During these days the „IFBB Olympia Weeekend“ was organized in the US. The organizers are the owners of the private commercial companies: Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA, the owner of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders), American JIM MANION, the owner of the NPC (National Phisyque Committee).
Yesterday International media published information that the IFBB/NPC again split and the „new private organization has been set – the „Nspire Physique Championships“.
More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see articles and forum topics „IFBB/EFBB illegal juridical and financial deals“. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation.
WANT TO BE THE IFBB/NPC WINNER? JOIN THE „HOMOSEXUAL“ PARTIES OF THE IFBB/NPC OFFICIALS AND PROMOTERS. AFTER LOOSING THE 2015 „OLYMPIA“ TITLE TODAY RUSSIA IFBB PRO ALEKSANDR FIODOROV SAYS HE KNOWS HOW TO BE A WINNER IN THE USA CONTESTS. Russia IFBB Official ROMAN DZABELOV wrote and published a thorough article about the IFBB/NPC (International Federation of Body Builders, National Phisyque Committee) backstage activities: corruption, intrigues, unfair judging, criminal affairs, prostitution etc.. Among them information that KEVIN LEVRONE is bisexual (today it seems to be ok?), SHAWN RAY is involved in narcotic business. ROMAN DZABELOV writes that NPC promoters organize „homosexual“ parties with the Athletes during the contests and thiese activities are as a kind of „Industry“ now. Russia IFBB Over All World Heavyweight Champion and IFBB Pro SERGEJ SHELESTOV at „Arnold Classic“ was invited to a „homosexual“ party by the NPC Promoters. They were ready to give him 5 000 USD cash and good placing at the „Arnold Classic“. But SERGEJ SHELESTOV refused. After he NEVER PLACED high at any IFBB/NPC Contest. ROMAN DZABELOV writes that most of the known „Bikini“ girls and „Physique“ men has come through these „homosexual“ parties and that was the way for them to get high placing at the IFBB/NPC competitions. MORE INFORMATION: ROMAN DZABELOV, http://www.steelfactor.ru/doc/1007 Also read Articles in various languages on the main International Bodybuilding page www.wff.lt, see Forum topics „IFBB/EFBB ILLEGAL JURIDICAL AND FINANCIAL DEALS“.
2016. IFBB CORRUPTION GOES ON. IFBB OFFICIALS AGAIN ASK WFF-WBBF TO HELP THEM. Several months ago we have spoken about the corruption in the National UK IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Federation. Then several hundred UK IFBB Bodybuilders and Trainers united to fight against the currupted IFBB Leaders. Some time ago the President WFF-WBBF (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS received a letter from Egypt. The former IFBB vice president, the founder of the IFBB in Arab Countires and IFBB Africa TAREK EL GUINDY addressed the International WFF-WBBF President to help him with the Official IFBB documents that are hidden from him. We would like to remind You that some time ago over 600 Official IFBB documents proving the IFBB corruption, lies and falsification were sent to the International WFF-WBBF President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS by the IFBB International Vice President PAUL CHUA and the IFBB International Lawer and IFBB Austria President ALEX BAUER. They asked the WFF-WBBF International to publish them. Also these documents were sent by them to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), all National Olympic Committees and International Anti Doping Agency WADA.
More information under the title „ILLEGAL IFBB FINANCIAL AND JURIDIC DEALS“ is on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information is available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University.
The letter of TAREK EL GUINDY: „From: tguindy@hotmail.com
To: info@wff.lt Subject: RE: IFBB Corruption and Its Relationship with Egypt Dear Sirs , We have read your Article "2014. BODYBUILDERS DO NOT UNDERSTAND IFBB POLITICS." Through http://www.wff.lt/articles/989 and found it extremely interesting and revealing for a lot of information related to unanswered suspicious questions about the IFBB activities and its relationship with the Egyptian bodybuilding federation corruption. In the past few years, we have noticed a lot of cover-ups activities conducted by IFBB officials to hide Egyptian body building team doping test results and over all real ranking, in fact they never reply to any questions raised by any person from Egypt to inquire about the results but the official Egyptian federation. They even create new titles to create even more propaganda to the Egypt team as a favor to the loyal partner Mr. Adel Fahim. One of the visible reasons for this strange unprofessional unethical behavior are the Wieder Academy in Egypt that generate millions of USD in Fake training certification and programs that doesn't have any legal existence in Egypt although it generate millions of dollars. Our main problem is that we cannot get the legal references from any source that could prove these unethical activities and cover-ups We would appreciate if you would kindly send us all the legal references related to corruption between IFBB and the Egyptian BB federation that is visible to every one but no one can prove . We would really appreciate if you could send us the formal legal references asap. We really believe that WFF will be the next official International fedration in Egypt.
Let me introduce my self, I am Tarek El Gendy, the son of Abelhamid El Gendy (World Champion, founder of Arab and African federation and ex IFBB vice presedent) that has been betrayed by IFBB officials by refusing to support him when he needed them to apply the law. they have simply refused to give him any type of support and now Adel Fahim is getting all the support in the world from IFBB officials.
Should you need any further information please let me know.
Thanks for your kind cooperation & support.
Tarek El Gendy, Mob CA :+1 647 262 8696, Mob EG :+2 0100 511 5723“
Several years passed after the BEN WEIDER‘S Commercial Company IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) split (it happened in 2009). Under various intriques the new owner of the IFBB Commercial Company became RAFAEL SANTONJA (Spain). Then the Asia and Arab Countires led by the IFBB Vice President PAUL CHUA (Singapore) left the IFBB and set their new Organization. By the way, in 2009 PAUL CHUA and Sheikh AL SHAFAR (UAE, Dubai) did attempts to join the WFF-WBBF International (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation). Today we can resume that IFBB on it‘s commercial activities is more away from the real sport as it was before. IFBB CORRUPTION GOES ON. Some time ago IFBB Commercial Company published new information about Balkan activities. Defending commercial interests IFBB goes on baning and punishing sportsmen. The document on this is published below. IFBB OFFICIALS AGAIN ASK WFF-WBBF TO HELP THEM. Several months ago we have spoken about the corruption in the National UK IFBB Federation. Then several hundred UK IFBB Bodybuilders and Trainers united to fight against the currupted IFBB Leaders. Some time ago the President WFF-WBBF International DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS received a letter from Egypt. The former IFBB vice president, the founder of the IFBB in Arab Countires and IFBB Africa TAREK EL GUINDY addressed the International WFF-WBBF President to help him with the Official IFBB documents that are hidden from him. We would like to remind You that some time ago over 600 Official IFBB documents proving the IFBB corruption, lies and falsification were sent to the International WFF-WBBF President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS by the IFBB International Vice President PAUL CHUA and the IFBB International Lawer and IFBB Austria President ALEX BAUER. They asked the WFF-WBBF International to publish them. Also these documents were sent by them to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), all National Olympic Committees and International Anti Doping Agency WADA.
More information under the title „ILLEGAL IFBB FINANCIAL AND JURIDIC DEALS“ is on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information is available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University.
The letter of TAREK EL GUINDY: „From: tguindy@hotmail.com
To: info@wff.lt Subject: RE: IFBB Corruption and Its Relationship with Egypt Dear Sirs , We have read your Article "2014. BODYBUILDERS DO NOT UNDERSTAND IFBB POLITICS." Through http://www.wff.lt/articles/989 and found it extremely interesting and revealing for a lot of information related to unanswered suspicious questions about the IFBB activities and its relationship with the Egyptian bodybuilding federation corruption. In the past few years, we have noticed a lot of cover-ups activities conducted by IFBB officials to hide Egyptian body building team doping test results and over all real ranking, in fact they never reply to any questions raised by any person from Egypt to inquire about the results but the official Egyptian federation. They even create new titles to create even more propaganda to the Egypt team as a favor to the loyal partner Mr. Adel Fahim. One of the visible reasons for this strange unprofessional unethical behavior are the Wieder Academy in Egypt that generate millions of USD in Fake training certification and programs that doesn't have any legal existence in Egypt although it generate millions of dollars. Our main problem is that we cannot get the legal references from any source that could prove these unethical activities and cover-ups We would appreciate if you would kindly send us all the legal references related to corruption between IFBB and the Egyptian BB federation that is visible to every one but no one can prove . We would really appreciate if you could send us the formal legal references asap. We really believe that WFF will be the next official International fedration in Egypt.
