į JAV WFF federaciją.
MAIKAS GLASAS ėmėsi bendradarbiavimo su vienu iš rimčiausių IFBB rėmėju iš San Francisko:
Legend Diana Dennis Called today and said she is very interest in working with the WFF North America only. Who can ever forget how muscular and in shape Diana was as she brought 1000’s to their feet waving banners and flags in here honor.
I will let all of you know the hours we sign our WFF agreement. I haven’t slept in week waiting with pen and paper in hand.
...........For the record: I have just talked to another Promoter from Seattle and San Francisco area who, along with sponsors will absolutely never, ever work with former liaison to the IFBB Wayne Demillia again. They and others were burned by him on two events. All I can say is: "Poor Lee Priest! ) ~ :
Mike Glass ~ WFF North America
va kaip viskas klostosi!
Nepakartojama DIANA DENNIS:
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E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Danas Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad pasaulio kultūrizmo legenda DIANA DENNIS vakar jam paskambino ir pasakė, kad ji galutinai nusprendė dirbti su WFF, o tai reiškia tūkstančių jos gerbėjų ir pasekėjų atėjimą į JAV WFF federaciją.
MAIKAS GLASAS ėmėsi bendradarbiavimo su vienu iš rimčiausių IFBB rėmėju iš San Francisko:
Legend Diana Dennis Called today and said she is very interest in working with the WFF North America only. Who can ever forget how muscular and in shape Diana was as she brought 1000’s to their feet waving banners and flags in here honor.
I will let all of you know the hours we sign our WFF agreement. I haven’t slept in week waiting with pen and paper in hand.
...........For the record: I have just talked to another Promoter from Seattle and San Francisco area who, along with sponsors will absolutely never, ever work with former liaison to the IFBB Wayne Demillia again. They and others were burned by him on two events. All I can say is: "Poor Lee Priest! ) ~ :
Mike Glass ~ WFF North America
va kaip viskas klostosi!
Nepakartojama DIANA DENNIS:
Nieko sau!
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Danas Wrote:E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Danas Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad pasaulio kultūrizmo legenda DIANA DENNIS vakar jam paskambino ir pasakė, kad ji galutinai nusprendė dirbti su WFF, o tai reiškia tūkstančių jos gerbėjų ir pasekėjų atėjimą į JAV WFF federaciją.
MAIKAS GLASAS ėmėsi bendradarbiavimo su vienu iš rimčiausių IFBB rėmėju iš San Francisko:
Legend Diana Dennis Called today and said she is very interest in working with the WFF North America only. Who can ever forget how muscular and in shape Diana was as she brought 1000’s to their feet waving banners and flags in here honor.
I will let all of you know the hours we sign our WFF agreement. I haven’t slept in week waiting with pen and paper in hand.
...........For the record: I have just talked to another Promoter from Seattle and San Francisco area who, along with sponsors will absolutely never, ever work with former liaison to the IFBB Wayne Demillia again. They and others were burned by him on two events. All I can say is: "Poor Lee Priest! ) ~ :
Mike Glass ~ WFF North America
va kaip viskas klostosi!
Nepakartojama DIANA DENNIS:
Nieko sau!
Posts: 67
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Joined: Feb 2006
E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Danas Wrote:E.Sendriene_LT Wrote:Danas Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:Šiandien tarptautinė WFF federacija gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo, kad pasaulio kultūrizmo legenda DIANA DENNIS vakar jam paskambino ir pasakė, kad ji galutinai nusprendė dirbti su WFF, o tai reiškia tūkstančių jos gerbėjų ir pasekėjų atėjimą į JAV WFF federaciją.
MAIKAS GLASAS ėmėsi bendradarbiavimo su vienu iš rimčiausių IFBB rėmėju iš San Francisko:
Legend Diana Dennis Called today and said she is very interest in working with the WFF North America only. Who can ever forget how muscular and in shape Diana was as she brought 1000’s to their feet waving banners and flags in here honor.
I will let all of you know the hours we sign our WFF agreement. I haven’t slept in week waiting with pen and paper in hand.