Let me introduce my self, I am Tarek El Gendy, the son of Abelhamid El Gendy (World Champion, founder of Arab and African federation and ex IFBB vice presedent) that has been betrayed by IFBB officials by refusing to support him when he needed them to apply the law. they have simply refused to give him any type of support and now Adel Fahim is getting all the support in the world from IFBB officials.
Should you need any further information please let me know.
Thanks for your kind cooperation & support.
Tarek El Gendy, Mob CA :+1 647 262 8696, Mob EG :+2 0100 511 5723“
2016. NATIONAL FEDERATION IFBB RUSSIA IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED BY COURT! IFBB RUSSIA MANY YEARS WORKED ILLEGALLY. National Federation IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Russia for long years was led by the President VLADIMIR DUBININ. Today it is officially closed. Though the Russian Court decission was made in 2005, but the closing procedure is fullfilled only today. Until now those 11 years IFBB Russia was working juridically and financially illegally and it is a serious reason to start a new Court Trial. INFORMATION: „FITSPORT.RU See: http://fitsport.ru/fm/index.php?s=&showtopic=14723&view=findpost&p=720179 2016-07-24 В 2005 году ГУ Федеральной регистрационной службы по г.Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области обратилось в суд к Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация бодибилдинга и фитнеса России» с заявлением о признании прекратившим деятельность в качестве юридического лица, исключении из государственного реестра юридических лиц. В обосновании своих требований ФРС указало на то, что ФБФР более 3х лет не предоставляла сведения о продолжении своей деятельности с указанием действительного местоположения постоянно действующего руководящего органа, его названия и данных о руководителях, то есть не отчитывалась никоим образом о своей деятельности. Суд признал ФБФР прекратившей деятельность в качестве юридического лица.
Однако, решение Московского районного федерального суда г.Санкт-Петербурга было исполнено только в 2016 году, несмотря на то, что на основании ст.209 ГПК РФ решение суда приводится в исполнение после вступления его в законную силу. Своевременно оно исполнено не было. Это могла произойти по халатности работников государственных служб или же по желанию того самого руководящего органа, который не отчитывался о своей деятельности.
В 2016 году, видимо, сложившуюся ситуацию скрывать было уже невозможно. И ФБФР официально ликвидировали. Не приостановили деятельность, а именно ликвидировали. Ни о какой реорганизации и перерегистрации так же речи идти не может. Соответственно, такой общественной организации как Федерация бодибилдинга и фитнеса России фактически не существует уже порядка 11 лет. И деятельность ее на протяжении всего этого времени была незаконна. При этом каждый год проводились чемпионаты, кубки, присваивались звания спортсменам, категории судьям, осуществлялся прием различных сборов, спонсорских взносов и тд. Руководство грубо нарушало законодательство, вводило в заблуждение всех ее членов и партнеров. А это уже является основанием для обращения в правоохранительные органы“.
More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (ISU).
2016. TODAY: REPORT OF RUSSIA GOVERNMENTAL TV „Rossija 24“. IN SHORT TIME DIE THREE IFBB BODYBUILDERS. PRESS AND TV ATTACK BODYBUILDING. On October 27, 2016 Russia Governmental TV „Rossija 24“ presented a detailed report about how in a short time died three IFBB Russia bodybuilders. FULL INFORMATION IS ON THE WAY.
More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (ISU).
2016. REPORT OF RUSSIA GOVERNMENTAL TV „Rossija 24“. IN SHORT TIME DIE THREE IFBB BODYBUILDERS. PRESS AND TV ATTACK BODYBUILDING. On October 26, 2016 Russia Governmental TV „Rossija 24“ (авторскаяпередача «Дежурнаячасть»)presented a detailed report about how in a short time died three IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Russia bodybuilders from City St. Peterburg (http://namtv.ru/video/vesti-dezhurnaya-chast-26-10-2016/). The above mentioned televission spoke about doping and illegal doping business, about illnesses and sane people. TV did not forget even bodybuilding „mutants“... NO MORE MENEY FROM SPORT MINISTRY. One day before this on the same TV spoke Russia IFBB President. He told that he has no money for doping control. Russia Sport Ministry stopped financing IFBB federation. Also he spoke that one doping test costs 500 dollars. FULL INFORMATION IS ON THE WAY.
More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (ISU).
2016. BODYBUILDING WORLD IS IN SHOCK. RAFAEL SANTONJA TAKES PART AT FIGHTING AT IFBB COMPETITION IN GREECE. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT IN THE PRIVATE IFBB COMPANY? Some time ago Russia Governmental Television «Россия-24» reported about a number of cases when some young IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) athletes die in a short poeriod of time. Now a new scandal happened at the IFBB competition in Greece with the presence of the Owner and President of the IFBB private company Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA. During the „Diamond Cup“ contest a bodybuilder hit a IFBB Judge, turned upside down judging tables and smashed judging documents. Video Information Sources: 1.Rudawvaizdo įrašu. 2.http://www.evolutionofbodybuilding.net/w...bg_tz=-180 INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (ISU).
2016. BODYBUILDING WORLD IS IN SHOCK. RAFAEL SANTONJA TAKES PART AT FIGHTING AT IFBB COMPETITION IN GREECE. AGAIN SPORTSMEN SPEAK ABOUT CORRUPTION IN IFBB. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT IN THE PRIVATE IFBB COMPANY? Some time ago Russia Governmental Television «Россия-24» reported about a number of cases when some young IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) athletes die in a short period of time. Now a new scandal happened at the IFBB competition in Greece with the presence of the Owner and President of the IFBB private company Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA. During the „Diamond Cup“ contest a IFBB Greece bodybuilder IOANNIS MAGKOS hit a IFBB Judge, turned upside down judging tables and smashed judging documents. VIDEO INFORMATION SOURCES: 1.Rudawvaizdo įrašu. 2.http://www.evolutionofbodybuilding.net/watch-bodybuilder-throws-tables-and-slaps-judge-in-face-at-2016-ifbb-diamond-cup-greece/?cbg_tz=-180 SPORTSMEN SPEAK ABOUT CORRUPTION IN IFBB. Rick Tiggeler:“ Still its a corrupt jurysport. I know his reaction, been there done that, people who do not know where they talk about can blame the roids. But it's hard work and dedication and then you lose because the other athletes are under training of a jury member or sponsor and takes the first place. He is not really in shape, but still. If he was and looked the best, he had a chance to lose“. Antonio Romao: „Its all a mafia Giannis, not fair With that injustice! No matter what all everyone that knows you knows who you are! You supposed to have been the winner! You are a champion EVERYDAY!“. John Koymentos:“ Only those who are blind they saw he had to win the dude in the fight the rest is for those who do not know the game, pity for the judges showed that did not respect the hard work of Maggos and the second made him first a pity for them that were affected by somewhere to give professional card in wrong athlete“. INFORMATION. More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (ISU).
2017. EMPIRE OF WEIDER BROTHERS COMPEATELLY RUINED. IFBB LOST OFFICIAL STATUS AND ORGANIZES NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER GUIDANCE OF BOXING FEDERATION. IN HUNDRED YEARS OF IT‘S HISTORY BODYBUILDING LOOKS AS ABSURD THEATER. Everybody interested knows the International Bodybuilding History. From the first circus athletes and first body demonstrations bodybuilding became a real kind of sport at the end of the last century. Then, due to our respected Friend and Owner and the President of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) BEN WEIDER bodybuilding got the two years of experimental time from the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee) and really aimed to become the Olympic Sport. All this is fare away now. After Weider brothers sold the IFBB federation and Professional „Olympia“, bodybuilding non stop sanks down. Today the only one the WFF-WBBF(World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation), which unites 128 Countries that represent all Continents, still seeks the official recognition of bodybuilding as sport. All others forgot the real sport even in their dreams. Lots of groups appeared and they call themselves as „international federations“... They do not have their history and they do not have any future vision as well. According the official sport reguirements they do not organize official sport competitions. Today bodybuilding contests are replaced by festivals, fibo‘s and other selling-buying happenings, various „classics“ . Who are sportsmen? Champions of a happening? Today only business and commerce remains in bodybuilding. We are against it! IFBB HAS A NEW SCANDAL. SPORT MINISTRY STOPPED WORKING WITH IFBB. At the end of the 2016 president IFBB Russia VLADIMIR DUBININ spoke to the Russia NATIONAL television Chanel «Россия-24». He informed, that Russia Sport Ministry gives no money for IFBB federation and he has no money to organize doping control. He reported, that a single doping check costs 500 USD. Some time ago Russia Sport Minister A. KOLOBKOV issued order to finish collaboration with the IFBB. ПРИКАЗ МИНИСТРА СПОРТА. „Министерство спорта российской федерации. Приказ от 30 декабря 2016 г. № 1372 „О прекращении действия государственной аккредитации Общероссийской общественной организации "Федерация бодибилдинга России" по виду спорта "бодибилдинг". В соответствии с частью 5.2 статьи 14 Федерального закона от 04 декабря 2007 г. № 329-ФЗ «О физической культуре и спорте в Российской Федерации», приказываю:
1. Прекратить действие государственной аккредитации Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация бодибилдинга России» (ОГРН - 1037858001785) по виду спорта «бодибилдинг» с 8 января 2017 года. 2. Контроль за исполнением настоящего приказа возложить на заместителя Министра спорта Российской Федерации М.В. Томилову. МинистрП.А.Колобков“. OFFICIAL INFORMATION: https://www.minsport.gov.ru/documents/ministry-orders/30163/[/url] [url=https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.minsport.gov.ru%2Fdocuments%2Fministry-orders%2F30163%2F&h=ATPE363AK2R7n3J62DQ5RJPdlLGAty3BN9umE0p2F_EclO5Bcx3WrZjE1byTVIwlUrt5D_-gcKFxaDJzilK3LaGNkFeqJFJWg_JJoV6COk1AUmCNiwL1xTzUUcg4NZrt-nv_a68&s=1]Приказы Минспорта России — Министерство спорта Российской Федерации minsport.gov.ru IFBB LOST OFFICIAL STATUS AND ORGANIZES NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER GUIDANCE OF BOXING FEDERATION. See the above document: IFBB lost it‘s official status and recognition and now organizes the 2017 IFBB Russia National Championship under guidance of Russia National Boxing Federation. „Общероссийская Общественная организация визирует проведение чемпионата России IFBB - Федерация французского бокса сават“. (more information is on the way)
More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, WFF-WBBF Pro Division, International Sport University (ISU, www.isuniversity.lt).
2017. EMPIRE OF WEIDER BROTHERS COMPLEATELLY RUINED. IN HUNDRED YEARS OF IT‘S HISTORY BODYBUILDING LOOKS AS ABSURD THEATER. Everybody interested knows the International Bodybuilding History. From the first circus athletes and first body demonstrations bodybuilding became a real kind of sport at the end of the last century. Then, due to our respected Friend and Owner and the President of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) BEN WEIDER bodybuilding got the two years of experimental time from the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee) and really aimed to become the Olympic Sport. All this is fare away now. After Weider brothers sold the IFBB federation and Professional „Olympia“, bodybuilding non stop sanks down. Today the only one the WFF-WBBF(World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation), which unites 128 Countries that represent all Continents, still seeks the official recognition of bodybuilding as sport. All others forgot the real sport even in their dreams. Lots of groups appeared and they call themselves as „international federations“... They do not have their history and they do not have any future vision as well. According the official sport reguirements they do not organize official sport competitions. Today bodybuilding contests are replaced by festivals, fibo‘s and other selling-buying happenings, various „classics“ . Who are sportsmen? Champions of a happening? Today only business and commerce remains in bodybuilding. We are against it! IFBB HAS A NEW SCANDAL. SPORT MINISTRY STOPPED WORKING WITH IFBB. At the end of the 2016 president IFBB Russia VLADIMIR DUBININ spoke to the Russia NATIONAL television Chanel «Россия-24». He informed, that Russia Sport Ministry gives no money for IFBB federation and he has no money to organize doping control. He reported, that a single doping check costs 500 USD. Some time ago Russia Sport Minister A. KOLOBKOV issued order to finish collaboration with the IFBB. ПРИКАЗ МИНИСТРА СПОРТА. „Министерство спорта российской федерации. Приказ от 30 декабря 2016 г. № 1372 „О прекращении действия государственной аккредитации Общероссийской общественной организации "Федерация бодибилдинга России" по виду спорта "бодибилдинг". В соответствии с частью 5.2 статьи 14 Федерального закона от 04 декабря 2007 г. № 329-ФЗ «О физической культуре и спорте в Российской Федерации», приказываю:
1. Прекратить действие государственной аккредитации Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация бодибилдинга России» (ОГРН - 1037858001785) по виду спорта «бодибилдинг» с 8 января 2017 года. 2. Контроль за исполнением настоящего приказа возложить на заместителя Министра спорта Российской Федерации М.В. Томилову. МинистрП.А.Колобков“. OFFICIAL INFORMATION: https://www.minsport.gov.ru/documents/ministry-orders/30163/[/url] [url=https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.minsport.gov.ru%2Fdocuments%2Fministry-orders%2F30163%2F&h=ATPE363AK2R7n3J62DQ5RJPdlLGAty3BN9umE0p2F_EclO5Bcx3WrZjE1byTVIwlUrt5D_-gcKFxaDJzilK3LaGNkFeqJFJWg_JJoV6COk1AUmCNiwL1xTzUUcg4NZrt-nv_a68&s=1]Приказы Минспорта России — Министерство спорта Российской Федерации minsport.gov.ru IFBB LOST OFFICIAL STATUS AND ORGANIZES NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER GUIDANCE OF BOXING FEDERATION. See the above document: IFBB lost it‘s official status and recognition and now organizes the 2017 IFBB Russia National Championship under guidance of Russia National Boxing Federation. „Общероссийская Общественная организация визирует проведение чемпионата России IFBB - Федерация французского бокса сават“. RAFAEL SANTONJA TAKES PART AT FIGHTING AT IFBB COMPETITION IN GREECE. Some time ago Russia Governmental Television «Россия-24» reported about a number of cases when some young IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) athletes die in a short period of time. Now a new scandal happened at the IFBB competition in Greece with the presence of the Owner and President of the IFBB private company Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA. During the „Diamond Cup“ contest a IFBB Greece bodybuilder IOANNIS MAGKOS hit a IFBB Judge, turned upside down judging tables and smashed judging documents. VIDEO INFORMATION SOURCES: 1.Rudawvaizdo įrašu. 2.http://www.evolutionofbodybuilding.net/watch-bodybuilder-throws-tables-and-slaps-judge-in-face-at-2016-ifbb-diamond-cup-greece/?cbg_tz=-180 SPORTSMEN SPEAK ABOUT CORRUPTION IN IFBB. Rick Tiggeler:“ Still its a corrupt jurysport. I know his reaction, been there done that, people who do not know where they talk about can blame the roids. But it's hard work and dedication and then you lose because the other athletes are under training of a jury member or sponsor and takes the first place. He is not really in shape, but still. If he was and looked the best, he had a chance to lose“. Antonio Romao: „Its all a mafia Giannis, not fair With that injustice! No matter what all everyone that knows you knows who you are! You supposed to have been the winner! You are a champion EVERYDAY!“. John Koymentos:“ Only those who are blind they saw he had to win the dude in the fight the rest is for those who do not know the game, pity for the judges showed that did not respect the hard work of Maggos and the second made him first a pity for them that were affected by somewhere to give professional card in wrong athlete“.