...........For the record: I have just talked to another Promoter from Seattle and San Francisco area who, along with sponsors will absolutely never, ever work with former liaison to the IFBB Wayne Demillia again. They and others were burned by him on two events. All I can say is: "Poor Lee Priest! ) ~ :
Mike Glass ~ WFF North America
va kaip viskas klostosi!
Nepakartojama DIANA DENNIS:
Nieko sau!
Posts: 23,194
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Joined: Sep 2006
Tarptautinė WFF federacija šiandien gavo keletą laiškų iš JAV WFF federacijos prezidento MAIKLO GLASO.
Jis daug dirba, todėl rezultatai akivaizdūs.
Gerų naujienų labai daug.
Artimiausiu metu informuosime visus besidominčius.
Posts: 67
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Joined: Feb 2006
E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:Tarptautinė WFF federacija šiandien gavo keletą laiškų iš JAV WFF federacijos prezidento MAIKLO GLASO.
Jis daug dirba, todėl rezultatai akivaizdūs.
Gerų naujienų labai daug.
Artimiausiu metu informuosime visus besidominčius.
tai kokios ten naujienos?
Posts: 607
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Joined: May 2006
Danas Wrote:E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:Tarptautinė WFF federacija šiandien gavo keletą laiškų iš JAV WFF federacijos prezidento MAIKLO GLASO.
Jis daug dirba, todėl rezultatai akivaizdūs.
Gerų naujienų labai daug.
Artimiausiu metu informuosime visus besidominčius.
tai kokios ten naujienos?
Maiklas Glasas paprašė kol kas niekam detalių nepasakoti. Galiu pasakyti tik tiek, kad į WFF federacijos veiklą įsijungia gerbiamas
kultūrizmo pasaulyje žmogus, nusipelnęs IFBB ir NPC veikėjas, kurio vardas paskutinius 30-35 metus yra kiekviename IFBB žurnale.
Ryt Kalifornijoje jie abu turi svarbų susitikimą...
Posts: 73
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wff_edita Wrote:Danas Wrote:E_Sendriene_WFF Wrote:Tarptautinė WFF federacija šiandien gavo keletą laiškų iš JAV WFF federacijos prezidento MAIKLO GLASO.
Jis daug dirba, todėl rezultatai akivaizdūs.
Gerų naujienų labai daug.
Artimiausiu metu informuosime visus besidominčius.
tai kokios ten naujienos?
Maiklas Glasas paprašė kol kas niekam detalių nepasakoti. Galiu pasakyti tik tiek, kad į WFF federacijos veiklą įsijungia gerbiamas
kultūrizmo pasaulyje žmogus, nusipelnęs IFBB ir NPC veikėjas, kurio vardas paskutinius 30-35 metus yra kiekviename IFBB žurnale.
Ryt Kalifornijoje jie abu turi svarbų susitikimą...
su kiekviena diena vis graziau!
Posts: 3
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Joined: Nov 2005
E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:Jei jau prakalbome apie Šiaurės Ameriką, tai prisiminkime paskutines komercines "Olimpijos" varžybas, kurios neseniai vyko JAV.
Šiose varžybose lankėsi tarptautinės WFF federacijos sekretorė SVETLANA PUGAČIOVA.
SVETLANĄ pasitiko ir jai talkino JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS.
Daug apie "Olimpiją" nekalbėsime, tačiau šioje nuotraukoje pažymėtinas ypatingai geras kai kurių finalininkų pilvo preso išvystymas iki tokio aukšto lygio, kad jo visai nėra (arba nesimato, mat stipriai "užmaskuotas")
Tas zmogelis olimpijoje uzeme antra vieta!!! nemanau kad pas ji nera preso :D nespejo isitemti :twisted:
Posts: 73
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Joined: Jul 2006
Bilas Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:Jei jau prakalbome apie Šiaurės Ameriką, tai prisiminkime paskutines komercines "Olimpijos" varžybas, kurios neseniai vyko JAV.
Šiose varžybose lankėsi tarptautinės WFF federacijos sekretorė SVETLANA PUGAČIOVA.
SVETLANĄ pasitiko ir jai talkino JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS.