More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, WFF-WBBF Pro Division, International Sport University (ISU, www.isuniversity.lt).
2018. EMPIRE OF WEIDER BROTHERS COMPLEATELLY RUINED. IN HUNDRED YEARS OF IT‘S HISTORY BODYBUILDING LOOKS AS ABSURD THEATER. Everybody interested knows the International Bodybuilding History. From the first circus athletes and first body demonstrations bodybuilding became a real kind of sport at the end of the last century. Then, due to our respected Friend and Owner and the President of the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) BEN WEIDER bodybuilding got the two years of experimental time from the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee) and really aimed to become the Olympic Sport. All this is fare away now. After Weider brothers sold the IFBB federation and Professional „Olympia“, bodybuilding non stop sanks down. Today the only one the WFF-WBBF(World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation), which unites 129 Countries that represent all Continents, still seeks the official recognition of bodybuilding as sport. All others forgot the real sport even in their dreams. Lots of groups appeared and they call themselves as „international federations“... They do not have their history and they do not have any future vision as well. According the official sport reguirements they do not organize official sport competitions. Today bodybuilding contests are replaced by festivals, fibo‘s and other selling-buying happenings, various „classics“ . Who are sportsmen? Champions of a happening? Today only business and commerce remains in bodybuilding. We are against it! IFBB HAS INVOLVED IN NEW SCANDAL. FEDERATION INNER SPLIT FIGHTS GO ON. In 2017 the IFBB and NPC (National Phisyque Committee) were split and, as it was always in the history, go on with primitive dirty fighting in between. They think this will make International Bodybuilding Face more clean and attractive to public. Detailed historical, juridical and financial information one can find in various languages on the Global Bodybuilding Site www.wff.lt. Read articles and forum topics: “IFBB/EFBB ILLEGAL JURIDICAL AND FINANCIAL DEALS” («ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЕИФИНАНСОВЫЕАФЁРЫИФББ/ЕФББ»). RAFAEL SANTONJA TAKES PART AT FIGHTING AT IFBB COMPETITION IN GREECE. Some time ago Russia Governmental Television «Россия-24» reported about a number of cases when some young IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) athletes die in a short period of time. Now a new scandal happened at the IFBB competition in Greece with the presence of the Owner and President of the IFBB private company Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA. During the „Diamond Cup“ contest a IFBB Greece bodybuilder IOANNIS MAGKOS hit a IFBB Judge, turned upside down judging tables and smashed judging documents. VIDEO INFORMATION SOURCES: 1.Rudawvaizdo įrašu. 2.http://www.evolutionofbodybuilding.net/watch-bodybuilder-throws-tables-and-slaps-judge-in-face-at-2016-ifbb-diamond-cup-greece/?cbg_tz=-180 SPORTSMEN SPEAK ABOUT CORRUPTION IN IFBB. Rick Tiggeler:“ Still its a corrupt jurysport. I know his reaction, been there done that, people who do not know where they talk about can blame the roids. But it's hard work and dedication and then you lose because the other athletes are under training of a jury member or sponsor and takes the first place. He is not really in shape, but still. If he was and looked the best, he had a chance to lose“. Antonio Romao: „Its all a mafia Giannis, not fair With that injustice! No matter what all everyone that knows you knows who you are! You supposed to have been the winner! You are a champion EVERYDAY!“. John Koymentos:“ Only those who are blind they saw he had to win the dude in the fight the rest is for those who do not know the game, pity for the judges showed that did not respect the hard work of Maggos and the second made him first a pity for them that were affected by somewhere to give professional card in wrong athlete“.
More information on the International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: WFF-WBBF International, WFF-WBBF North America, WFF-WBBF South America, WFF-WBBF Asia, WFF-WBBF Europe, WFF-WBBF Africa, WFF-WBBF Asia Continental Federation, WFF-WBBF Pro Division, International Sport University (ISU, www.isuniversity.lt), WPSF World Power Sports Federation.
35 YEARS WEIDER BROTHERS DEVELOPED I.F.B.B.. SANTONJA RUINED I.F.B.B. IN 3 YEARS. Starting from 1971 World‘s Official Bodybuilding Sport was guided by the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders). In 1998 the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee) officially refused to support the I.F.B.B.. In 2006 I.F.B.B. owners WEIDER brothers already sold all their magazines, contests and after a number of intrigues the I.F.B.B. federation was led by Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA. In three years in the I.F.B.B. federation appeared many doping scandals, illegal financial deals and a number of I.F.B.B. bodybuilders died. This information was presented in public by the I.F.B.B. lawer ALEX BAUER (Austria) and the I.F.B.B. Vice President PAUL CHUA (Singapore). Official bodybuilding sport was in a huge problem. Under the leadership of RAFAEL SANTONJA the I.F.B.B. in scandals split two times. Official sport is dead. Whai will be next? INFORMATION. More detailed information on the Global International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U., www.isuniversity.lt), W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