Daug apie "Olimpiją" nekalbėsime, tačiau šioje nuotraukoje pažymėtinas ypatingai geras kai kurių finalininkų pilvo preso išvystymas iki tokio aukšto lygio, kad jo visai nėra (arba nesimato, mat stipriai "užmaskuotas")
Tas zmogelis olimpijoje uzeme antra vieta!!! nemanau kad pas ji nera preso :D nespejo isitemti :twisted:
kitu metu olimpijoje gal jau ir itemps presa, jei gales...
Posts: 234
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Joined: Sep 2006
Ronas Wrote:Bilas Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:Jei jau prakalbome apie Šiaurės Ameriką, tai prisiminkime paskutines komercines "Olimpijos" varžybas, kurios neseniai vyko JAV.
Šiose varžybose lankėsi tarptautinės WFF federacijos sekretorė SVETLANA PUGAČIOVA.
SVETLANĄ pasitiko ir jai talkino JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS.
Daug apie "Olimpiją" nekalbėsime, tačiau šioje nuotraukoje pažymėtinas ypatingai geras kai kurių finalininkų pilvo preso išvystymas iki tokio aukšto lygio, kad jo visai nėra (arba nesimato, mat stipriai "užmaskuotas")
Tas zmogelis olimpijoje uzeme antra vieta!!! nemanau kad pas ji nera preso :D nespejo isitemti :twisted:
kitu metu olimpijoje gal jau ir itemps presa, jei gales...
Čia ta pačia proga:
anglų kultūrizmo žurnale tiesiai šaipomasi iš Kolemano pilvo preso paskutinėje "Olimpijoje":
Posts: 73
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Sendriene E. Wrote:Ronas Wrote:Bilas Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:E.Sendriene-LT Wrote:Jei jau prakalbome apie Šiaurės Ameriką, tai prisiminkime paskutines komercines "Olimpijos" varžybas, kurios neseniai vyko JAV.
Šiose varžybose lankėsi tarptautinės WFF federacijos sekretorė SVETLANA PUGAČIOVA.
SVETLANĄ pasitiko ir jai talkino JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS.
Daug apie "Olimpiją" nekalbėsime, tačiau šioje nuotraukoje pažymėtinas ypatingai geras kai kurių finalininkų pilvo preso išvystymas iki tokio aukšto lygio, kad jo visai nėra (arba nesimato, mat stipriai "užmaskuotas")
Tas zmogelis olimpijoje uzeme antra vieta!!! nemanau kad pas ji nera preso :D nespejo isitemti :twisted:
kitu metu olimpijoje gal jau ir itemps presa, jei gales...
Čia ta pačia proga:
anglų kultūrizmo žurnale tiesiai šaipomasi iš Kolemano pilvo preso paskutinėje "Olimpijoje":
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Posts: 607
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Joined: May 2006
Šiandien gavome informaciją, kad JAV pradėjo dirbti oficialus JAV WFF federacijos sekretorius:
Dear Mr. Edmundas,
Mr. Glass sends his regards but is out of town on business.
Thank you for helping with this matter.
Leah Gonzales -
WFF US Secretary to the President
Posts: 607
Threads: 7
Joined: May 2006
Šiandie tarptautinė federacija WFF gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo apie prasidedantį WFF varžybų turą po JAV Valsijas (WFF turo organizatorė IFBB profesionali sportininkė-modelis BRENDA KELLY) ir apie žinomo Aliaskos sporto organizatoriaus Derek Snelson įstojimą į WFF federaciją:
Dear Edita and Ed,
Hope all is well with you and the entire staff of the WFF International office.
We are still waiting to hear from our WFF affiliate Mr. Juan Carlos our WFF Mexico Leader on the dates etc.
In the meantime please see a rough draft we have created for Miss Brenda Kelly’s Series Tour in the USA.
Our New Memeber Derek Snelson WFF member form Alaska.
We are redoing Brenda's lay out but just wanted to show the Forum members we are moving forward.
Mike Glass - WFF North America
Posts: 98
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Joined: Apr 2006
wff_edita Wrote:Šiandie tarptautinė federacija WFF gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo apie prasidedantį WFF varžybų turą po JAV Valsijas (WFF turo organizatorė IFBB profesionali sportininkė-modelis BRENDA KELLY) ir apie žinomo Aliaskos sporto organizatoriaus Derek Snelson įstojimą į WFF federaciją:
Dear Edita and Ed,
Hope all is well with you and the entire staff of the WFF International office.
We are still waiting to hear from our WFF affiliate Mr. Juan Carlos our WFF Mexico Leader on the dates etc.
In the meantime please see a rough draft we have created for Miss Brenda Kelly’s Series Tour in the USA.
Our New Memeber Derek Snelson WFF member form Alaska.
We are redoing Brenda's lay out but just wanted to show the Forum members we are moving forward.
Mike Glass - WFF North America
Posts: 234
Threads: 5
Joined: Sep 2006
Stepas Wrote:wff_edita Wrote:Šiandie tarptautinė federacija WFF gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo apie prasidedantį WFF varžybų turą po JAV Valsijas (WFF turo organizatorė IFBB profesionali sportininkė-modelis BRENDA KELLY) ir apie žinomo Aliaskos sporto organizatoriaus Derek Snelson įstojimą į WFF federaciją:
Dear Edita and Ed,
Hope all is well with you and the entire staff of the WFF International office.
We are still waiting to hear from our WFF affiliate Mr. Juan Carlos our WFF Mexico Leader on the dates etc.
In the meantime please see a rough draft we have created for Miss Brenda Kelly’s Series Tour in the USA.
Our New Memeber Derek Snelson WFF member form Alaska.
We are redoing Brenda's lay out but just wanted to show the Forum members we are moving forward.
Mike Glass - WFF North America
WFF-Brendos Kelly reklaminis varžybų turo plakatas
Posts: 179
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Joined: Mar 2006
Sendriene E. Wrote:Stepas Wrote:wff_edita Wrote:Šiandie tarptautinė federacija WFF gavo laišką iš JAV.
JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS rašo apie prasidedantį WFF varžybų turą po JAV Valsijas (WFF turo organizatorė IFBB profesionali sportininkė-modelis BRENDA KELLY) ir apie žinomo Aliaskos sporto organizatoriaus Derek Snelson įstojimą į WFF federaciją:
Dear Edita and Ed,
Hope all is well with you and the entire staff of the WFF International office.
We are still waiting to hear from our WFF affiliate Mr. Juan Carlos our WFF Mexico Leader on the dates etc.
In the meantime please see a rough draft we have created for Miss Brenda Kelly’s Series Tour in the USA.
Our New Memeber Derek Snelson WFF member form Alaska.
We are redoing Brenda's lay out but just wanted to show the Forum members we are moving forward.
Mike Glass - WFF North America
WFF-Brendos Kelly reklaminis varžybų turo plakatas
Posts: 16,558
Threads: 136
Joined: Apr 2006
Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":
...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....
Pasitaręs su tarptautinės WFF federacijos Vykdomąja Taryba, Šiaurės Amerikos šalių WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS kreipėsi į POLĄ DILETĄ su pasiūlymu bendradarbiauti:
Dear Paul,
It was nice hearing from you from Edmundas our WFF Int. President and your forming a new federation in Canada. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
As you know, I have worked very hard as a promoter for the NPC / IFBB/ WABBA/ and now the WFF. Our box office records still stand as the largest in the world with npc and ifbb.
It has been thirty five years in the industry to make things better for the athletes attendees and sponsors. You and I have a great opportunity with the WFF and WBFF to equal the playing field and develop and honest organization with a future. (I have enclosed four big WFF professional shows of which I will be working with Juan Carlos in Mexico . We have $80,000 prize money to spread with the WFF competitors). See bottom!!!!!!!
I understand based on your last message on the Internet you want members join the WBFF and compete. This would be a honor to have someone like you of your caliber with the WFF of North America -Mexico- Europe. We have Brenda Kelly with us, Diana Dennis, Brad Hollinbaugh EASTERN WA. and Derek Snelson from Alaska is working with us as well. A merge with the WBFF AND WFF could be worked out and like "TIME WARNER" and be a stronger entity than by yourself in Canada.