“ifbb.ltu Teisėjavimas kultūrizmo varžybose Gegužės 21 d., 05:40 · KARŠTAS KOMENTARAS / 8 Kultūrizmo „dievai“ ginkluojasi...švirkštais ir naujų įstatų „paniatkėmis“. Nors besivadovaujantieji stereotipais daugelis kultūrizmą priskirtų prie labiausiai „chemizuotų“ užsiėmimų, argumentų turi ir galvojantys kitaip. Dopingo kontrolės procedūra – vienas jų. Pastaroji Lietuvos kultūrizmo ir kūno rengybos federacijoje, kaip ir jos motininėje įmonėje – tarptautinėje IFBB – jau seniai nebėra kažkoks ypatingas reiškinys. Dopingo testai vykdomi jau ne vieną dešimtį metų, o minimos federacijos yra vienintelės kultūrizmo organizacijos, kurių varžybose lankosi dopingo kontrolieriai. Tokio vizito būta ir 2021-ųjų balandį Kėdainiuose vykusiame šalies kultūrizmo čempionate, kur buvo paimti keli mėginiai. Atrodytų, jog visa tai jau virto paprasta rutinine procedūra. Tiesa, ją paįvairina nebent vienas-kitas nutikimas, kai, pasirodžius Lietuvos Antidopingo agentūros kontrolieriams, ne kuris atletas atsisakydavo atlikti testą ar bandydavo „dingti“ iš varžybų. Suprantama, susilaukdavo sankcijų, kaip kad ir teigiamo testo (iš šlapimo mėginio) atvejais. Tačiau tikros sumaišties įnešė vienose Lietuvos kultūrizmo ir kūno rengybos federacijos varžybose Tauragėje pasirodę ne šalies Antidopingo agentūros specialistai, o varžybose budėjusi tauragiškė medikė. Mat pastaroji, net nesuabejojusi savo „įgaliojimais“ (?), švirkštu atliko „dopingo procedūrą“ - kraujo mėginio paėmimą. Tiesa, tai vyko ne jos, o vieno iš varžybų teisėjų ir organizatorių iniciatyva. Gal ir nevertėtų rašyti apie tai, jei savo laiku būtų padarytos atitinkamos išvados ir sprendimai. Kai šito nebuvo, žinia, situacija visada gali pasikartoti... Tuomet kraujo „testui“ buvo pasirinktas nepilnametis (!?) sportininkas, kurio treneris, turintis bemaž 20 metų dalyvavimo varžybose ir ne vienos dopingo kontrolės procedūros patirtį, sakė supratęs, kad tokie veiksmai – neteisėti. Bandęs protestuoti, bet galiausiai grasinant, kad jam nesutikus bus „tikrinami“ visi klubo atletai, nusileido ir neužkardė šio „dopingo kontrolės“ eksperimento. Jokio lydinčio dokumento po „testo“ irgi nebuvo gauta. Po kelių savaičių treneriui pranešta, jog „viskas gerai“ – nieko draudžiamo nerasta. Atleto trenerio bandymas federacijos Valdyboje iškelti ir svarstyti šį klausimą, apčiuopiamų rezultatų irgi nedavė, nes nesugebėta (greičiau – net nenorėta (?!) išsiaiškinti, ar tokie veiksmai atitinka dopingo kontrolės procedūros aprašą ir taisykles. Galiausiai „įjungus durniuką“ visa tai buvo „numuilinta“... Kultūrizmo bendruomenės nariai citavo ir viešus tokių „dopingo testų” iniciatoriaus žodžius, kad „ant dopingo bus tikrinami visi, kurie uždavinės klausimus”….Užsiminta, jog ir Lietuvos antidopingo agentūroje turima „savų žmonių“, ir kad žinoma iš kokio numerio buvo skambinama į agentūrą...Ir išties, norėdami sužinoti, kaip visa tai dera su teisiniais dalykais, treneriai skambino į LAA, tačiau reakcijos iš agentūros...nebuvo. Girdint panašias, prisipažinsiu, skambančias fantasmagoriškai, istorijas, beliko sužinoti, kaip tokią Tauragėje vykusią „dopingo kontrolės procedūrą“ reglamentuoja Lietuvos antidopingo agentūros dokumentai, kurių kaip ir privalu laikytis Lietuvos kultūrizmo ir kūno rengybos federacijai. Ir ką sako antidopingo kodekso taisyklės. Taip pat - kaip agentūroje dirbantys profesionalai vertina tokias Federacijoje užgimstančias iniciatyvas? Lakoniškas LAA direktorės, nieko nežinojusios apie tokius „dopingo tyrimus“, atsakymas bylojo, jog svarbiausia dopingo procedūroje yra du dalykai: akredituoti specialistai ir Pasaulinės antidopingo agentūros sertifikuota įranga. Jei šito nėra, kaip kad ir šiuo atveju, tai apie jokius legalius veiksmus negali būti nė kalbos. Tai - paprasčiausia savivalė! Aiškiau nebūna. Tačiau matant, kaip federacijoje buvo „sureaguota“ į tokį rimtą incidentą, nebėra ir abejonių valdybos narių nekompetencija bei neprofesionalumu. Mat šis į jokius rėmus netelpantis atvejas nebuvo ne tik kad deramai išnagrinėtas, bet ir atitinkamai įvertintas!? Kodėl etikos standartus visiems peršančiai federacijai pakeliui su tokiais saviveiklininkais, besivadovaujančiais savo „paniatkėmis“? Nes kai nedaromos išvados, tai pati valdyba, nors ir bando (demagogiškai) deklaruoti kažkokius reputacijos, etikos ar profesionalumo standartus, tampa „vieno artisto teatro“ bendrininke! Gal atsakymas – tiesiog paviršiuje: elgiamasi kaip „šeima“, kur vienas dangsto kitą. Žinia, kad peržengus vertybinį Rubikoną ir taip įrodžius ištikimybę, susaistai save nuožniomis taisyklėmis. Pagrindinė jų yra susijusi su lojalumu pagal „savas-svetimas“ kodą: kas ne „šeimoje“, tas – priešas. Gi „šeimos“ žmonės – neliečiami, kaip ir naujienos apie juos – tik arba „geros“, arba „gražios“. Todėl ir nebestebina, jog vietoje reiklumo sau užsiimama kitokiais „rimtais“ reikalais: bausmių dalinimu už pasakytą „neteisingą“, kritišką ar išprovokuotą išsprūdusį žodį, įžeistą „karalienišką“ savimeilę ir pan. Tada ir visa kita atrodo kaip neverta dėmesio „smulkmė”, o esant garantuotam „šeimos“ pritarimui ir nebaudžiamumui, ne kurie kultūrizmo „dievai“ jau nesibodi ginkluotis…švirkštais. Po tokios dvigubų standartų dozės su „nepastebėtu“ rąstu savo akyje, atėjo ir federacijos įstatų eilė, bandant ypatingos skubos tvarka, be atitinkamų argumentuotų išaiškinimų ir išdiskutuotų formuluočių, prastumti naują federacijos įstatų redakciją. Taip siekiant įteisinti „paniatkes“, padėsiančias galutinai užčiaupti bei išguiti nepriklausančius „šeimai“. Jau vien ko vertas „perliukas“, kai dėl narystės federacijoje reikės „rekomendacijų“. Taip desperatiškai bandoma kurti užtvaras naujiems galimai „nelojaliems“. Tuo pat metu tęsiant, kaip ir anksčiau, bandymus išeliminuoti iš organizacijos nepatogius vadovybei asmenis, tam pasitelkiant „krislo“ kitų akyse bei „nelojalumo“ įrodymų paieškas ir taip siekiant vieno - bet kokia kaina išsilaikyti valdžioje. Tuo pat metu pradeda lįsti ir finansiniai interesai. Akivaizdu: trūksta elementaraus suvokimo, jog tik demokratiniu būdu išsakant ir keičiantis nuomonėmis, išklausant ir priimant kritiką, sutarimu ir kompromisų paieška, o ne „karų“ kurstymu galima mažinti priešpriešą bei susiskaldymą. Ir taip visiems kartu judėti pirmyn. Kai prasmė – noras rasti susitarimą neaštrinant santykių. Dabar vietoje šito – „putinšenko“ ideologija grįstos kreivų veidrodžių karalystės kūrimas, kur tylėjimas, baimė ir nuolankumas – siekiamybė, kaip ir akcijos prieš kitaip mąstančius (t.y. nelojalius), juodieji sąrašai, „banai“ socialiniuose tinkluose, asmeniškumai, kompromato rinkimas, spaudimas ir kitos panašios priemonės. Juokaujama, jog jei jau ne kurios „užsikompleksavusios moterėlės užsiraukė – tai čia visam likusiam gyvenimui“? Sakoma, jog norint pamatyti tikrąjį veidą, duok žmogui paragauti valdžios ir (ar) pinigų. Būtent tokios transformacijos dabar stebimos federacijoje. Žinia, jog mus visur lydi pasirinkimai. Tačiau ar šiandien pasirinktas toks federacijos veikimo modelis jau neprimena juodojo humoro komedijos „Zero“ veikėjų, persirengusių iš po skverno nusipirktomis policininkų uniformomis ir taip įvedinėjančių savo „tvarką bei taisykles”. Pasirinkimą, ar jiems pakeliui su panašių „vertybių“ propaguotojais, visada turi ir federacijos nariai. Arūnas Petraitis, 2021 05 20”.