So please let's hook up and send a strong message to the NPC / IFBB. Send us dates of your events hook up links to your website. This could be the best site!!!
As you can see by Brenda Kelly’s colored lay-out we are very serious about working with her and you. Diana Dennis and I will be doing an event Las Vegas so she is working with us as well.
Please respond to this ASAP so we can get all these dates in the magazines and main web site.
We look forward in hearing from soon..
Mike Glass – WFF North American President®
LG/MG/ Paul/ events 07
02 June Europe Pro Championship Open (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
18 November World Pro Championship (20 000 US dollars) Vilnius, Lithuania
24 November WFF Pro World v/s Russia (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
08 December WFF Pro World v/s America (20 000 US dollars) Mexico, Mexico City
WFF-International Official Information Only
Posts: 612
Threads: 24
Joined: Feb 2006
WFF secretary service Wrote:Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":
...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....
Pasitaręs su tarptautinės WFF federacijos Vykdomąja Taryba, Šiaurės Amerikos šalių WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS kreipėsi į POLĄ DILETĄ su pasiūlymu bendradarbiauti:
Dear Paul,
It was nice hearing from you from Edmundas our WFF Int. President and your forming a new federation in Canada. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
As you know, I have worked very hard as a promoter for the NPC / IFBB/ WABBA/ and now the WFF. Our box office records still stand as the largest in the world with npc and ifbb.
It has been thirty five years in the industry to make things better for the athletes attendees and sponsors. You and I have a great opportunity with the WFF and WBFF to equal the playing field and develop and honest organization with a future. (I have enclosed four big WFF professional shows of which I will be working with Juan Carlos in Mexico . We have $80,000 prize money to spread with the WFF competitors). See bottom!!!!!!!
I understand based on your last message on the Internet you want members join the WBFF and compete. This would be a honor to have someone like you of your caliber with the WFF of North America -Mexico- Europe. We have Brenda Kelly with us, Diana Dennis, Brad Hollinbaugh EASTERN WA. and Derek Snelson from Alaska is working with us as well. A merge with the WBFF AND WFF could be worked out and like "TIME WARNER" and be a stronger entity than by yourself in Canada.
So please let's hook up and send a strong message to the NPC / IFBB. Send us dates of your events hook up links to your website. This could be the best site!!!
As you can see by Brenda Kelly’s colored lay-out we are very serious about working with her and you. Diana Dennis and I will be doing an event Las Vegas so she is working with us as well.
Please respond to this ASAP so we can get all these dates in the magazines and main web site.
We look forward in hearing from soon..
Mike Glass – WFF North American President®
LG/MG/ Paul/ events 07
02 June Europe Pro Championship Open (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
18 November World Pro Championship (20 000 US dollars) Vilnius, Lithuania
24 November WFF Pro World v/s Russia (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
08 December WFF Pro World v/s America (20 000 US dollars) Mexico, Mexico City
Polas Diletas sutiko dirbti su WFF federacija:
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 19:15:01 -0600
Hi Mike
IS this really you Mike!! the Mike that promoted the IFBB North American, that made me the champion I am today?
If this is you Mike I would love to hear from you and discuss how we can possibly join WFF forces to fight the powers that be.
Please give me a call.
Paul Dillett
Chairman WFF-WBBF International Judges Council
Secretary General WFF-WBBF Lithuania
Posts: 144
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Joined: Aug 2006
Edita Sendriene Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":
...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....
Pasitaręs su tarptautinės WFF federacijos Vykdomąja Taryba, Šiaurės Amerikos šalių WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS kreipėsi į POLĄ DILETĄ su pasiūlymu bendradarbiauti:
Dear Paul,
It was nice hearing from you from Edmundas our WFF Int. President and your forming a new federation in Canada. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
As you know, I have worked very hard as a promoter for the NPC / IFBB/ WABBA/ and now the WFF. Our box office records still stand as the largest in the world with npc and ifbb.
It has been thirty five years in the industry to make things better for the athletes attendees and sponsors. You and I have a great opportunity with the WFF and WBFF to equal the playing field and develop and honest organization with a future. (I have enclosed four big WFF professional shows of which I will be working with Juan Carlos in Mexico . We have $80,000 prize money to spread with the WFF competitors). See bottom!!!!!!!
I understand based on your last message on the Internet you want members join the WBFF and compete. This would be a honor to have someone like you of your caliber with the WFF of North America -Mexico- Europe. We have Brenda Kelly with us, Diana Dennis, Brad Hollinbaugh EASTERN WA. and Derek Snelson from Alaska is working with us as well. A merge with the WBFF AND WFF could be worked out and like "TIME WARNER" and be a stronger entity than by yourself in Canada.
So please let's hook up and send a strong message to the NPC / IFBB. Send us dates of your events hook up links to your website. This could be the best site!!!
As you can see by Brenda Kelly’s colored lay-out we are very serious about working with her and you. Diana Dennis and I will be doing an event Las Vegas so she is working with us as well.
Please respond to this ASAP so we can get all these dates in the magazines and main web site.
We look forward in hearing from soon..
Mike Glass – WFF North American President®
LG/MG/ Paul/ events 07
02 June Europe Pro Championship Open (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
18 November World Pro Championship (20 000 US dollars) Vilnius, Lithuania
24 November WFF Pro World v/s Russia (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
08 December WFF Pro World v/s America (20 000 US dollars) Mexico, Mexico City
Polas Diletas sutiko dirbti su WFF federacija:
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 19:15:01 -0600
Hi Mike
IS this really you Mike!! the Mike that promoted the IFBB North American, that made me the champion I am today?
If this is you Mike I would love to hear from you and discuss how we can possibly join WFF forces to fight the powers that be.
Please give me a call.
Paul Dillett
Polas Diletas
Posts: 144
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Joined: Aug 2006
Tomas Wrote:Edita Sendriene Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":
...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....
Pasitaręs su tarptautinės WFF federacijos Vykdomąja Taryba, Šiaurės Amerikos šalių WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS kreipėsi į POLĄ DILETĄ su pasiūlymu bendradarbiauti:
Dear Paul,
It was nice hearing from you from Edmundas our WFF Int. President and your forming a new federation in Canada. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
As you know, I have worked very hard as a promoter for the NPC / IFBB/ WABBA/ and now the WFF. Our box office records still stand as the largest in the world with npc and ifbb.
It has been thirty five years in the industry to make things better for the athletes attendees and sponsors. You and I have a great opportunity with the WFF and WBFF to equal the playing field and develop and honest organization with a future. (I have enclosed four big WFF professional shows of which I will be working with Juan Carlos in Mexico . We have $80,000 prize money to spread with the WFF competitors). See bottom!!!!!!!
I understand based on your last message on the Internet you want members join the WBFF and compete. This would be a honor to have someone like you of your caliber with the WFF of North America -Mexico- Europe. We have Brenda Kelly with us, Diana Dennis, Brad Hollinbaugh EASTERN WA. and Derek Snelson from Alaska is working with us as well. A merge with the WBFF AND WFF could be worked out and like "TIME WARNER" and be a stronger entity than by yourself in Canada.
So please let's hook up and send a strong message to the NPC / IFBB. Send us dates of your events hook up links to your website. This could be the best site!!!
As you can see by Brenda Kelly’s colored lay-out we are very serious about working with her and you. Diana Dennis and I will be doing an event Las Vegas so she is working with us as well.
Please respond to this ASAP so we can get all these dates in the magazines and main web site.
We look forward in hearing from soon..
Mike Glass – WFF North American President®
LG/MG/ Paul/ events 07
02 June Europe Pro Championship Open (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
18 November World Pro Championship (20 000 US dollars) Vilnius, Lithuania
24 November WFF Pro World v/s Russia (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
08 December WFF Pro World v/s America (20 000 US dollars) Mexico, Mexico City
Polas Diletas sutiko dirbti su WFF federacija:
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 19:15:01 -0600
Hi Mike
IS this really you Mike!! the Mike that promoted the IFBB North American, that made me the champion I am today?
If this is you Mike I would love to hear from you and discuss how we can possibly join WFF forces to fight the powers that be.