2022. WORLD BODYBUILDING TODAY. CONTEMPORARY BODYBUILDING IS NOT A SPORT. Today bodybuilding moves fastly. Many new organizations appear, many private businessmen are cheating bodybuilders and organize contests with „great names“. They have no history. Now bodybuilding is only business and commerce. It has nothing to do with real sport HOW IT STARTED. Bodybuilding became a recognized sport in 1947. Then during more than twenty years through A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) and F.I.H.C. (F.I.H., Federation Internationale Halterophile; now I.W.F., International Weightlifting Federation); the „Father of the USA Weightlifting“ BOB HOFFMAN ruled the World‘s bodybuilding sport. . Through the F.I.H.C. behind BOB HOFFMAN was I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). F.I.H.C. organized bodybuilding World and Continent Championships, the International „Universe“ contests. The first F.I.H.C. „Universe“ was organized in 1947 in the US, the second during the 1948 Olympic Games in London. KNOCKING AT THE I.O.C. DOORS. For over twenty years due to the efforts of BOB HOFFMAN bodybuilding was the officially recognized sport. Basing on the F.I.H.C. BOB HOFFMAN developed plans about the bodybuilding to become an Olympic kind of sport. For long time the I.O.C. President AVERY BRUNDAGE was supporting the work of BOB HOFFMAN. At that time bodybuilders were respected and they were really proud of bodybuilding. Businessmen like BEN and JOE WEDER brothers were envying BOB HOFFMAN but due to his official position could not be equal to him. BOB HOFFMAN was not only a respectful sport Leader and Trainer. He was a successfull businessman. He was producung sport equiment, proteins. He was issuing sport books and magazines. Also BOB HOFFMAN was financially supporting many sportsmen. BOB HOFFMAN used to bring best USA weightlifters and bodybuilders to the highest level International contests. It was because of his efforts that for several decades N.A.B.B.A. in Europe had the best USA bodybuilders at the „Universe“ competition. During the „cold war“ it was BOB HOFFMAN who organized the F.I.H.C. bodybuilding „Mr. Universe“ in the Socialist Warszawa (Poland) in 1959. The contest was held together with the F.I.H.C. Weightlifting World Championship. Then the Socialist people saw „live“ best World‘s bodybuilders first time. The bodybuilding sport started it‘s road to the Socialist World then. OVERTHROW IN WORLD BODYBUILDING. In 1969 F.I.H.C. stopped supporting bodybuilding. Until now nuobody knows the reason why the General Secretary of F.I.H.C. British OSCAR STATE initiated to change the order and life of the World bodybuilding sport. Though OSCAR STATE worked together in F.I.H.C. with BOB HOFFMAN for many years - to do this he neglected A.A.U. and he had chosen JOE and BEN WEIDER brothers who were running their private I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) Company. Going the official way the private I.F.B.B. Company was a zero value. The officially registered International Sport federation was the only way to go. OSCAR STATE made the WEIDER to use his plan. It was OSCAR STATE who wrote the I.F.B.B. Constitution. Then in 1970 in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) the real I.F.B.B. as sport federation was born. OSCAR STATE knew very well that the federation ment not so much. It needed the membership in G.A.I.S.F. (General Association of International Sports Federations). OSCAR STATE initiated that WEIDER brothers secretly from other International Bodybuilding Organizations (like A.A.U. and N.A.B.B.A.) addressed the G.A.I.S.F. for membership. In 1971 the I.F.B.B. got the G.A.I.S.F. membership. Then all other International bodybuilding leaders and organizations were awakened. It was too late. Rules of G.A.I.SF. declared that only one International federation can represent one kind of sport. The doors of the G.A.I.S.F. were closed for others. World bodybuilding leaders reacted very negatively to this and we will explain about this in our next item of this article soon. CONGRESS TO STOP I.F.B.B. MEMBERSHIP IN G.A.I.S.F.. In 1972 in Kansas State A.A.U. International Congress was held. The Congress was to discuss the I.F.B.B. membership in G.A.I.S.F.. I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER was among the participants of the event. Many well known International Bodybuilding Leaders were against the I.F.B.B. membership in G.A.I.S.F.. They wanted the I.F.B.B. out of the G.A.I.S.F.. To calm down the emotions unexpectedly BEN WEIDER addressed the Congress saying that I.F.B.B. will join the A.A.U.. By voting the BEN WEIDERS decision was supported only by two participants of the Congress. I.F.B.B. could not enter the A.A.U.. Finally the opposition of the WEDER brothers JOE and BEN could not control the situation. BOB HOFFMAN lost and that was the hardest problem of his life. I.F.B.B. FINANCES. Being a member of G.A.I.S.F. the I.F.B.B. received not only recognition. G.A.I.S.F. made a possibility for the I.F.B.B. to get governmental money from previous Communist Countries and the Countries of the „Third World“. The mentioned countries basing on membership in W.A.D.A. still finance the I.F.B.B. activities. Aiming to enlarge their business profits the WEIDER brothers JOE nad BEN were seeking for I.F.B.B. the recognition of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee). Ending the last century the I.O.C. gave for the I.F.B.B. a two years trial. Very soon after attending I.F.B.B. contests the I.O.C. refused to recognize the I.F.B.B. and stopped any relations with it. Seeng no future in bodybuilding business WEIDER brothers sold the I.F.B.B., the „Olympia“ contest, all magazines and other activities connected with sport. International dissorder in bodybuilding started. In October, 2022 W.A.D.A. (World Anti_Doping Agency)stopped working with the I.F.B.B.. This means that the above mentioned previous Communist Countries and the Countries of the „Third World“ will stop financing the I.F.B.B. federation soon. There are many reasons. For example, at the 2002 I.F.B.B. World Championship (Cairo, Egypt) W.A.D.A. controlled thirty five finalists. Twenty eight of thirty five bodybuilders were positive with doping... (Article will be continued) INFORMATION. More detailed information on the Global International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U., www.isuniversity.lt), W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
2023. I.F.B.B. PLAY FINANCIAL GAMES. WHICH COUNTRIES THROW STATE MONEY FOR I.F.B.B.? The tradition to give money for bodybuilding comes from the F.I.H.C. (Federation Internationale Halterophile et Culturiste) times. Then due to the efforts of the American BOB HOFFMAN (Robert Collins Hoffman, 1898 - 1985 m.) official World bodybuilding sport for more than twenty years was rulled by the F.I.H.C.. At that time F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee) and it‘s activities were accepted and respected through the World. That was the „Golden Age“ for official bodybuilding sport. Nearly all World‘s National Bodybuilding Organizations were a part of the National Weightlifting Federations and all of them were financed by their Governments. We mean official recognized bodybuilding sport only. In 1969 F.I.H.C. stopped ruling World‘s bodybuilding. Then in 1970 in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) sport federation was set. Until this time the I.F.B.B. was a private commercial company only, not a sport federation. In 1971 I.F.B.B. became a member of the G.A.I.S.F. (General Association of International Sports Federations) and this gave it the official recognition. I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER was seeking the I.O.C. membership. In 1998 the I.O.C. gave the I.F.B.B. a two year‘s trial time. Received more information about the I.F.B.B. federetaion the I.O.C. refused to recognize the I.F.B.B.. In 2008 and in 2015 the I.F.B.B. was split with scandals. Now the I.F.B.B. is rulled by the Spanish RAFAEL SANTONJA. Since F.I.H.C. and G.A.I.S.F. times bodybuilding is still financed by a number of countries. The countries are very specific: only post Socialist Countries and the Asian ones. Democratic countries never supported or financed bodybuilding. On the other hand some countries take actions against bodybuilding (for example UK and Scandinavia countries). Many National Bodybuilding Federations of Asia Countries are still a part of the National Weightlifting Federations. This gives them possibility to get governmental financing. They present themselves as bodybuilfing federations but they are a part of their National Weightlifting. It gives them priorities as all National Asia Weightlifting Federations are members of the Asia Olympic Committee and this is the way to receive governmental money. 2023 SERBIA NEWS. We received some news from Serbia. I.F.B.B. Serbia receives comparitivelly big money from the Serbia Ministry of Sport. Part of the polititians and journalists do not like this and protest. The reason of the protest is clear – on September 23, 2022 W.A.D.A. (World Anti Doping Agency) refused to work together with the I.F.B.B.. W.A.D.A. informes officially that „the I.F.B.B. is non complaint World Anti-Doping Code“). 2023 I.F.B.B. WORLD EVENT IN LATVIA. Some time ago the I.F.B.B. Latvia organized a World level contest. The money was spent very big for the hall of the event, prizes and medals, decorations. Unfortunatelly there were only few athlets representing six countries participating and those countries were from post Socialist World. What of this thinks Ministry of Sport of Latvia? Next year the tradition of this ridiculous event goes to Lithuania. 2023 I.F.B.B. EVENT IN LITHUANIA. Some time ago the I.F.B.B. Lithuania organized a contest in a City of Kedainiai. The hall was tremendous, prizes, cups etc. were superious. Big money was spent on this. But there were only few participants and there were in a huge hall only several spectators. The spectators were only the trainers and family members of the participating sportsmen. What of this thinks Ministry of Sport of Lithuania? INFORMATION. More detailed information on the Global International Site www.wff.lt, see forum topics. Also information available on the Facebook pages: W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. North America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. South America, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Europe, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Africa, W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Asia Continental Federation, International Sport University (I.S.U., www.isuniversity.lt), W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. Pro Division, W.P.S.F. World Power Sports Federation.
Lots of bodybuilding federations today fool athletes and international sport society. It seems that athletes do not think at all. We will try to explain the essence and make clever people start thinking.
Try to get the answers:
- What is bodybuilding sport today?
- Why there are so many federations?
- What is an International federation?
- What are strategic aims of any federation?
Soon our analytical article will give answers to these questions. Follow International Page www.wff.lt
During the years there were lots of tales told about I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders). Still many people believe those tales... During the last thirty years we were writing about the I.F.B.B. many times. Now working on the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма») we will discuss the I.F.B.B. again. There were many discussions about ther I.F.B.B. before. The image of I.F.B.B. was finally ruined after the second split of the I.F.B.B. in 2008 - 2009 (third I.F.B.B. split happened in 2015 - 2016). Then a fierce war started between the new I.F.B.B. President RAFAEL SANTONJA (Spain) on the one side and the I.F.B.B. lower and financist ALEX BAUER (Austria) and PAUL CHUA (Singapore) on the other side. There was a court trial in London (UK) which RAFAEL SANTONJA lost. You still can see how I.F.B.B. documents show it‘s pompastic low image. The tales were finally stopped when the I.F.B.B. Vice President PAUL CHUA sent to the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS nearly 600 I.F.B.B. documents (over 2 000 pages totally) and asked to publish them on our International Page www.wff.lt . It was done then. Now basing on the I.F.B.B. documents slowly step by step we will cover I.F.B.B. topic again.
Lots of bodybuilding federations today fool athletes and international sport society. It seems that athletes do not think at all. We will try to explain the essence and make clever people start thinking.
Try to get the answers:
- What is bodybuilding sport today?
- Why there are so many federations?
- What is an International federation?
- What are strategic aims of any federation?
Soon our analytical article will give answers to these questions. Follow International Page www.wff.lt
During the years there were lots of tales told about I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders). Still many people believe those tales... During the last thirty years we were writing about the I.F.B.B. many times. Now working on the „World Bodybuilding Encyclopedia“ («Энциклопедия всемирного культуризма») we will discuss the I.F.B.B. again. There were many discussions about ther I.F.B.B. before. The image of I.F.B.B. was finally ruined after the second split of the I.F.B.B. in 2008 - 2009 (third I.F.B.B. split happened in 2015 - 2016). Then a fierce war started between the new I.F.B.B. President RAFAEL SANTONJA (Spain) on the one side and the I.F.B.B. lower and financist ALEX BAUER (Austria) and PAUL CHUA (Singapore) on the other side. There was a court trial in London (UK) which RAFAEL SANTONJA lost. You still can see how I.F.B.B. documents show it‘s pompastic low image. The tales were finally stopped when the I.F.B.B. Vice President PAUL CHUA sent to the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS nearly 600 I.F.B.B. documents (over 2 000 pages totally) and asked to publish them on our International Page www.wff.lt . It was done then. Now basing on the I.F.B.B. documents slowly step by step we will cover I.F.B.B. topic again.
Working since 1968 W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. (World Fitness Federation, World Body Building Federation) International unites today members from 141 Countries. Some time ago Bahrain joined the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. .In difference to other International Bodybuilding Structures under the leadership of W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. President DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. International seeks recognition of the U.N. (United Nations), I.O.C. (International Olympic Committee) and W.A.D.A. (World Anti Doping Agency). W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. knows the way to reach these goals. Under the basis of the W.F.F. – W.B.B.F. the International Sport University (I.S.U.) was created in 2015. Since 2017 the I.S.U. university is an associated member of the U.N.E.S.C.O. organization which works under the U.N..
We will not speak about other federations. Concerning real recognized sport their activities are of zero value. Zero... We mean real SPORT and nothing else. Every day appear some new „international federations“... They have never been in real recognized sport and they will never be there. What are the „great“ aims of these federations? Can anybody say? Why these federations live and what they want?
If You want official bodybuilding sport – there was F.I.H.C. (Fédération Internationale Haltérophile et Culturiste) which ruled official bodybuilding sport in the World. Since 1947 until 1969 due to efforts of American BOB HOFFMAN (Robert Collins Hoffman, 1898 - 1985) through the F.I.H.C. federation bodybuilding was an officially recognized sport and it was very close to be Olympic. Since 1971 until 1998 F.I.H.C. was replaced by the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders). If You want real big not recognized anytime anywhere muscle battle – since 1950 You have N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association). What else a bodybuilder could dream of? Why appeared so many „mickey – mouse“ federations? Let us take as an example Lithuanian Republic. There are representatives of several „mickey – mouse“ federations. They make various festivals and they are proud of this. Where it could lead? To the festivals in other countries? Are they participant bodybuilders or they are „singers and dancers“ of the „song and dance festivals“? What is the official status of these federations? What is official status of their festivals? Really it is not sport.
For example, let us speak of last forty years of the Independent Lithuania Republic. What are the Great Bodybuilding Names of that period? That are the only ones – I.F.B.B. Over All World Champions NATALIJA MURNIKOVIENE, ROLANDAS BUCINSKAS, ROLANDAS POCIUS and OLEG ZUR. Disaster came to this sport when twenty years ago WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN left bodybuilding. All contemporary „World Champions“ can not be compared to any of the mentioned bodybuilders. During the „Weider times“ bodybuilding was sport since 1971 until 1998. It was recognized sport. Now – not! Sport is finished for all times. The above mentioned Lithuanian bodybuilders were representing sport and their achievements were official. Today’s I.F.B.B. “world champions” are of zero value if we speak about sport. The aim of contemporary National I.F.B.B. federation is to go on fooling Ministry of Sport of Lithuania and this way go on receiving governmental money for their activities. And their activities according the I.O.C. official statement already long ago are not sport anymore. Nobody knows the names of today’s “world champions”. Nobody even tries to know.
F.I.H.C. was a member of the I.O.C. and it influenced the „U.S.S.R. Sport Ministry“ («Министерство спорта С.С.С.Р.») to set the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“ (Comission, «Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») in 1963. The federation was set at the „U.S.S.R. Weightlifting Federation“ («Федерация тяжёлой атлетики С.С.С.Р.»). After 1973 bodybuilding prohibition in the U.S.S.R. and Socialist Countries bodybuilding was prosecuted for twenty years. During this time in the „Western World“ official recognized bodybuilding sport was led by the I.F.B.B. and not recognized bodybuilding activities were ruled by N.A.B.B.A.. at the same time in the Socialist World public U.S.S.R. bodybuilding lived and survived in the Estonian SSR only through „Georg Tenno Memorial“ («Мемориал Георга Тенно», 1971 - 2024) contest organized by INNAR MARDO (Иннар Мардо, 1945 – 2002) and in the Lithuanian SSR only through the „Amber Prix International“ („Gintarinio prizo“ «Янтарный приз», 1968 - 2024) organized by DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. During the prohibition years for political reasons it was not possible to set any International Bodybuilding Organization in the U.S.S.R.. Nevertheless DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS initiated official registration of „Klaipeda Bodybuilding Federation“ („Klaipėdos kultūrizmo federacija“, «Федерация культуризма г. Клайпеда»). It was registered at the governmental „Klaipeda Sport Committee“ („Kūno kultūros ir sporto komitetas“, «Комитет физкультуры и спорта г. Клайпеда»). In all U.S.S.R bodybuilding was prohibited and at the same time in Klaipeda bodybuilding was allowed. For many years „Klaipeda Bodybuilding Federation“ was the only one officially registered bodybuilding federation in the U.S.S.R.. This was the reason that all World‘s Bodybuilding leaders were in touch and correspondence with DSc. EDMUNDAS DAUBARAS. That were I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER, N.A.B.B.A. (National Amateur Body Building Association) Chairman OSCAR HEIDENSTAM and W.A.B.B.A. (World Amateur Body Building Association) President SERGE NUBRET. Detailed articles on the topic are at the International Page www.wff.lt .