Please give me a call.
Paul Dillett
Polas Diletas
Posts: 472
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Joined: Jan 2007
Tomas Wrote:Tomas Wrote:Edita Sendriene Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":
...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....
Pasitaręs su tarptautinės WFF federacijos Vykdomąja Taryba, Šiaurės Amerikos šalių WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS kreipėsi į POLĄ DILETĄ su pasiūlymu bendradarbiauti:
Dear Paul,
It was nice hearing from you from Edmundas our WFF Int. President and your forming a new federation in Canada. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
As you know, I have worked very hard as a promoter for the NPC / IFBB/ WABBA/ and now the WFF. Our box office records still stand as the largest in the world with npc and ifbb.
It has been thirty five years in the industry to make things better for the athletes attendees and sponsors. You and I have a great opportunity with the WFF and WBFF to equal the playing field and develop and honest organization with a future. (I have enclosed four big WFF professional shows of which I will be working with Juan Carlos in Mexico . We have $80,000 prize money to spread with the WFF competitors). See bottom!!!!!!!
I understand based on your last message on the Internet you want members join the WBFF and compete. This would be a honor to have someone like you of your caliber with the WFF of North America -Mexico- Europe. We have Brenda Kelly with us, Diana Dennis, Brad Hollinbaugh EASTERN WA. and Derek Snelson from Alaska is working with us as well. A merge with the WBFF AND WFF could be worked out and like "TIME WARNER" and be a stronger entity than by yourself in Canada.
So please let's hook up and send a strong message to the NPC / IFBB. Send us dates of your events hook up links to your website. This could be the best site!!!
As you can see by Brenda Kelly’s colored lay-out we are very serious about working with her and you. Diana Dennis and I will be doing an event Las Vegas so she is working with us as well.
Please respond to this ASAP so we can get all these dates in the magazines and main web site.
We look forward in hearing from soon..
Mike Glass – WFF North American President®
LG/MG/ Paul/ events 07
02 June Europe Pro Championship Open (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
18 November World Pro Championship (20 000 US dollars) Vilnius, Lithuania
24 November WFF Pro World v/s Russia (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
08 December WFF Pro World v/s America (20 000 US dollars) Mexico, Mexico City
Polas Diletas sutiko dirbti su WFF federacija:
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 19:15:01 -0600
Hi Mike
IS this really you Mike!! the Mike that promoted the IFBB North American, that made me the champion I am today?
If this is you Mike I would love to hear from you and discuss how we can possibly join WFF forces to fight the powers that be.
Please give me a call.
Paul Dillett
Polas Diletas
Dabartinė Polo Diletto nuotrauka:
Posts: 73
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Joined: Jul 2006
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:Tomas Wrote:Tomas Wrote:Edita Sendriene Wrote:WFF secretary service Wrote:Garsus IFBB profesionals PAUL DILETT, konfrontuodamas su IFBB, 2007 metų sausio 24 dieną Amerikoje įsteigė naują komercinę firmą ir ją pavadino "Pasauline kultūrizmo ir fitneso federacija":
...Well - posted on the bulletin boards are all to see - Paul Dillet launches The WBFF! The World Bodybuilding And Fitness Federation. And Paul is the president of this new organization! Then the questions really started to pour in? What is going on? Is Paul not a member of the IFBB anymore? Did he join the PDI? And much more. While we don't have a lot of the questions for you, here is what we know so far, via an email....
Pasitaręs su tarptautinės WFF federacijos Vykdomąja Taryba, Šiaurės Amerikos šalių WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS kreipėsi į POLĄ DILETĄ su pasiūlymu bendradarbiauti:
Dear Paul,
It was nice hearing from you from Edmundas our WFF Int. President and your forming a new federation in Canada. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
As you know, I have worked very hard as a promoter for the NPC / IFBB/ WABBA/ and now the WFF. Our box office records still stand as the largest in the world with npc and ifbb.
It has been thirty five years in the industry to make things better for the athletes attendees and sponsors. You and I have a great opportunity with the WFF and WBFF to equal the playing field and develop and honest organization with a future. (I have enclosed four big WFF professional shows of which I will be working with Juan Carlos in Mexico . We have $80,000 prize money to spread with the WFF competitors). See bottom!!!!!!!