In 1970 F.I.H.C. General Secretary British OSCAR STATE created the I.F.B.B. (International Federation of Body Builders) sport federation in Belgrade (Yugoslavia). Until 1970 I.F.B.B. was just a private commercial company, not sport federation. In 1971 again OSCAR STATE opened doors of G.A.I.S.F. (Global Association of International Sports Federations) to the I.F.B.B.. This way from and after the F.I.H.C. the I.F.B.B. took ruling leadership of the International official sport of bodybuilding. International sport was in shock. Soon in the USA was organized the A.A.U. International Council to stop I.F.B.B. membership in G.A.I.S.F.. I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER was present there. He was ready to join the A.A.U. with his new I.F.B.B.. The delegates did not listen to BEN WEIDER and voted not to let him to speak.
Fall of bodybuilding sport started in 1998 when after two years trial I.O.C. refused to recognize the I.F.B.B. federation and bodybuilding sport in general. Bodybuilding was thrown out of the officially recognized sports. Seeing no future WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN sold the I.F.B.B. federation, „Olympia“ contest and all their magazines. In 2008 I.F.B.B. split. I.F.B.B. Vice President PAUL CHUA (Singapore) left the I.F.B.B. of RAFAEL SANTONJA. PAUL CHUA took forty Asia Countries with him. Then PAUL CHUA and the Lower and financist of I.F.B.B. ALEX BAUER published I.F.B.B. juridical and finance documents. There was a big scandal about it. PAUL CHUA and RAFAEL SANTONJA met at International Court of London (UK) where RAFAEL SANTAONJA lost the case. In 2015 I.F.B.B. split again. During N.P.C. (National Physique Committee) professional contest I.F.B.B. President RAFAEL SANTONJA was offended and left America with tears. After this he never came to America again. So after 2015 N.P.C. of JIM MANION came to International Bodybuilding Stage. Since that time because of fierce fight between RAFAEL SANTONJA and JIM MANION bodybuilding sport was finished in total. There is no sport of bodybuilding today any more. Along to this the I.F.B.B. commercial company still goes on working. Nobody is interested in sport – only money... In 2023 G.A.I.S.F. (Global Association of International Sports Federations) was closed and I.F.B.B. lost it‘s last formal officiality. For many years I.F.B.B. propaganda was based only on G.A.I.S.F.. In 2023 W.A.D.A. declared stopping work with I.F.B.B..
Those who are interested in real World bodybuilding history can read in various languages historic articles on International Page www.wff.lt .
During the times of WEIDER brothers JOE and BEN the I.F.B.B. was seeking Olympic (I.O.C.) recognition. The game of money flows between the I.F.B.B. sport federation and the I.F.B.B. commercial company was active. Now this game is not needed any more when bodybuilding is no more recognized sport. The I.F.B.B. crisis of 1990 was gone when many Socialist Countries joined the I.F.B.B.. It was not an ordinary joining. Socialist Countries came with governmental money. During all history of bodybuilding Ministries of Sport of any democratic country never supported financially bodybuilding. The exception was when World‘s bodybuilding sport was led by the F.I.H.C. federation which was I.O.C. member. Another case was when the „U.S.S.R. Bodybuilding Federation“( «Федерация культуризма С.С.С.Р.») was set in 1987. Then bodybuilding sport got governmental recognition and governmental money. All other Socialist Countries did the same. Even now when bodybuilding is not sport any more former Socialist Countries use to finance national bodybuilding federations with governmental money. Except this - governmental money still comes to the I.F.B.B. through Asia Countries. Basic reason is that from the old F.I.H.C. times Asia bodybuilding federations are under national weightlifting federations which are I.O.C. members. Only this. There are no more sources of governmental money in the I.F.B.B.. We are sure that when National Sport Ministries will learn the truth about the I.F.B.B. the governmental financing will be stopped. During the last years on national governmental money I.F.B.B. makes comedy „world championships“, like it was in Latvia and Lithuania. Also remember big scandal about the I.F.B.B. Asia Championship in India with 5-6 Countries participating... Some time ago a big scandal was in Ukraine. The Ukraine I.F.B.B. President IGOR DELIJEV (Делиев Игорь) disappeared with five hundred thousand US dollars governmental bodybuilding support. Also let us remember big scandals with the RAFAEL SANTONJA‘s assistant Polish PAWEL FILEBORN.
Under the leadership of JIM MANION in 1983 some A.A.U. bodybuilders left the organization. For long years A.A.U. was supported by the USA Sport Ministry and the USA Olympic Committee. In 1983 JIM MANION set his private company N.P.C.. Until that time there was a fierce fight between I.F.B.B. and A.A.U.. In 1983 I.F.B.B. President BEN WEIDER and the owner of the new N.P.C. JIM MANION agreed to divide the bodybuilding world. It was like 1939 agreement between ADOLF HITLER and Communist STALIN. Amateur bodybuilding in the USA went to JIM MANION, the rest of the World went to the G.A.I.S.F. member I.F.B.B. of BEN WEIDER. Professional bodybuilding as a private commercial activity went to JOE WEIDER. He continued his private “Olympia” competition which always had nothing to do with official recognized bodybuilding sport. That was the game of WEIDER brothers. JIM MANION kept his promise and never touched any questions of his agreement with BEN WEIDER. When WEIDER brothers left bodybuilding and passed away JIM MANION changed his mind. In 2015 during a professional contest in the USA I.F.B.B. President RAFAEL SANTONJA was offended and left America forever. So aiming to finish the I.F.B.B. of RAFAEL SANTONJA now N.P.C. goes aggressively through the World.
Today the I.F.B.B. and N.P.C. make many festivals around the World. Yes, festivals, not competitions. Sport is finished and forgotten. N.P.C. play games with „Olympia“ festivals and I.F.B.B. play with „Arnold Classic“ festivals. RAFAEL SANTONJA is hiding behind the name of ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. These festivals have nothing connected with real recognized sport. We can say they are like “festivals of dancers and singers” but not sport. Fine – if bodybuilders like it. No International Official Sport Organizations see there any sport. No serious Institutions of any Country recognize them as sport. Long ago CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS came to America and used to change various worthless things to real gold with local Indians. Now the N.P.C. and I.F.B.B. festival organizers do the same. Bodybuilders are fooled. They forgot the sport and started being “singers” and “dancers”…
Analyzing today‘s situation we can underline that the officially recognized „Socialist“ bodybuilding of eighties of the last Century was very close to the International Sport Standards and it could lead bodybuilding even to Olympics. Then bodybuilders thought, made decisions and saw real goals of the future. The movement was based on the theoretical and practical works of the leaders of famous „Vilnius Bodybuilding School“ («Вильнюсская школа культуризма», “Vilniaus kultūrizmo mokykla”) CESLAV TAMULEVIC (Чеслав Тамулевич) and VITALIJ ASOVSKIJ (Виталий Асовский). At that time contest halls were full of spectators. Now nobody goes to watch bodybuilding competitions – they are boring and not interesting. Contemporary bodybuilders can only dream about normal relations with society. Comparing with that mentioned above time even today bodybuilding is at the very primitive level. Joining the „Western“ bodybuilding „Socialist“ bodybuilding lost it‘s identity and nice future and it was eaten by „West“ organizers.
We do not say that bodybuilders are stupid. Bodybuilders do not think and do not see the essence. Look around and start thinking!
More important news You can find in various languages at the International Page www.wff.lt