I understand based on your last message on the Internet you want members join the WBFF and compete. This would be a honor to have someone like you of your caliber with the WFF of North America -Mexico- Europe. We have Brenda Kelly with us, Diana Dennis, Brad Hollinbaugh EASTERN WA. and Derek Snelson from Alaska is working with us as well. A merge with the WBFF AND WFF could be worked out and like "TIME WARNER" and be a stronger entity than by yourself in Canada.
So please let's hook up and send a strong message to the NPC / IFBB. Send us dates of your events hook up links to your website. This could be the best site!!!
As you can see by Brenda Kelly’s colored lay-out we are very serious about working with her and you. Diana Dennis and I will be doing an event Las Vegas so she is working with us as well.
Please respond to this ASAP so we can get all these dates in the magazines and main web site.
We look forward in hearing from soon..
Mike Glass – WFF North American President®
LG/MG/ Paul/ events 07
02 June Europe Pro Championship Open (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
18 November World Pro Championship (20 000 US dollars) Vilnius, Lithuania
24 November WFF Pro World v/s Russia (20 000 US dollars) Jekaterinburg, Rusia
08 December WFF Pro World v/s America (20 000 US dollars) Mexico, Mexico City
Polas Diletas sutiko dirbti su WFF federacija:
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 19:15:01 -0600
Hi Mike
IS this really you Mike!! the Mike that promoted the IFBB North American, that made me the champion I am today?
If this is you Mike I would love to hear from you and discuss how we can possibly join WFF forces to fight the powers that be.
Please give me a call.
Paul Dillett
Polas Diletas
Dabartinė Polo Diletto nuotrauka:
cia tai gera naujiena. gal diletas ir i vilniu rudeni atvaziuos?
Posts: 472
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Joined: Jan 2007
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E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:Polas Diletas
Posts: 67
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Joined: Feb 2006
Penelope Wrote:E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:Polas Diletas
gerai zinomas ifbb is kanados profas
Posts: 86
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Danas Wrote:Penelope Wrote:E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:Polas Diletas
gerai zinomas ifbb is kanados profas
jis daug metu is eiles dalyvavo olimpijose.
Posts: 472
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Joined: Jan 2007
Šį savaitgalį JAV vyko tarptautinė paroda "Iron Man Pro and Fit Expo".
Pristatydamas WFF federaciją, parodoje aktyviai dalyvavo JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS.
IFBB profesionali sportininkė čekė TIMEA MAJOROVA susipažįsta su WFF, gavusi WFF žurnalą
Posts: 73
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Joined: Jul 2006
E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:Šį savaitgalį JAV vyko tarptautinė paroda "Iron Man Pro and Fit Expo".
Pristatydamas WFF federaciją, parodoje aktyviai dalyvavo JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS.
IFBB profesionali sportininkė čekė TIMEA MAJOROVA susipažįsta su WFF, gavusi WFF žurnalą
:roll: :roll: :roll:
Posts: 1,259
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Joined: May 2006
Ronas Wrote:E.Sendriene,LT Wrote:Šį savaitgalį JAV vyko tarptautinė paroda "Iron Man Pro and Fit Expo".
Pristatydamas WFF federaciją, parodoje aktyviai dalyvavo JAV WFF prezidentas MAIKLAS GLASAS.
IFBB profesionali sportininkė čekė TIMEA MAJOROVA susipažįsta su WFF, gavusi WFF žurnalą
:roll: :roll: :roll:
Maiklas Glasas rašo:
his last weekend Mike Glass let the WFF cat out of the bag at the IFBB Pro. Ironman and Fit Expo.
Pictures Taken from the IFBB IRON MAN PRO. AND FIT EXPO. Pictures holding WFF MAGAZINE and DVD are John Balik IFBB IRONMAN PRO Producer and Editor Ironman Magazine. Muscle Beach Twins, International Super cover Model and IFBB Pro. Timea Marjorova. Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler and more Pro's AND MODELS than one could count.